What are the 5 functions basic functions of management?

Management is an exercise to realize the planned goals and objectives of a corporation by managing all the devices of the organization. Management functions include all the managerial exercises from setting objectives to taking essential steps to make sure and defined organizational objectives could be achieved.

These functions of management are essential to make a far better working environment to realize predetermined objectives

The essential process and functions of management are:

  • Planning
  • Organizing
  • Staffing
  • Directing
  • Controlling

What are the 5 functions basic functions of management?

#1 Planning

Planning is deciding beforehand what’s to be done and an intellectual course of action to be taken to realize predetermined goals in time.

Planning can be said the primary function of the management functions. It involves selecting the objectives, policies, procedures, and programs to realize the specified result. it’s a mental exercise and requires intelligence, skill, imagination, and vision.

Planning gives solutions to varied problems which can arise within the course of functioning. It minimizes function uncertainties and risks. It saves, time, cost, and efforts of the organizations. Planning functions include:

  • Setting organization’s objectives
  • Calculating the circumstances
  • Forming policies and procedures
  • Developing work calendar and estimates

#2 Organizing

Another essential function of management is organizing. Organizing is the process of identification of major activities, grouping them into units, assignment of labor to staff, and delegating authority.

Organizing cares with developing the structure and framework and arranging required resources to perform required activities. Resources include human, finance, physical, and knowledge. It defines the authority relationship among the organizational members. Thus, organizing is that the root or base of an enterprise.

It’s the framework where all the mechanisms involved in achieving common objectives are clarified. the main activity of organizing management functions include:

  • Recognizing main activities
  • Arranging them within managerial units
  • Distributing jobs to various departments and workers
  • Authorizing necessary authority to accomplish given duty

#3 Staffing

Staffing is the process of determination of manpower and recruitment, selection, appointment, and placement of the proper employee to the proper job.

Staffing may be a life-blood of an enterprise that mobilizes all the opposite resources for the achievement of common goals. It also involves determining the dimensions of manpower at different levels. Staffing is that the continuous process up to the existence of a corporation. Staffing includes:

  • Planning the total manpower necessity
  • Recruitment, selection, and appointment of the appropriate person to the appropriate position
  • Arranging seminars, workshops, and training to improve workers ability
  • Performance evaluation, promotion, and transfer
  • Remunerating employees by their skill and ability

#4 Directing

The direction may be a complex function that has all those activities that are designed to encourage a subordinate to figure efficiently and effectively. It’s concerned with instructing, guiding, and provoking subordinates to realize organizational objectives. The direction is that the instrument to develop a far better working environment within the organization. The direction functions of management include:


It refers to the direct and immediate guidance to the subordinates to make sure the performance of assigned works. The most motive of supervision, to make sure optimum utilization of human and physical resources so on achieve defined objectives. For this, a supervisor has got to guide subordinates in order that the latter can perform their work effectively. It’s the continual process till the existence of a corporation.


Motivation may be a psychological and human aspect. It’s the method of stimulating subordinate’s behaviors to achieve predetermined goals. It supported needs and human behavior. As social being workers want to satisfy their basic and social needs. They could be motivated by both financial and non-financial incentives.


Leadership is that the art of influencing the behavior and performance of subordinates. It’s the power to influence others to figure willingly to realize the specified goals. An individual is claimed to be a kingpin when he’s ready to influence others and that they accept his guidance, suggestions, and directions. A manager is claimed to be a kingpin of the organization when he or she is successfully ready to influence the attitude and behaviors of the subordinates.


Communication is that the process of transmitting ideas and knowledge from one person to a different. it’s an exchange of facts, ideas, opinions between two or more persons. Communication is claimed to be effective when the message is obvious. An efficient communication system among all the mechanisms of the organization is important for successful operation. There must be an efficient communication system for direct and clear follow of data on various management levels.


Coordination is that the process of integrating all the units and departments of a corporation. it’s the method of the orderly arrangement of group efforts to supply unity of action for the attainment of common goals. Different departments and other people perform different functions in a corporation. But the activities of various departments are interrelated to every other. Thus, coordination among all the departments is important to bring uniformity in action to realize organizational goals

#5 Controlling

From the management functions controlling is on the last. Controlling is the process of comparing actual performance achieved thereupon of planned performance and taking corrective action if any deviation is there during an actual performance in order that defined goals are often achieved in a defined time.

Controlling is that the main instrument with which uniformity in action is maintained. Taking corrective action is important if actual performance isn’t in accordance with the planned performance.

The management executes an idea through control to make sure the achievement of predetermined goals. Therefore, it’s essential to possess an honest controlling system for achieving results consistent with the plan. Controlling functions of management include:

  • Setting standards
  • Measurement of performance
  • Identifying deviation in actual and planned performance
  • Examining the cause of the variation
  • Taking remedial action to obtain planned goals

Every day, managers are tasked with leading and inspiring the people who work under them. This includes planning for team success, and fulfilling what it takes run a business. Five key functions are regarded as the ways that management should lead and interact with team members. From planning to review, the more specific management is, the more effective the business is in achieving goals.

The five key functions of managing are strategic planning, organizing resources, staffing, directing activities and controlling the company's success.

Strategic planning is the process of evaluating the goals of the company and then setting a course for success. This function evaluates the existing activities and goals. Managers then schedule activities that will lead to achieving those goals. Leaders tend to be more strategic: they must become problem solvers able to see the big picture while also identifying specific things that affect overall success. For example, if the goal is to improve the time it takes for customers to get their order fulfilled, then an operational strategy is executed to improve product fulfillment.

The organizing function brings resources together to achieve the goals established in the planning function. Resources include materials, personnel and financial backing. Leaders need to identify what activities are necessary, assign those activities to specific personnel, effectively delegating tasks. Leaders need to coordinate tasks to keep resources moving efficiently toward goals. It is important to prioritize which resources are essential at any given time. For example, if more inventory is needed but the company doesn't have the financial resources to obtain the inventory, then the priority is to tackle the financial need.

When a business is short-handed, it cripples the company's ability to serve customers, and it also overwhelms existing staff. Management needs to identify key staff positions, and to ensure that the proper talent is serving that specific job duty. Once the right staffing structure is established, leaders need training, professional development, pay rates and monitoring performance. Effective leaders are able to develop talent and identify those ready for promotion.

Directing activities is a key function. Letting staff know what needs to be done, and also by when is a responsibility of managers. However, bosses tell people what to do, while leaders motivate people to contribute in meaningful ways. The directing function requires leaders to do more than simply give orders, even though tasks must be completed for business success. This function begins with supervising subordinates while simultaneously motivating teams through guided leadership communicated in clear ways.

Controlling systems refers to all the processes that leaders create to monitor success. Sports coaches have a saying, "Winners keep score," meaning that winners know where they are and know what is necessary to achieve a goal. This business function requires leaders to establish performance standards, measure actual performance and compare the metrics to determine anomalies.

For example, a sales leader is focused on more than only the final sales numbers; he considers the leading activities such as the number of minimum pitches and outbound calls. Leaders review the data and make adjustments in processes, policies, training or personnel to address failures based on that data. Winning leaders don't look at poor performance as failures but as opportunities to solve a problem that gets the desired results.