How to dilute hydrogen peroxide for ears

There’s actually some truth to this TikTok trend—when used correctly

If you hop onto TikTok and search for “ear wax removal,” you’ll find billions of videos. Be forewarned: There’s some pretty unappetizing footage of amateurs and experts alike removing ear wax from people’s ears. 

One particularly popular topic of late on TikTok is the possible use of a very common household item to remove ear wax: hydrogen peroxide, which is water with an extra oxygen molecule added to it. But does it really work, and is it safe to use hydrogen peroxide in your ears? Before you pour hydrogen peroxide in your ears, read on. 

RELATED: Follow SingleCare on TikTok

Does hydrogen peroxide dissolve ear wax?

The short answer is yes. 

Your ear naturally cleans itself by producing earwax, a waxy substance also called cerumen. The cerumen is a hydrophobic protective covering in the ear canal. Meaning, it shields the skin of the ear’s external canal from water, infection, trauma, and foreign bodies. As the cerumen moves from inside your ear canal outward, it gathers up any debris in its path, like dead skin cells and dirt, according to Harvard Health Publishing. It protects the inside of your ear canal, and research suggests it has antibacterial and antifungal qualities.

But sometimes your ear can produce more earwax than you’d like. Symptoms of impacted wax are ear fullness, earache, itchiness, dizziness, reflex cough, and tinnitus (ringing of the ears).

Enter hydrogen peroxide. You can place a few drops in your ear canal and wait while it softens and breaks down the wax, while your head is resting on its side (like on the sofa’s armrest). Then you can gently flush your ear canal with warm water to rinse the softened wax out. (It may take a day or two for the wax to soften enough to flush out, according to the Mayo Clinic.)

Is hydrogen peroxide safe for ear wax removal?

If you look at the bottle of hydrogen peroxide that you’ve stashed under your kitchen sink, it may be a 3% version. That means it’s 3% hydrogen peroxide and 97% water. This is the kind that most of us keep around for removing stains and simple cleaning and disinfecting. (Experts do not advise using hydrogen peroxide for cleaning cuts and wounds.)

But Prem Tripathi, MD, a plastic surgeon and otolaryngologist, says he doesn’t really recommend using the full-strength version. Instead he suggests diluting it with an equal amount of water for a 50/50 mix. Then you can use a dropper to carefully drip a few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution in your ear. Otherwise, the undiluted version could be irritating to the skin of your ear canal. 

Hydrogen peroxide is usually not the first treatment that audiologists recommend, according to audiologist Emily Taylor, AuD, owner of the Taylor Listening Center in Baltimore, Maryland. Dr. Taylor notes she recently surveyed a group of 220 fellow audiologists, and nearly 80% of them said they preferred for patients to use an over-the-counter product like Debrox EarWax Removal Drops instead of using hydrogen peroxide for at-home wax removal. 

Debrox uses carbamide peroxide as its active ingredient. (Another similar OTC preparation often used to address earwax buildup is Murine Ear Wax Removal System.) Carbamide peroxide contains hydrogen peroxide and another compound called carbamide, or urea. You’ll hear a bubbling noise inside your ear as the solution tackles your ear wax. Follow the directions on the package of the ear drops, but remember that it may take multiple applications to work, according to Dr. Taylor.

However, in general, most people really don’t need to worry about removing ear wax from their ears, unless they have excessive earwax or a buildup of earwax. You can just use a damp washcloth to gently clean the outer ear. “The average person doesn’t need to do anything,” says Dr. Tripathi.

But if you start sticking things in your ear unnecessarily, you could pay a price. “Everyone tends to overdo ear cleaning,” says Dr. Tripathi. “They scratch their ear canal, and then they get infections.” 

Other home remedies for ear wax

Hydrogen peroxide isn’t the only home remedy for ear wax buildup that lay people recommend. While peroxide is mostly safe, some of these options are frowned upon by physicians. However, there are a couple of home remedies that may not be harmful. 

Ear candling—Unsafe

You may have heard of one popular home remedy for ear wax removal that Dr. Tripathi calls “an absolute no-no”: ear candling. “You’re taking hot wax and you’re filling your ear canal with it,” he says. “The ear canal is thin–it’s some of the thinnest skin anywhere in the body–and if you burn that skin, you can develop a scar…that can cause a ton of problems.” 

The Mayo Clinic confirms that inserting a hollow lit candle in the ear canal is ineffective and potentially dangerous. At best, it can push ear wax further down into the ear canal. But it can also leave candle wax behind in the ear canal, cause burns to the fragile skin, or even cause a puncture or perforation of the eardrum which would cause pain and possible hearing loss. 

Cotton swabs—Unsafe

Another “no-no,” cotton swabs often inadvertently push wax further down into their ear canals when they try to clean their ears with them. You could wind up with what the Cleveland Clinic calls “cerumen impaction.” 

“It typically pushes the wax impaction closer to the eardrum, making it more difficult to remove and much more painful during extraction,” says Dr. Taylor.

Mineral oil—Maybe safe

Some people’s ears are dry and itchy. A few drops of mineral oil might provide a little relief without causing harm, says Dr. Tripathi. A few drops of baby oil can achieve pretty much the same result. But if you have a hole in your ear drum or other issues with your ear canal, steer clear of this home remedy.

Salt water—Safe

You can also use a bulb syringe for gently rinsing or flushing out your ear canal with lukewarm water or saline solution. 

When to see a doctor for ear wax

Got an earwax blockage? See your doctor for an ear exam. They’ll choose an appropriate method to remove the impacted wax, which may include ear canal irrigation or the use of a curette, which is a long thin tool with a small scoop on one end. Otoscopes are a helpful instrument doctors use to view the external ear canal and this can help them remove wax safely.

“A patient should see a healthcare provider if they want a safe and effective way of removing a wax impaction quickly,” says Dr. Taylor. You should also check with your doctor if you try a home remedy, including hydrogen peroxide, and your ear hurts afterward. 

If your child has ear tubes, don’t take matters into your own hands: Seek medical advice if they’re having any trouble with their ears. “Children with tubes cannot get liquid in their ears,” explains Dr. Taylor. “So this is a big contraindication for using peroxide or any other drop in the ear. This also goes for adults with perforated ear drums.”

People who wear hearing aids don’t need to take any special precautions, according to Dr. Taylor. “They typically have the best follow-up care because they are seen on a regular basis for hearing aid checks where otoscopy is always performed and the wax is removed if needed,” she says. However, you should consult your healthcare provider if you notice any of the following:

  • You’re experiencing hearing loss, especially sudden hearing loss
  • Ear pain on one side that’s not going away
  • Dizziness or balance problems

If you develop tinnitus in either of your ears, that’s another reason to see your doctor. Tinnitus is ringing in your ears that only you can hear–that is, there’s no external sounds causing the noise. According to the American Tinnitus Association, it can be quite distracting and may even cause sleep loss, irritability, mood swings and other symptoms that can degrade your quality of life. 

How to dilute hydrogen peroxide for ears

Since hydrogen peroxide is potent at breaking down earwax, it is a popular ingredient in ear drops. However, overuse of this chemical can cause ear pain and inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide is a popular ingredient in ear drops used to treat ear infections and earwax removal (cerumen). It is safe when used carefully as directed by your healthcare provider. However, the use of this chemical must be restricted to the prescribed concentration and frequency.

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent oxidizing agent and may cause skin irritation and rashes in some people, especially when used at high concentrations. At concentrations over 10 percent, it can even cause burns and blistering. Overuse of hydrogen peroxide can also cause ear pain and inflammation.

Other side effects of excessive hydrogen peroxide use include:

Additionally, hydrogen peroxide may cause residual bubbling in the ears that can interfere with ear examinations. So, avoid using this chemical if you have an ear infection or a perforated eardrum unless your doctor asks you to do so.

How do you use hydrogen peroxide to remove earwax?

Hydrogen peroxide is a potent cerumenolytic agent (chemicals that break down ear wax and help remove it). When using this chemical to remove earwax, consider the following: 

Things you need:

  • Three percent hydrogen peroxide solution
  • A medicine dropper
  • A soft cloth or a towel

How to use hydrogen peroxide in the ear:

  1. Fill a small amount of three percent hydrogen peroxide in a medicine dropper.
  2. Tilt your head to one side and add two to three drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ear with the help of the dropper. You may get help from someone to do this.
  3. Keep your head tilted so the ear in which you dropped the solution stays upright.
  4. Stay in this position for four to five minutes. You may feel some fizzing in the affected ear as the wax gets dissolved in the peroxide solution.
  5. Slowly turn your head against the soft cloth or towel to drain out the solution and excess earwax.
  6. Clean your ear with a soft cloth or a hand towel. Ensure that you dry the outer ear with a clean cloth or towel.

What are some other ways to clean earwax at home?

Generally, cleaning your ears is not needed because they can clean themselves. Earwax is a protective substance produced within the ear that serves several important functions, such as preventing inner ear infections, acting as a natural moisturizer, and trapping dust and dirt. The wax migrates from deep inside the ear canal to the outside on its own. 

Nonetheless, some people have more earwax production that poses problems, such as a sensation of ear fullness, muffled hearing, dizziness, and tinnitus. The safest way to remove this ear wax is by consulting with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor.

There are, however, some home remedies to remove ear wax, such as:

  • Popping the ears (Valsalva maneuver): For performing the Valsalva maneuver, you must plug your nose with your fingers and blow out while keeping the lips closed and cheeks puffed. This maneuver will cause an instant “popping” sensation and provide relief for stuffy or clogged ears.
  • Ear irrigation: One can try an over-the-counter ear irrigation kit, although it should be done carefully by following every provided instruction. Ear irrigation should not be done if the person had recent ear surgery or an active ear infection. The kit can be used two or three times a day or as instructed by your healthcare provider.
  • Warm compression: Steam or warm compress may be used to help unclog the ears. For this, you may place a warm compress on the affected ear to let the steam get inside. Taking a hot shower for 10 to 15 minutes may also serve the same purpose.
  • Oil drops: You can use oils available at home, such as olive, baby, or mineral oil to clear the clogged ears. Use any of these oils at lukewarm temperatures and add two to three drops to the affected ear. Tilt your head for 15 to 20 seconds. Wipe the ear and repeat two to three times to remove the collected wax. Frequent use of oil drops is not recommended because it may cause fungal infections of the ear.
  • Over-the-counter nasal decongestants: They may provide relief from clogged ears, especially when you have nasal or sinus inflammation. Over-the-counter ear drops may also be used following the label instructions.

Some popular earwax removal techniques, such as cotton-tipped swabs or candle methods, for unclogging your ears must not be used because they can be harmful.

It is recommended to seek professional help whenever possible, especially if:

  • There is severe ear pain
  • The ears stay persistently clogged
  • You develop a fever
  • There is persistent or increasing swelling on the face
  • You develop hearing loss
  • There is ear discharge

Is hydrogen peroxide safe to put on your teeth?

How to dilute hydrogen peroxide for ears

Using hydrogen peroxide teeth whitening products are generally safe when used in lower concentrations and less frequently.

Although teeth whitening hydrogen peroxide has been declared safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, there are still some risks of side effects.

Hydrogen peroxide is a bleaching agent that can help whiten teeth. Many over-the-counter tooth whitening toothpaste and products have a good amount of hydrogen peroxide in them; however, they must not be used over a concentration of three percent.

Studies have shown that hydrogen peroxide can be used to whiten teeth but at a great cost to the tooth enamel. Overuse of hydrogen peroxide may cause gum irritation and tooth decay. When used sparingly (two times a week) and at concentrations no more than three percent, it is generally safe.

4 benefits of hydrogen peroxide for oral health

  1. Eases toothache
    • Try putting a capful of three percent hydrogen peroxide diluted with an equal amount of water in your mouth, rinse thoroughly, and spit it out.
    • Much of the pain associated with toothaches are caused by swelling and infection, which hydrogen peroxide can help combat.
    • However, this is only a temporary solution, and you should see a dentist as soon as possible.
  2. May help treat gingivitis
    • Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent germ-killing agent, especially in the case of gingivitis.
    • Swish an ounce of three percent hydrogen peroxide vigorously after flossing and brushing your teeth, making sure to get all of the gum lines, including behind the upper lip.
    • Swish for five to six seconds, then spit out the chemical and rinse with water.
  3. Toothpaste substitute
    • Brush your teeth with a mixture of one part hydrogen peroxide to four parts baking soda. It might be a little grittier than you are used to, but it works pretty much the same.
  4. Mouthwash
    • Many use hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash because it is a strong disinfectant that prevents canker sores and mouth wounds from becoming infected, allowing for faster healing.
    • If you have a sore throat, you can relieve it by using three percent hydrogen peroxide as a mouthwash. Its antibacterial properties can help fight bacterial infections that cause sore throats.
    • Furthermore, when your mucus comes into contact with hydrogen peroxide, it produces foam. The foam makes the mucus less sticky, allowing it to drain more easily.

Most dentists recommend cleaning your toothbrush one time a week in a freshly poured cup of hydrogen peroxide because it kills the germs. Additionally, using hydrogen peroxide in conjunction with regular brushing and flossing reduces gum inflammation.

Hydrogen peroxide is an oxidizing and disinfecting agent. It is effective because it can break down the complex molecules that cause staining of the teeth.

How does hydrogen peroxide whiten the teeth?

Dentists can use whitening strips and gels with a higher concentration of hydrogen peroxide because of the safety features included in their whitening treatments.

4 side effects of hydrogen peroxide for oral health

  1. Rinsing with undiluted hydrogen peroxide can cause damage to tooth enamel and the oral cavity.
  2. You may notice redness around your gums and irritation inside your mouth the first time you gargle with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Though the use of hydrogen peroxide is not particularly hazardous, mild teeth sensitivity and gum pain are common.
  4. A rare side effect of using hydrogen peroxide is throat soreness.

Hydrogen peroxide studies have concluded that it is safe to use in appropriate concentrations for teeth whitening. Any hydrogen peroxide-containing gel whitening formulation must adhere to the safety standards of the American Dental Association and U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

Check with your dentist to ensure both optimal and safe results when using any whitening treatment. Your dentist can ensure that hydrogen peroxide is used safely and thoroughly, as well as answer any other questions you may have about it.

Is hydrogen peroxide effective against viruses like COVID-19 as a disinfectant?

Hydrogen peroxide kills a wide variety of microorganisms, including bacteria, yeast, fungi, and spores.

When used on inanimate surfaces, commercially available three percent hydrogen peroxide is a stable and effective disinfectant. It has been used to disinfect ventilators, fabrics, and endoscopes at concentrations ranging from three to six percent.

Hydrogen peroxide is on the Environmental Protection Agency's list of antimicrobials that are effective against COVID-19.

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Medically Reviewed on 2/11/2022


Cleveland Clinic. Ear Wax Removal 101: The Best (and Safest) Ways to Clear Clogged Ears.

McCarter DF, Courtney AU, Pollart SM. Cerumen impaction. Am Fam Physician. 2007 May 15;75(10):1523-8.