How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

10 Spotify Tips and Tricks you Might Not Know About

Even if you use the streaming service everyday, there are plenty of helpful Spotify features you might not be taking advantage of.

How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

Whether you’re using the desktop app, web app or mobile app for and iOS or Android device, there are plenty of tricks and features hidden away that can really enhance your listening experience. Here are some useful Spotify tips to get the most from the service.

Playlist Folders

Are you one of those people who has a playlist for absolutely EVERY occasion? Or maybe years of using Spotify has meant your playlist count is through the roof. No worries, tame your wild playlists by arranging them into playlist folders. Using the desktop app go to File > New Playlist Folder.

Recover Deleted Playlists

Accidentally deleted a playlist or perhaps changed your mind? Simply go to your account details using any web browser and click the ‘Recover playlists’ button on the left. From here you can choose to restore any playlists you’ve deleted previously. Simple!

How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

Collaborative Playlists

If you’ve been tasked with constructing the perfect playlist for a party or event, don’t take on the responsibility alone. Collaborative playlists allow otherSpotifyusers to chip in and add songs to a playlist. Simply create the playlist, right click and select ‘Collaborative Playlist.’

Specific Searching

Sometimes typing an artist into the search bar can give you a barrage of tracks that are hard to sort through, particularly if they have a legacy of albums that are both hit and miss. A way around this is by searching with a “year” modifier. For example, if you’re looking to play some early AC/DC include “AC/DC in your search and along with “year:1976-1986” to just bring up results from that time period.


To further control your music onSpotify, the iPhone and Android apps have a built-inequaliserto enhance performance based on the genre of music. One thing to note however is that if you change genres, you’ll need to dip back into the settings and change theequalisationmanually. Tap settings, then playback and finallyequaliser.

How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist


Music is the perfect companion when exercising, especially when you’re out for a jog. WhereSpotifycan help you is by giving you playlists that are built especially for you. Simply type ‘Running’ into the search bar and you’ll be able to select a playlist, built to your music tastes. Not only that, butSpotifywill select and queue songs that match your pace if you have the accelerometer activated on your device. Very clever!

Migrate Your Music

One downfall of streaming services is that whichever one you prefer, it’s not always going to have everything you want on there. Especially that limited edition, rare Japanese album release with bonus tracks you treasure so much.Wellyou can easily import your library intoSpotifyso all your tracks are in one place. On the desktop app, click “Local Files” and you can manage your files from there.

Popular Music by Country

In a constant state of disagreement with the charts in your country? Fancy seeing what’s rocking on the other side of the globe? In the desktop app, select browse, then ‘Charts’ and select your country of choice.

How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

Facebook Linking

There are some great social features built intoSpotifythat let you share music with friends whilst also letting you see what they’ve been listening to. The easy way to do this is by linking your Facebook account if you have one. Do this by heading to your settings to the Social section which allows you to link up your Facebook account.

Private Sessions

One downfall of adding your social account is that those guilty pleasures you’ve kept hidden for years are now exposed to your friends! Don’t worry, in the desktop app head to the downward arrow in the top right hand corner and select ‘Private Session’.

Know anySpotifyfeatures we have haven’t mentioned? Make sure you share them with us in the comments below. You can also check out the Cambridge AudioSpotifyaccountherefor loads of playlists to suit every mood.

How to Delete a Spotify Playlist

Before deleting a Spotify playlist, keep in mind that the process is irreversible. Also, you can't delete playlists that other users have created. If that's what you're after, then you should unfollow the Spotify playlist instead.

With that out of the way, you can delete your Spotify playlists across mobile and desktop. Read on to find out how.

Related: How to Hide and Unhide Songs on Spotify

How to Delete a Spotify Playlist on Mobile

Follow these steps to delete a Spotify playlist on Android and iOS:

  1. Go to the Your Library tab and identify the playlist you want to delete.
  2. Tap the three-dot menu icon.
  3. Select Delete playlist from the pop-up.
  4. Tap Delete to confirm your action.
How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist
How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist
How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

How to Delete a Spotify Playlist on Desktop

If you use Spotify via the web or the desktop app, use the following procedure:

  1. Click Your Library to view your Spotify library.
  2. Find and open the Spotify playlist you want to delete.
  3. Click the three-dot button.
  4. Select Delete from the pop-up.
  5. Finally, click Delete to confirm and finish.
How do you know if someone deleted a collaborative playlist

Related: How to Make a Collaborative Playlist on Spotify

How to make a Collaborative Spotify playlist

You can make a Collaborative playlist in both the mobile and desktop apps. You don't need a Premium subscription.

1. Open Spotify and start a new playlist, or open one you already have that you want to make Collaborative.

Quick tip: You have to be the playlist's owner to make it Collaborative. Playlists that others made but you added to your library won't work.

2. Click or tap the three dot icon underneath the playlist's name and picture, then select Make Collaborative or Collaborative playlist.

Open the playlist's options menu and select the "Collaborative" option.Spotify; William Antonelli/Insider

You've now got a Collaborative playlist. If you ever want to make it private again, just go through the same steps.

Once your playlist is Collaborative, you can share it with other people.

3. Click or tap the three dot icon again and select Share, then pick how you want to share it. The simplest option is just Copy Link, which lets you share a direct link using whatever app or messaging program you want.

All you need is a link to the playlist.Spotify; William Antonelli/Insider