Block Twitter from Google search

Want to keep your tweets among your tweeps and hidden from any old Google searcher? Twitter has some tips for you. The microblogging company's @Support account on Wednesday tweeted out a link to a help center page for Twitter users who want to keep their posts a bit more anonymous on Google. Given Twitter's high rank in Google Search, it's likely that your profile there will be among the top results for your name. The first suggestion for more anonymity? Change your username or listed actual name on Twitter. So, for example, if you use a profane @ handle, but your given name is listed in your profile settings, that could be a problem during your job search as recruiters Google you to see what comes up. You can also protect your tweets in your accounts settings but that may not be a perfect fix, as Twitter points out. All tweets posted before you went private will still remain public in search engines (including Twitter's own search). Additionally, Google caches old search results, meaning that your old information can still hang around there -- even if it only links to an error page. Eventually, Google will update its search index and refresh to your new privacy settings. But if you want certain posts removed sooner, Twitter does suggest another option. First, copy the URL for the dead status page you would like removed. Then go to this Google page, which explains how to create a removal request for an outdated link or page. You'll then be directed to another page, where you can paste in the link and submit your request, but you may need a Google account to do so. Check out Twitter's full list of tips for demurring from Google Search here. Twitter and Google have been feuding ever since Google's integration of Google+ into its regular search results back in January, which Twitter called "bad for people" -- since news increasingly breaks on Twitter before being reported on other outlets. Is it better to have your Twitter profile and activity be a prominent Google Search result, or to protect your anonymity? Let us know in the comments. Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, sodafish


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