Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

Dog eye boogers. There’s your normal, everyday eye boogers — the dryish ones that show up in the morning or after a nap — then there are kinds that indicate an eye infection.

The more civilized term you’ll hear your veterinarian say is “eye discharge,” of course. All dogs experience it for one reason or another. While common, sometimes types of eye discharge require a vet’s diagnosis.

Common Causes of Eye Discharge in Dogs

Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

What does it mean when a dog’s eye gunk is crusty?

What about tear stains?

Why is it green?

We will answer these questions and more as we break down what your dog’s eye boogs are all about, as well as when to be concerned.

Eye Infection

Dogs get pink eye, too! Doggie pink eye, otherwise known as conjunctivitis, occurs for a variety of reasons. DVM Amy Flowers of WebMD says that in order to determine how to treat it, you need to learn what’s causing it first.

Common causes of conjunctivitis include birth defects, allergies, or a foreign body in the eyelid.

Signs your dog has an eye infection like conjunctivitis include yellow-green pus coming out the tear ducts and watery eyes. Pus-like green discharge is never good.

If your dog exhibits the following behaviors, they might have an eye problem:

  • Constant linking
  • Squinting often
  • Pawing at the eyes
  • Keeping eyes closed

Depending on the cause, treatment for this kind of eye infection can include an antibiotic eye ointment, removing the irritant, and saline eyewashes or warm compresses. In severe cases, surgery may be required.

Dry eye

Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

Dogs can get dry eye just like humans do. Medically termed Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS), it means the cornea is inflamed due to dry surrounding tissues.

VCA Animal Hospitals explains: “Any condition that impairs the ability to produce adequate amounts of tear film can result in dry eye.”

Eyes need to be lubricated. That’s where tears come in. Your dog’s eye health can be seriously affected if there isn’t enough tear film to lubricate the eyes and remove foreign bodies and irritants.

Some common causes of KCS listed by DVMs Tammy Hunter and Ernest Ward of VCA include:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • An inherited immune disorder
  • Systemic diseases like distemper
  • Certain medications

Certain dog breeds are more prone to KCS than others. Pugs, bulldogs, Cocker spaniels, bloodhounds, and Boston terriers are a few breeds that commonly develop dry eye.

Dry eye treatment

Your vet may give you eye drop medications or artificial tears that are designed to stimulate tear production in order to protect the cornea. Depending on your dog’s condition, they may need to receive eye drops more than once a day. In combination with the eye drops, carefully cleaning the eyes with a wet washcloth soaked in warm water may bring relief.


Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

Epiphora, or excessive tearing, is the opposite of dry eye. Excess fluid comes out of the inner corner of your dog’s eyes, wetting the fur on your dog’s face.

A vet will perform a thorough examination of your dog’s eyes in order to determine the cause of its ocular discharge. According to DVMs at VCA Animal Hospitals, common causes of epiphora include:

  • Conjunctivitis
  • Allergies
  • Eye injuries
  • Eyelash abnormalities
  • Corneal ulcers
  • Glaucoma

Treatment may include a surgical procedure, but it really depends on the underlying cause. Talk to a veterinarian as soon as possible if you think your pooch may have epiphora.

Corneal ulcers

A corneal ulcer is a sore or wound on the eye’s corneal surface due to trauma. Trauma to the eye can be caused by anything from rough play with other dogs to an irritating substance or debris. Corneal ulcers are common in dogs with dry eye or dogs that are brachycephalic.

Corneal ulcers are painful. If you notice any of these symptoms, take your dog to the vet right away:

  • Pawing at the eyes
  • Squinting
  • Excessive discharge
  • Red eyes

CVT Nancy Thompson of Ethos Veterinary Health says that simple ulcers can clear up on their own (along with eye drops or antibiotic ointments to prevent infection) within 3-10 days. Deep corneal ulcers may require eye drop administration several times a day. In severe cases, corneal surgery may be required.

A sleepy dog’s eye discharge

Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

Then again, your dog’s eye boogers may simply be the little eye crusts you get after waking from a good night’s rest or nap. This kind of discharge should be clear and turns a little brown when dried. Just watch out for excessive buildup and gently wipe off with a cotton ball.

Eye-deas for Preventing Eye Problems

Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

While that heading is admittedly cornea, give your vet a call if you notice any of the symptoms listed above. To prevent future eye problems and maintain good eye health, the Michigan State University’s College of Veterinary Medicine recommends the following:

  • Avoid using irritating soaps or sprays near your pet’s eyes
  • Gently wipe discharge or mucus out of your pet’s eyes using a clean, damp cotton ball (use a different cotton ball for each eye)
  • If you have a dog with long hair, keep it trimmed around their eyes
  • Make sure they have access to natural light
  • If your pet is outdoors a lot, make sure it has access to shelter and shade
  • A balanced diet that includes antioxidants that support eye health

Another important prevention method of note is to not let your dog stick its head out of the window during car rides. “The wind can dry its eyes out, leading to irritation. Debris and insects may also fly into their eyes, causing pain and injury,” warns Michigan State vets.

Dog Eye Boogers

Don’t forget to get your dog routine eye exams during their annual checkups. Eye health is an important factor for your dog’s overall health and wellbeing. With the right precautions and care, your dog’s eyes will be a vision to behold!

Why does my dog have a lot of eye boogers

Eye boogers and discharge are common problems that many dogs face. Although all dogs will face eye boogers at one point or another, certain breeds are more susceptible to eye discharge than others.

If you’re wondering ‘why do dogs get eye boogers?’, there are several possible reasons for them, some being short-term, and others being very serious. Knowing why your dog has eye boogers can help you treat the issue and protect your dog’s health in the long run.

The 9 Reasons Why Dogs Get Eye Boogers

Image Credit: Alexandr Jitarev, Shutterstock

Even though dogs are apex predators, they still suffer from allergies just like us. Whether it be pollen or dust, allergies can cause your dog’s eyes to water clear discharge. If your dog’s eyes water for several days and in between sleep, the watery eyes can cause boogers and eye goop to form.

Often, watery eyes won’t be the only symptoms to lookout for if your dog is suffering from allergies. The dog may experience itching, runny nose, and light respiratory issues as well, such as sneezing.

What to Do About It

If you notice that your dog’s boogers are caused from clear discharge, it’s a good idea to start treating your dog for allergies. Visit your vet to discuss treatment options. Most likely, your vet will prescribe some sort of corticosteroid or antihistamine. If your dog’s skin is specifically inflamed, you might want to try hypoallergenic, gentle shampoo.

Image Credit: Andrew Pons, unsplash

If you have ever stood outside for a long time in the cold or wind, you know that cold weather and intense wind can cause eyes to water and develop boogers. The same is true for your dog. If your dog has been outside for a long time, especially when it is windy and cold, boogers may develop.

What to Do About It

Boogers caused by the wind can be treated easily. Do not leave your dog outside for too long if it is particularly cold and windy. When you bring your dog back in, wipe down its eyes so that the clear discharge doesn’t turn into boogers.

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Eyelashes and other irritants can get into your dog’s eyes. Unlike us, dogs have trouble getting items out of their eyes because of their claws. Whenever an irritant gets into your dog’s eye, the affected eye will start tearing up, but the other eye will remain normal.

If the tears are not able to remove the debris from the eye, your dog’s eye will continually tear up until the item is removed. In the meantime, boogers and other goo can build up as a result.

What to Do About It

Most of the time, the tears will remove the debris for you. Once the eye stops watering, wipe done the dog’s face with a gentle cloth to remove any excess and prevent boogers from building up. If the dog is still showing signs that something is in its eye, you can try to gently flush your dog’s eye or take it to the vet.

Although it may sound odd, dry eyes can cause eye boogers. If your dog cannot produce enough tears, a thick eye discharge may come as a result. Your dog may be suffering from dry eyes because of allergies, ulcers, or infections.

What to Do About It

If you think your dog has dry eyes but the condition does not seem severe, you can try putting your dog on antibiotics and using artificial tears. This may relieve the dry eyes and get your dog’s tear ducks in working condition again.

Take your dog to the vet if the condition persists or the dry eye condition seemed serious. For more serious conditions, you may need to get antibiotic eye drops, immunosuppression drugs, or even surgery.

Credit: Tatiane Silva, Shutterstock

Conjunctivitis is a type of inflammation that occurs on the lining of your dog’s eye. Many things can cause conjunctivitis, including uncontrolled allergies, dry eye, or distemper. Conjunctivitis looks different than eye discharge caused by allergies and other minor issues. Instead of looking clear and watery, it will often look like mucus or have yellow-green colored pus.

Some other signs of conjunctivitis include inflammation, frequent blinking, red eyes, excessive squinting, crusty eyes, and excessive pawing at the eyes.

What to Do About It

Take your dog to the vet if you suspect conjunctivitis. Your vet will be able to diagnose the cause for the conjunctivitis. Knowing what is causing the issue is how you fix it. If severe allergies are causing the conjunctivitis, your vet may prescribe antibiotics or an antihistamine, but your dog may have to undergo surgery for more serious cases.

A corneal ulcer happens whenever trauma has occurred to the cornea. Lack of tears, disease, or injury can be the cause of the ulcer. Corneal ulcers look different than conjunctivitis because the eyes will look red and watery. More so, the dog will be sensitive to light, excessively paw at their eyes, and have a film over the eyes.

What to Do About It

Medical treatment is required if corneal ulcers are to blame for your dog’s eye boogers. You will need to take your dog to the vet so that your vet can come up with an effective treatment strategy. Often, the treatment includes antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and sometimes surgery.

Epiphora is a fancy word for excessive tearing. Often, the excessive tearing causes intense boogers, stained fur, smelly fur, and infected skin. Certain breeds are more susceptible to epiphora than others.  Several conditions can lead to up epiphora, including allergies, abnormal eyelashes, tumors, and corneal ulcers.

What to Do About It

Because epiphora can have such serious causes, take your dog to the vet to rule out cancer and corneal ulcers as the cause. Most often, the vet will prescribe allergy medication, antibiotics, and steroids. In severe cases, the dog may need to have surgery.

Glaucoma is a serious condition that can lead to blindness. It is caused whenever there is excessive pressure on the eye. Symptoms of glaucoma include bulging eyes, cloudy eyes, and tearing.

What to Do About It

Glaucoma is a highly serious condition for both dogs and humans alike. Take your dog to the vet immediately if you suspect glaucoma is an issue. Your vet will likely prescribe medication for pressure management, but surgery is often the most effective method.

Some dogs are simply more prone to eye conditions than others. Flat-faced dogs, such as pugs for instance, often get a lot of eye discharge because they have smaller eye sockets with protruding eyes. Similarly, dogs with prominent eyes often have tear drainage problems, eyelash irritation, and other vision issues. Even dogs with loose facial skin can have outward rolling eyelids and cherry eye.

All these conditions lead to watering eyes and eventually boogers.

What to Do About It

If your dog’s breed is to blame for its boogers, it’s important to be diligent in providing your dog with good hygiene. Try to wipe down your dog’s eyes gently with a washcloth every night. That way, the discharge doesn’t build up or lead to more serious issues down the line.

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How to Prevent Eye Boogers

Most eye boogers can be prevented with good hygiene and grooming. Some dogs will be able to take care of their eyes on their own, but others may need a bit more help. If you notice that your dog’s eyes are watering a lot, gently wipe them down using a moist cloth.

Additionally, make sure that the fur around your dog’s face is trimmed and out of the eyes. Dogs with shaggy fur and drooping skin often get irritations that fall into their eyes. Keeping their faces clean and trimmed can avoid a lot of pain down the road.

When to Call Your Vet

Although most eye boogers are nothing to worry about, you should call your vet if the eye boogers have a yellow mucus or pus like look. Likewise, go to your vet if the eye boogers are accompanied with swollen eyes and other serious symptoms.

Final Thoughts

If you notice a booger or two in your dog’s eye, it is likely just from allergies or regular tear discharge. If the boogers are very small, relatively clear, and not accompanied with other symptoms of ocular issues, just wipe off the booger and forget about it. However, call your vet if the eye boogers are serious and accompanied with more symptoms.

Featured Image Credit: nadisja, Shutterstock