What is the importance of listening in interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal Communication, Listening and


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We Spend a lot of Time Listening

Adults spend an average of 70% of their time engaged in some sort of communication.

Of this, research shows that an average of 45% is spent listening compared to 30% speaking, 16% reading and 9% writing. (Adler, R. et al. 2001). That is, by any standards, a lot of time listening. It is worthwhile, therefore, taking a bit of extra time to ensure that you listen effectively.

What is the importance of listening in interpersonal communication?

Based on the research of: Adler, R., Rosenfeld, L. and Proctor, R. (2001)
Interplay: the process of interpersonal communicating (8th edn), Fort Worth, TX: Harcourt.

The Purpose of Listening

There is no doubt that effective listening is an extremely important life skill. Why is listening so important?

Listening serves a number of possible purposes, and the purpose of listening will depend on the situation and the nature of the communication.

  1. To specifically focus on the messages being communicated, avoiding distractions and preconceptions.

  2. To gain a full and accurate understanding into the speakers point of view and ideas.

  3. To critically assess what is being said. (See our page on Critical Thinking for more).

  4. To observe the non-verbal signals accompanying what is being said to enhance understanding.

  5. To show interest, concern and concentration.

  6. To encourage the speaker to communicate fully, openly and honestly.

  7. To develop an selflessness approach, putting the speaker first.

  8. To arrive at a shared and agreed understanding and acceptance of both sides views.

Often our main concern while listening is to formulate ways to respond. This is not a function of listening. We should try to focus fully on what is being said and how it's being said in order to more fully understand the speaker.

Effective listening requires concentration and the use of your other senses - not just hearing the words spoken.

Listening is not the same as hearing and in order to listen effectively you need to use more than just your ears.

See our page: The Ten Principles of Listening.

What is the importance of listening in interpersonal communication?

Further Reading from Skills You Need

Our Communication Skills eBooks

Learn more about the key communication skills you need to be a more effective communicator.

Our eBooks are ideal for anyone who wants to learn about or develop their interpersonal skills and are full of easy-to-follow, practical information.

Barriers to Effective Listening

To improve the process of effective listening, it can be helpful to turn the problem on its head and look at barriers to effective listening, or ineffective listening.

For example, one common problem is that instead of listening closely to what someone is saying, we often get distracted after a sentence or two and instead start to think about what we are going to say in reply or think about unrelated things. This means that we do not fully listen to the rest of the speaker’s message.

This problem is attributed, in part, to the difference between average speech rate and average processing rate. Average speech rates are between 125 and 175 words a minute whereas we can process on average between 400 and 800 words a minute. It is a common habit for the listener to use the spare time while listening to daydream or think about other things, rather than focusing on what the speaker is saying.

Of course the clarity of what the speaker is saying can also affect how well we listen. Generally we find it easier to focus if the speaker is fluent in their speech, has a familiar accent, and speaks at an appropriate loudness for the situation. It is more difficult, for example, to focus on somebody who is speaking very fast and very quietly, especially if they are conveying complex information.

We may also get distracted by the speaker’s personal appearance or by what someone else is saying, which sounds more interesting.

These issues not only affect you, but you are likely to show your lack of attention in your body language.

Generally, we find it much harder to control our body language, and you are likely to show your distraction and/or lack of interest by lack of eye contact, or posture. The speaker will detect the problem, and probably stop talking at best. At worse, they may be very offended or upset.

Our page on Barriers to Effective Listening explains more about common listening problems, and our page Listening Misconceptions details some of the common myths and misconceptions about listening.

Finally, it is important not to jump to conclusions about what you see and hear. You should always seek clarification to ensure that your understanding is correct.

See our pages: Clarification and Reflection for more information.

What are Listening Skills in Communication?

Listening is one of the essentialsoft skills. It indicates a person’s ability to receive and interpret information in the communication process.

Without active listening skills, you won’t be able to receive and interpret the message. As a result, the communication process will break down, and the speaker can quickly become irritated.

Are You a Good Listener?

You feel good and appreciated it when others listen to what you say, especially in the workplace. But, have you ever thought that if you are a good listener?

To find out if you are a good listener or not, answer the below questions. Check if you do the following:

  • Often interrupt others when they’re talking
  • Talk when others are talking
  • Jump to conclusions long before the speaker is finished talking
  • Often ask people to repeat themselves
  • Let your feeling towards the speaker come between your listening ability.

If you answered “YES” to one or more of these above questions, you might need to improve your listening skills.

Active Listening Skills for Successful Communication

By Indeed Editorial Team

December 8, 2021

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Communication skills are beneficial in and out of the workplace. Having the ability to clearly communicate instructions, ideas and concepts can help you find success in any career. With practice, anyone can develop their communication skills.

One of the most critical skills in effective communication is active listening. Developing this soft skill will help you build and maintain relationships, solve problems, improve processes and retain information such as instructions, procedures and expectations.

To help you understand active listening skills and learn how to improve your own, consider the following background and examples.

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