What kind of whipped cream is safe for dogs?

What kind of whipped cream is safe for dogs?
What kind of whipped cream is safe for dogs?

(Picture Credit: Staff photo by Derek Davis/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images)

(Picture Credit: Staff photo by Derek Davis/Portland Portland Press Herald via Getty Images)

You may have seen cute videos online of dogs joining their humans at the Starbucks drive-thru and getting a tasty-looking Puppuccino. But what exactly is a Starbucks Puppuccino, and is it safe for dogs?

Here’s the brief answer: a Starbucks Puppuccino is a tiny espresso size cup with whipped cream made specifically for our four-legged, furry companions. Milk products, including whipped cream, in small quantities are perfectly safe for most dogs once in a while.

That said, it doesn’t hurt to double-check with your vet for advice on your individual dog. Some dogs with high sensitivity to dairy or those with specific diets shouldn’t sip on a Puppuccino.

Here’s what you should know about the Starbucks Puppuccino and whether it’s safe for dogs.

Should Lactose Intolerant Dogs Have A Puppuccino?

Many dogs are lactose intolerant, but small quantities of milk and milk products, usually will not adversely affect them.

If you notice that your dog has diarrhea, vomiting, or gas after consuming a milk product, then you should probably avoid dairy completely. This includes the Starbucks Puppuccino.

At the end of the week, if my milk or cream is going to expire and I want to use it up, I sometimes give my dogs a small amount — three to four tablespoons — without it bothering them at all.

But once, I pushed the limits and gave them larger bowls of milk — closer to half to three quarters of a cup — and one of my dogs got diarrhea. So I won’t be trying that again.

My dogs are under 20 pounds, so larger dogs can possibly tolerate more. Again, a trip to the vet for advice doesn’t hurt. Talk to your doggy doc before you give your pup a Puppuccino.

Should You Bring Your Dog To Starbucks For A Puppuccino?

I used to work at Starbucks in Los Angeles during the 1990s, and a girl came in our store one time with a small dog. My manager at the time told me that I couldn’t even take the girl’s order, and I felt like such a jerk.

Times have changed, and I’m glad that dogs are becoming more accepted. Of course, now Starbucks is encouraging doggy drive-thru rides with their not-so-secret menu item for canines.

If you’re wondering how much the Puppuccino will set you back, well wonder no more. As of now the Starbucks Puppuccino is complimentary. Totally gratis. Free for doggos!

Please tip your barista, though. Why not pass the savings forward?

Only you can decide if you want to bring your pupper to the drive-thru. A quick call to the vet for advice will help you decide.

Got a friend who goes to Starbucks with their pup? Pick up a Starbucks gift card for them if you need a quick gift idea!

Has your dog tried a Starbucks Puppuccino? Or another treat from your favorite restaurant on the go? Please let us know what treats your dog enjoys while out and about with you in the comments below!

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Categories: Dog Nutrition

Tags: cover paneldairyevergreenlactose intolerancePuppuccinoStarbucks

What kind of whipped cream is safe for dogs?

Sweet and creamy with a famously airy texture, whipped cream is a popular addition to desserts in almost any location.

But as you may know, foods that are perfectly fine for humans aren’t always a good treat for dogs — so is whipped cream safe for your dog to eat?

In short — yes, dogs can eat whipped cream. To feed them responsibly, however, there are a few rules you should follow.

Read on to learn what, if any, health benefits your dog may get from eating whipped cream, as well as the best ways to feed it to your four-legged friend.

Whipped Cream Nutrition and Fun Facts

Made of little more than cream, sugar, and the occasional vanilla flavoring, whipped cream is a rich and sweet dessert topping whose simple ingredient list belies its complex preparation.

Image Credit: Pixabay

Originally popularized in 16th century Italy, this “milk snow” was served to aristocrats and royalty all over the country. The first recipes for this light and airy treat appear as early as 1549, in the writings of Cristoforo di Messisbugo. It took on the name “whipped cream” after being introduced to England in 1673, where it was still alternatively known as “snow cream” for another 100 years.

With 76% of its calories coming from fat, 19% from carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars, and just 5% from protein, whipped cream offers little nutritional value to humans or dogs. Besides small amounts of calcium and Vitamin A, it contains only trace amounts of vital nutrients.

Health Benefits of Whipped Cream for Dogs

Unless your dog is underweight and has a hard time gaining weight, whipped cream will offer little or no health benefits. It’s extremely rich and calorie-dense, making it an attractive treat for food-motivated dogs.

Can Whipped Cream Be Bad for Dogs?

According to the American Kennel Club, many dogs are lactose intolerant. Lactose, the sugar found in all dairy milk products, will be difficult for most dogs to digest — and can lead to bloating, gas, or diarrhea if given in too large a quantity.

Additionally, whipped cream is high in fats and sugars, making it a contributor to canine obesity. Because of this, it should never form a regular part of your dog’s dietary intake.

Image Credit: Pixabay

How to Feed Whipped Cream to Your Dogs

Whether homemade, from a pressurized can, or out of a tub of Cool Whip, feeding whipped cream to your dog is easy and intuitive. For dogs that enjoy its sweet and fatty taste and airy texture, we recommend using it as an occasional treat for good behavior.

Because many dogs are highly food-motivated, whipped cream can be a valuable tool for training and reinforcing commands.

How Much Whipped Cream Should I Feed My Dog?

Any food with little nutritional value, like whipped cream, should only be fed to your dog in small amounts and infrequently. A good rule of thumb is to give your dog a portion of whipped cream no larger than one of their paws.

Given its airy volume, it’s easy for the amount of whip cream your dog eats to add up. A medium-sized dog weighing roughly 30 pounds needs about 14 grams of fat per day. One cup of pressurized whipped cream from the can packs just over 13 grams of fat, nearly maxing your dog’s fat intake for the day. Suddenly, what seemed like a harmless treat can start to cause negative health effects if repeated consistently. Keep this in mind before you head to the drive-in for a “puppicino” at your local coffee shop.

Image Credit: Jaromir Chalabala, Shutterstock

For dogs that exhibit signs of lactose intolerance — bloating, gas, and diarrhea — you’ll need to cut milk products (including whipped cream) out of their diet entirely.

Types of Whipped Cream to Feed Your Dog

To avoid the chemical preservatives in canned or tub whipped cream, it’s worth considering learning how to make this treat by hand. Watch this video from Saveur if you’re curious to know how it’s done.

Final Thoughts on Feeding Whipped Cream to Your Dog

While it’s a popular dessert topping that’s featured in many holiday dishes throughout the year, whipped cream offers little to no health benefits to your dog. Owing to its high fat and sugar content and absence of vitamins and minerals, if you’re thinking of feeding whipped cream to your dog, know that it’s best kept as an occasional treat, and only give it to those whose digestive systems are known to be capable of handling milk products.

Featured Image Credit: Strawberry Milkshake Whipped Cream, Alex Gorzen, Wikimedia Commons CC SA 2.0 Generic