What is API limit exceeded?

These restrictions are aimed at limiting abuse of an API service in case someone makes thousands or millions of requests programmatically. API services can be limited by hour, day, or month, or may require you to pay for API access after exceeding these limits.

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Besides, what does API limit reached mean?

If your account has reached its API limit, you will receive the error message "API Rate Limit Exceeded" and you will be unable to authenticate with the DataSift API. Each REST API call made has a cost associated. Exceeding your limit will temporarily suspend any additional calls until the limit clears (up to an hour).

Furthermore, what is API usage? An API usually is related to a software library. An API for a procedural language such as Lua could consist primarily of basic routines to execute code, manipulate data or handle errors while an API for an object-oriented language, such as Java, would provide a specification of classes and its class methods.

Also question is, what does API rate limit exceeded mean?

If you use up your 100 API calls in the hour then you will see the rate limit exceeded message in TweetDeck and Twitter will not provide any updates until the hour is up. At the end of the hour the rate limit will be reset and you will start getting updates again.

How many API calls is too many?

"Error 429 Too Many Requests" is sent as a response when the user has exhausted the maximum number of API calls per second. The users are advised to send 5 API requests per second(suggested limit is not 50) and by exceeding this limit they would receive the error 429.