How do I show a collaborative playlist on my profile?

How to create a collaborative playlist on Spotify

Maggie Tillman, US contributing editor · 15 October 2021 ·

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(Pocket-lint) - Spotify offers a collaborative playlist feature that makes it easy to invite others to join a playlist and add to tracks to it. Here's everything you need to know about collaborative playlists on Spotify, including how to make one.

About Collaborating a Playlist on Spotify

Making a playlist collaborative essentially opens modification options to the public. Anyone who reaches your playlist can add, remove, and reorder tracks in it. However, collaborative playlists aren’t visible in search results. This is a security measure to keep the playlist from falling into unwelcomed hands.

The owner of the collab playlist would have to share the link to the playlist. The link may be further circulated to invite more participants. A collaborative playlist opens to participation only via the playlist’s link. The owner can make a collaborative playlist non-collaborative at any time – and the participant’s tracks would become the owner’s.

You cannot have a collaborative playlist displayed on your profile. You cannot make a public playlist collaborative, as you’ll lose the option to make a playlist public when you make it collaborative. They’re mutually exclusive. This is most probably a feature to help protect a collaborative playlist from random participation.

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You can only make playlists created by you, collaborative.

How to make a Collaborative Spotify playlist

You can make a Collaborative playlist in both the mobile and desktop apps. You don't need a Premium subscription.

1. Open Spotify and start a new playlist, or open one you already have that you want to make Collaborative.

Quick tip: You have to be the playlist's owner to make it Collaborative. Playlists that others made but you added to your library won't work.

2. Click or tap the three dot icon underneath the playlist's name and picture, then select Make Collaborative or Collaborative playlist.

Open the playlist's options menu and select the "Collaborative" option.Spotify; William Antonelli/Insider

You've now got a Collaborative playlist. If you ever want to make it private again, just go through the same steps.

Once your playlist is Collaborative, you can share it with other people.

3. Click or tap the three dot icon again and select Share, then pick how you want to share it. The simplest option is just Copy Link, which lets you share a direct link using whatever app or messaging program you want.

All you need is a link to the playlist.Spotify; William Antonelli/Insider

What happens when you make a playlist collaborative?

Team up to make the ultimate playlist. Make any playlist Collaborative to let your friends add, remove, and reorder tracks. ... Share the playlist with your friends.

Are Spotify collaborative playlists private?

One drawback of this feature is that public collaborative playlists will allow anyone on Spotify the ability to add songs to it. ... A playlist can be made private by right clicking the playlist title or using the ellipses button and selecting "Make Secret."

What does it mean when it says collaborative playlist on Spotify?

Collaborative playlists are a great way to swap podcast recommendations, share your latest music discoveries, and build the perfect playlist—together. ... Getting started is easy, whether you're creating from scratch or inviting friends to weigh in on an existing playlist. On your phone or tablet, tap Your Library.