How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

* First, watch the video. "How to Type in Japanese.

* Mac users: If you need help japanizing your computer or finding out the choices of switching input recources or setting short cuts for Japanese inputs, watch Mac Language Help Video (open to a new window)

*Windows users: If you need help japanizing your computer, watch "Windows Language Help Video" for XP and "Japanizing Windows 7" for Windows 7. For help changing input sources, see "Windows Japanese Input and Shortcut ".

* Initial input is in Hiragana (Type in Roomaji).

++ Practice displaying letters and symbols: first set the input source to Hiragana.
++ Now start typing Japanese words and sentences as directed:

とうきょう : type 'toukyou" (not "tookyoo" or "tokyo")
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
まって : type "matte"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
べんきょう : type "benkyou"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
ずつ : type "zutsu" or "zutu"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
つづく : type "tsuduku" or "tuduku"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
みかん : type "mikann"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

For [ん], type "n" twice.

あいうえお : can you type it on your own?
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
にほんご :
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
がくせい :
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
を (particle: direct object marker): type "wo"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
へ (particle: direction marker): type "he"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
Discplaying Katakana (change input source to Katakana)

パーティー (party): type "pa-texi-"

How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

**typing x before a vowel makes the vowel character (either Hiragana or Katakana) small.

オースティン (Austin): type "o-sutexinn"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
カリフォルニア (California): type "kariforunia"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
ウォーキング (walking): type "uxo-kinngu"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
ミルクシェーク (milkshake): type "mirukushe-ku"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard
マイク・スミス (Mike Smith): type "maiku・sumisu"
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

for {・} on Mac, press OPTION & type / . On Windows, press command+ and type /.

Back to Hiragana (change input source to Hiragana)

「はい」 : type "[hai]"

How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

for the Japanese quatation marker {「  」}, type "[ ]".

『はい』 :
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

for the Japanese double quotation marker {『  』}, on Mac, press SHIFT and "[ ]". On Windows, type {「 } and { 」}, then press SPACE a few times until {『 } and { 』} are highlighted; then press RETURN.

はい、そうです。 :
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

For the Japanese comma {、}, type ",", and period {。}. type ".".

* Input a word as one unit (watashi not wa ta shi).
* Do not put spaces between words in Japanese. Type "benkyoushiteimasu." and it appears {べんきょうしています。}

Now, type にほんごをはなします。

How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

After typing {にほんごをはなします。}, press RETURN.

Now, convert にほんご into Kanji 日本語
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

After typing 「にほんご」, press SPACE. When you have the correct Kanji characters, press RETURN.

Next, type  箸(はし)
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

If you dont get a correct Kanji when you press SPACE once, press it again. You will have a list of Kanji options. Press SPACE (or arrow key) until you find the correct Kanji highlighted; then press RETURN.

If you can't find correct Kanji characters for a word you typed you need to regroup it.
Type the kanji word 水藤 (すいとう: suitou).
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

Press SPACE once, press it again. You see a list of Kanji options for {すいとう}, but you can't find {水藤}. Now, while pressing SHIFT, press "" key twice (for two Hiragana characters). The word is divided into {水} and another Kanji character for {とう}. Since {水} is correct, press "" key once to highlight (bold underscore) {とう}, then press SPACE (or arrow key) repeatedly until you find the kanji {藤}; then press RETURN.

You can type a whole sentence at once and convert it. However, as a beginner, it is simpler and easier to get the correct Kanji selection by converting word by word or phrase by phrase. Now, let's type sentences.

わたしは日本語をべんきょうします。 (I study Japanese.)

How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

トマトとオレンジです。 (They are tomatos and oranges)
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

If you have a Katakana word in the sentence, you can change the input source to Katakana right before the Katakana word and back to Hiragana after typing the Karakana word. Another way is to type the Katakana word in Hiragana and convert it like Kanji words. You can also type Katakana by pressing SHIFT while you type characters.

私はテキサス大学の学生です。 (I am a student at UT.)
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard


私はテキサス大学へ行きます。 (I am going to the University of Texas.)
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard

行きます(いきます: to go)

その人はブラウンさんです。 (That person is Ms./Mr. Brown.)
How to type katakana on Japanese keyboard


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