Jembatan yang menggunakan tumpuan ketegangan kabel dari pada tumpuan samping adalah jembatan

JAKARTA. Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) tak hanya fokus pada pembangunan jalan tol saja melainkan juga pembangunan jembatan gantung. Jembatan gantung merupakan jembatan yang menggunakan tumpuan ketegangan kabel daripada tumpuan samping. Jembatan gantung memiliki kabel utama berupa kabel baja yang berlabuh di kedua sisi ujung jembatan. Tahun ini, kementerian di bawah pimpinan Basuki Hadimuljono itu menyiapkan anggaran sebesar Rp 150 miliar untuk membangun lebih dari 50 jembatan gantung di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. "Untuk 2016, ada 70 jembatan gantung yang akan dibangun. Kemarin di Banten sudah ada 20 jembatan," kata Basuki, di Jakarta, Jumat (4/3). Sejatinya angka tersebut menurut Basuki masih jauh dari usulan yang diterima oleh Kementerian PUPR. Di Banten misalnya, ada setidaknya 300 buah jembatan gantung yang diusulkan untuk dibangun. Meski pembangunan jembatan gantung tidak berskala besar secara anggaran, Basuki tetap menjadikannya sebagai salah satu prioritas pembangunan karena infrastruktur tersebut sangat dibutuhkan dan langsung berdampak ke masyarakat. "Jembatan gantung ini sangat dibutuhkan warga terutama mereka yang tempat tinggalnya dipisahkan oleh sungai," sambungnya. Teranyar, Kementerian PUPR meresmikan pembangunan 10 buah jembatan gantung di Kabupaten Lebak, Banten Februari 2016 silam. Kesepuluh jembatan gantung itu adalah Jembatan Kolelet, Ranca Wiru, Leuwi Ioa, Cisimeut, Cigeulis, Cidikit, Cicariu, Bojong Apus, Cihambali, dan Cidadap. Adapun biaya pembangunan jembatan-jembatan gantung itu bersumber dari dana APBN tahun 2015 dengan total Rp 45,6 miliar. Kehadiran 10 jembatan gantung itu diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakan dan memperlancar arus ekonomi serta menjadi akses penghubung melintasi sungai guna memperlancar dan mempermudah masyarakat terutama anak-anak sekolah dalam beraktivitas sehari-hari. Kesepuluh jembatan itu sendiri hanya diperuntukkan bagi pejalan kaki, sementara untuk kendaraan hanya dibatasi kendaraan roda dua. Berikut ini data dan spesifikasi kesepuluh jembatan gantung tersebut. (Ridwan Aji Pitoko)   Cek Berita dan Artikel yang lain di Google News Editor: Barratut Taqiyyah Rafie

Jembatan yang menggunakan tumpuan ketegangan kabel dari pada tumpuan samping adalah jembatan

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "Ursula von der Leyen".

Eckher's FHIR Viewer is an online tool for browsing FHIR stores. A FHIR store is a service that exposes a FHIR API and provides access to FHIR resources such as Patients, Observations, and more. Find out more about Eckher FHIR Viewer here.

Learn what every day of the week is called in Maori. For example, Monday is called Rāhina, Tuesday is Rātū, and so on.

Browse the full list of AWS services, products, tools, and resources.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

How to embed YouTube into Markdown?

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слов по составу (морфемный анализ) с выделением корня, суффикса, основы и окончания: "снова", "помощник", "вдали", "преспокойно", "упорно", "досыта", "беспредельный", "тотчас", "радость", "скоро".

Ударения в словах: "начав", "начавший", "начавшись", "приняв", "кормящий", "отдав", "отжим", "развитой", "закупорка", "кухонный", "севиче".

Синонимы к словам: "тактильность", "создать", "товарищ".

Антонимы к словам: "ликвидация", "дружить", "эмпатия", "шум", "пацифист", "глубокий", "доминант", "избыток", "любить".

Page 2

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "Ursula von der Leyen".

Eckher's FHIR Viewer is an online tool for browsing FHIR stores. A FHIR store is a service that exposes a FHIR API and provides access to FHIR resources such as Patients, Observations, and more. Find out more about Eckher FHIR Viewer here.

Learn what every day of the week is called in Maori. For example, Monday is called Rāhina, Tuesday is Rātū, and so on.

Browse the full list of AWS services, products, tools, and resources.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

How to embed YouTube into Markdown?

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слов по составу (морфемный анализ) с выделением корня, суффикса, основы и окончания: "снова", "помощник", "вдали", "преспокойно", "упорно", "досыта", "беспредельный", "тотчас", "радость", "скоро".

Ударения в словах: "начав", "начавший", "начавшись", "приняв", "кормящий", "отдав", "отжим", "развитой", "закупорка", "кухонный", "севиче".

Синонимы к словам: "тактильность", "создать", "товарищ".

Антонимы к словам: "ликвидация", "дружить", "эмпатия", "шум", "пацифист", "глубокий", "доминант", "избыток", "любить".

Page 3

Eckher Dictionary is a modern pronunciation dictionary of the English language. Every pronunciation in Eckher Dictionary is written in IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). Example English pronunciations: "Ursula von der Leyen".

Eckher's FHIR Viewer is an online tool for browsing FHIR stores. A FHIR store is a service that exposes a FHIR API and provides access to FHIR resources such as Patients, Observations, and more. Find out more about Eckher FHIR Viewer here.

Learn what every day of the week is called in Maori. For example, Monday is called Rāhina, Tuesday is Rātū, and so on.

Browse the full list of AWS services, products, tools, and resources.

Compose speech audio from IPA phonetic transcriptions using Eckher IPA to Speech.

How to embed YouTube into Markdown?

Send test emails with Eckher SMTP Testing Tool.

Eckher's Periodic Table of the Elements is the modern and accessible version of the periodic table that allows you to easily navigate all 118 elements and view detailed information about each element. It supports both the 18 column (IUPAC) and 32 column (long form) versions of the periodic table and provides the mobile- and touch-friendly interface for viewing the table.

Create sequence logos for protein and DNA/RNA alignments using Eckher Sequence Logo Maker.

Browse place name pronunciation on Eckher IPA Map.

Enter IPA characters using Eckher IPA Keyboard.

Navigate the Semantic Web and retrieve the structured data about entities published on the web using Eckher Semantic Web Browser.

Turn your phone into a compass using Eckher Compass.

Author, enrich, and query structured data using Eckher Database for RDF.

Create TeX-style mathematical formulas online with Eckher Math Editor.

Create knowledge graphs using Eckher RDF Graph Editor.

Send messages and make P2P calls using Eckher Messenger.

Build event-sourced systems using Eckher Database for Event Sourcing.

View PDB files online using Eckher Mol Viewer.

Listen to your text using Eckher Text to Speech.

View FASTA sequence alignments online with Eckher Sequence Alignment Viewer.

Convert Punycode-encoded internationalized domain names (IDNs) to Unicode and back with Eckher Punycode Converter.

Explore the human genome online with Eckher Genome Browser.

Edit text files online with Eckher Simple Text Editor.

В морфемном словаре русского языка МОРФЕМА.РУС приведен разбор слов по составу (морфемный разбор, морфемный анализ). Даный словарь поможет в проведении морфемного анализа не только начальных (словарных) форм слов, но и всех их словоформ (всех грамматических форм слов русского языка). В основу морфемного словаря "Морфема" положена наиболее полная лексика русского языка.

Разбор слов по составу (морфемный анализ) с выделением корня, суффикса, основы и окончания: "снова", "помощник", "вдали", "преспокойно", "упорно", "досыта", "беспредельный", "тотчас", "радость", "скоро".

Ударения в словах: "начав", "начавший", "начавшись", "приняв", "кормящий", "отдав", "отжим", "развитой", "закупорка", "кухонный", "севиче".

Синонимы к словам: "тактильность", "создать", "товарищ".

Антонимы к словам: "ликвидация", "дружить", "эмпатия", "шум", "пацифист", "глубокий", "доминант", "избыток", "любить".