Where do I find Facebook app ID?

In order to use most of the Facebook features for apps, like Facebook Analytics and Facebook Audience Network Ads, you will need to create a Facebook App ID

  1. The first step is to log in to your regular Facebook account, you can do so clicking here)
  2. After logging in, you can go to the Facebook for Developers website and you should now be already logged in to your own developer account
  3. To create your Facebook App, go to the top navigation bar of Facebook for Developers site select Add a New App
    Where do I find Facebook app ID?
  4. The app creation process is pretty simple and straightforward, you just need to provide a name for your app and a contact email address, as you can see below:
    Where do I find Facebook app ID?
  5. As soon as you click “Create app ID” you will be redirected to your app dashboard, where you can find your Facebook App ID:
    Where do I find Facebook app ID?

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This wikiHow teaches you how to create a new App ID on the Facebook for Developers page in order to integrate Facebook into your app or website.

  1. Where do I find Facebook app ID?

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  1. Where do I find Facebook app ID?

    Click the My Apps tab. It's in the gray bar running along the top of the page. This displays all of your apps.

  1. Where do I find Facebook app ID?

    If you've already integrated Facebook into your app, you will see it here. Scroll down to browse the list or use the Search field at the top to quickly find an app.

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  1. Where do I find Facebook app ID?

    Note down the App ID. You will see the 15-digit App ID right below the app's name. This number is unique to your app. You will need your unique App ID when you're using analytics, or creating ads in the Audience Network.

  1. Where do I find Facebook app ID?

    Click Create App to add a new app to Facebook for Developers. You can now add your new app to receive your new ID. Fill out the form, and click Create App ID once prompted to display your new 15-digit app ID.

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Article SummaryX

1. Open Facebook for Developers on a browser.
2. Click My Apps.
3. Click +Add New App.
4. Enter a Display Name and your email.
5. Click Create App ID.
6. View your new App ID in the top-left corner.

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A Facebook App ID is a unique number that identifies your app when you request ads from Audience Network.

Each app on Audience Network must have a unique Facebook App ID. You may already have an App ID if your app uses Facebook Login or Facebook Analytics for Apps.

Integrate Facebook Shop with your existing online store with Magento 2 Facebook Shop and Akeneo Facebook Shop Connector.

To get an App ID, follow these steps.

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Step One: Visit The Facebook Developers Page

To start with, navigate your browser to the Facebook Developers page. You’ll need to login to your Facebook account.

Once logged in, you’ll see a screen similar to this:

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

To begin, click on “Add a New App” link under the “My Apps” menu in the top right corner.

Step Two: Input Your New App’s Information

Once you’ve clicked “Add a New App” link, a pop-up box will appear asking you for your new App’s Display Name, Contact E-Mail Address. Enter App’s Display Name and click on “Create App ID”.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

Step Three: Add Products In Your App

Now you have to add “Facebook Login” product in your app. And to do that click on “Set Up” button.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

After clicking on “Set Up” button you will redirect to the “Quickstart” page.

To get started, select the platform for this app. Now select “Web” platform for this app.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

Check Magento 2 Facebook Pixel to integrate analytics tool into your Magento Store.

Step Four: Set Up Your Product

After clicking on “Web” a new tab will be open. Now enter your site URL here and click “Save” button.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

After clicking on “Save” button skip the remaining part. Now click on “Settings” in left side menu list.

Enter redirect URL here ( for example “https://your-domain/auth_oauth/signin” in case of our website ajax login/sign-up module) and after that click “Save Changes” button to save the details.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

Find the links below for your Facebook Messenger-

Magento 2, WooCommerce, Opencart.

Step Five: Make Your App Live

For making your app live you have to enter some more details. And for doing this click on “Basic” tab under the “Settings” in the left side menu list.

After clicking on “Basic” tab you have to enter “App Domains” and “Privacy Policy URL” and make this app live by clicking switch button on top.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

Now your app will become live and you can get your App ID as shown in image.

Where do I find Facebook app ID?

Try Facebook Chatbot for Magento 2 store.

Try Opencart Facebook Shopbot

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What is a Facebook app User ID?

User ID. Your User ID is a string of numbers that doesn't personally identify you but does connect to your Facebook profile. You have a User ID automatically, whether or not you choose to create a username. Learn how to find your user ID.

What is app ID example?

Every Android app has a unique application ID that looks like a Java or Kotlin package name, such as com. example. myapp. This ID uniquely identifies your app on the device and in the Google Play Store.