How to pet a dog you don t know


How to pet a dog you don t know

Jun 3, 2019 | Updated: Jun 8, 2022, 11:04 AM EDT

How to pet a dog you don t know

A good sniff is the first step. / Aleksandr Zotov/iStock via Getty Images

How to pet a dog you don t know
How to pet a dog you don t know
How to pet a dog you don t know

After reading that above headline, you may have thought to yourself, “There’s no right or wrong way to pet a dog. I’ve had dogs my whole life!” It’s true that canines tend to be less persnickety than cats when it comes to human affection, but veterinarians stress that there’s still some etiquette you should follow when petting a dog. This is especially true if it’s a dog you don’t know.

Much like humans, dogs are complex creatures with a wide range of personalities, so it helps to know the basics of dog psychology and body language before approaching that adorable Golden Retriever in the park. The best way to initiate contact with a dog (after getting the owner’s permission, of course) is to reach out and let the dog sniff your hand.

“Dogs live through their olfactory sense much more than their visual one,” Dr. Uri Burstyn, a veterinarian from Vancouver who also educates pet owners on YouTube, told Mental Floss in 2019. Be sure to keep your hands curled, as if you were chopping vegetables, just in case the dog feels threatened and lunges to bite your fingers.

If the dog seems pretty comfortable and doesn’t recoil from your hand, the best place to pet a dog is under the chin. The one thing you should never do is immediately start patting the dog’s head. This can be seen as a dominant, aggressive gesture because dogs generally keep their nose to the ground. If a dog feels something touching the top of his head, he might think it’s a bigger dog attacking him and react in a defensive manner. “There’s an old joke that dogs can’t look up," Dr. Burstyn said. "They can, but hardly ever do.”

Ohio-based veterinary behaviorist Meghan Herron also cautions against touching a strange dog’s belly because it’s such a vulnerable area. In some cases, a dog might reveal his tummy to show that he’s feeling intimidated, and to convey that he’s not a threat. People tend to think this means the dog wants his belly scratched, but that isn’t always the case.

Of course, many dogs are comfortable with these types of interactions—even with strangers—because they’re used to being around people. However, Herron suggests erring on the side of caution. “What I recommend is just to assume they’re not [socialized] and pet them in a way that’s as least threatening as possible,” Herron told Mental Floss in 2019. “Let it be the dog’s choice.”

Aside from these precautions, Burstyn and Herron recommend avoiding sensitive areas, like a dog’s paws or rump. Once you’re on good terms with a dog, try petting areas that are generally considered “good spots,” like the lower back and chest. This will vary depending on the dog, so pay attention to the subtle body cues they're sending you. A wagging tail just means a dog is ready to interact, which could mean that the dog is ready to bite. Instead, look for a dog with a wildly waving "helicopter tail" whose body is wiggly and loose, rather than stiff and rigid, Herron says. These are signs that a dog is happy and comfortable.

Do you have a kitty at home, too? Check out Burstyn’s advice for the right way to hold a cat, or visit his YouTube page for more pet tips.

This story originally ran in 2019; it has been updated for 2021.

How to pet a dog you don t know
How to pet a dog you don t know
How to pet a dog you don t know

How to pet a dog you don t know


When we traveled with Ty and Buster, we were often approached by people who want to meet the dogs. When I’d tell them that Ty was afraid of strangers and preferred to be admired from afar we’d often hear, “That’s okay, I’m a dog person!” The person would then proceed to ignore Ty body language and forget all the etiquette for how to greet a dog.

Even people with the best intentions make mistakes when greeting dogs they don’t know. Keep these tips in mind, and you’re likely to have a lot more furry friends.

Mistakes People Make When Greeting A Dog

There are a litany of offenses that well-meaning humans commit against unsuspecting dogs when they meet for the first time. Who can honestly say they’ve never been guilty of one of these infractions?

1. Neglect to ask the dog’s person for permission to meet their dog.

2. Reach over the dog’s head and pat, pat, pat.

3. Put your face up close to the dog’s face and coo, “Oh, you’re soooo cute.”

4. Spot a dog you want to meet, make direct, unblinking eye contact, and quickly approach the dog making high-pitched vocalizations.

5. See an irresistible bundle of fur and walk up behind the dog to enthusiastically rub his or her cute little rump.

6. Approach a dog by looking directly at her and as you near with your arms extended, clap your hands, or click your fingers right at the dog’s face.

7. Notice a sweet dog laying down, crouch over at the waist, and slowly slink toward the dog with your arm outstretched.

8. Believe that because you love dogs, all dogs love you, too, and that you can forego the formalities that ordinary humans should observe.

I’ve been guilty of several of these infractions … and I’ve been lucky. Any of those situations could have ended badly for me and, even more tragically, for the poor unsuspecting pup.

How to pet a dog you don t know


How Would You Feel?

To understand how these behaviors might be upsetting to a dog, ask a partner to help you. Request that your partner wait until you’ve completely forgotten this conversation, then stare you in the eye while approaching, quickly swish his hand past your eyes, over your forehead, and pat, pat, pat you on the head. (Go on, try it!)

How to pet a dog you don t know

If you have a stealthy partner, you’ll probably duck, twist your face in disgust, and pull away from his reach. If he’s really good he’ll continue to stare, smile, and squeal over how cute you are, and then pat, pat, pat you again.

My guess is that you’ll duck again and backed farther away. You’re likely to experience feelings of annoyance and possibly anger – and you know this person. Imagine if you didn’t!


Respect Canine Customs

Unfortunately, our dogs are often subjected to similarly inappropriate greeting. And then they’re scolded if they respond less than enthusiastically!

Dogs have their own language and protocols for meeting strangers (dogs and people) and, if you’re really a dog person, you’ll respect their preferences. After all, we don’t go to foreign countries and expect the locals to abide by our cultural norms. It’s not fair that the full burden of navigating life with another species should fall entirely on our dogs.

READ MORE ⇒  Tips for Taking Your Pet on a Cross-Country Road Trip

How to pet a dog you don t know

How To Greet A Strange Dog Politely

So, what’s the best way to greet a dog? Start by asking the dog’s person for permission to greet their dog. If they say no, understand that they’re only doing what they believe is best for their pet and don’t take it personally. Assuming they say yes, follow these steps:

1. Don’t approach the dog. Pretend you’re ignoring her and allow the dog to approach you if she’s comfortable and interested.

2. Avert your eyes. Sustained eye contact signals trustworthiness in most Western cultures, but in the dog world it signals aggression.

3. Either stand straight or squat, but do not crouch over the dog.

4. Keep your body loose and relaxed. Putting on an easy smile or slowly blinking your eyelids will signal to the dog that you are not a threat.

5. Turn your body so you are not facing the dog. Again, being face-to-face is considered polite human behavior, but it can signal aggressive intentions to a dog.

6. If you speak, use a calm, reassuring tone.

7. If the dog shows interest by sniffing you with a relaxed posture, easy tail wags (not all wagging is friendly), and perhaps looking at you with soft eyes, then you can slowly offer the dog your hand for investigation.

8.Let the dog sniff your hand, if she wants to, and then gently pet the dog’s shoulder, neck or chest – not on the top of the head.

9. The dog will clearly let you know if she wants more interaction or if she is finished with you. Respect her wishes.

10. For dogs who are deaf or blind, take extra care not to make sudden movements that might startle them.

11. If at any time during the interaction the dog backs away, stop what you are doing.


Passing the Sniff Test

When you greet a dog, remember to watch her body language. Keeping your emotions in check and respecting the dog’s signals will make the interaction a good experience for you both. Do you have any other advice for greeting dogs?

About the Author: Deborah Flick is a pet lover who shares her life with Sadie, a shy and fearful standard poodle. She’s currently working toward a degree at “Sadie’s School for Hapless Humans.”

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