Android TV Google Sheets

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Android TV overview

If you've got an Android app or game, Android TV can bring it to your users in their living room. Android TV apps use the same architecture as those for phones and tablets. This approach means you can build new TV apps based on what you already know about building apps for Android, or extend your existing apps to also run on TV devices.

To get started, read Get started with TV apps.

Note: For details on how to publish your TV apps in Google Play, see Distribute to Android TV.


  • Build TV apps
  • Build TV playback apps
  • Help users find your content on TV
  • Build TV games
  • Build TV input services
  • TV Apps checklist
  • Android 12 for TV
  • Accessibility best practices
  • Supporting accessibility in custom views
  • Adopting system caption settings in your app

Additional resources

To learn more about Android TV, see the following additional resources.





Content and code samples on this page are subject to the licenses described in the Content License. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2022-01-10 UTC.

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