What depth is suggested for the overhead squat assessment?

Tue May 28, 2013 by Greg Rose


Test Objective for Overhead Deep Squat Test:

The Overhead Deep Squat Test is one of the most informative tests you can perform on a golfer.  The deep squat portion of this test is used to assess bilateral, symmetrical, mobility of the hips, knees, and ankles.  When you combine the dowel held overhead this test also assesses bilateral, symmetrical mobility of the shoulders as well as the thoracic spine. Therefore, the ability to perform this test requires closed-kinetic chain dorsi-flexion of the ankles, flexion of the knees and hips, extension of the thoracic spine, as well as flexion and abduction of the shoulders.

Through research here at the Titleist Performance Institute we have found several correlations between this test and the golf swing.  First of all, if a golfer is unable to perform a full deep squat with their heels on the ground, then it is almost impossible for them to maintain their posture during the downswing.  We usually see the golfer thrust their lower body towards the golf ball and raise their torso up during the downswing (early extension).  This is usually due to either tightness in their calf muscles and/or lack of pelvic stability due to weakness in their core.

Secondly, we see a strong correlation between players standing up out of their posture during the backswing (loss of posture/flat shoulder plane), when a golfer can't squat with the club over their head.  This is usually due to limitations in mobility of their lat muscles and thoracic spine.

How to Perform the Overhead Deep Squat Test:

To perform this test, begin by standing with feet shoulder width apart and toes pointing forward. Next grasp a club approximately shoulder width apart and extend the arms directly overhead, keeping the shaft in-line with your head and over your foot print. Next, simply squat down as far as you can go, while keeping the club as high above your head as possible. The test will stop if any of the following conditions are seen or felt; 1) pain or discomfort, 2) heels coming off the ground, 3) club falling forward towards the ground, 4) loss of balance.

This test has a series of checkpoints that need to be assessed to get a true understanding of the results. The following characteristics are being tested; calf flexibility, thoracic extension, core stability, pelvic mobility, quadriceps flexibility, and shoulder mobility. These checkpoints will be discussed in the following section

What to look for in the Overhead Deep Squat Test:

In this test we will be looking for the above mentioned faults utilizing a deep squat maneuver. When the deep squat is performed and the client presents with any pain or discomfort we will immediately stop the test and inquire as to where the pain was felt. This is a very clear sign that something is wrong in one of the above mentioned regions.

There are six possible outcomes to this Overhead Deep Squat Test:

1) Complete Full Deep Squat:

To be considered a complete full deep squat you must see the following at the bottom of the squat: i. Upper torso is parallel with tibia or towards vertical ii. Femur is below horizontal iii. Knees are aligned over feet iv. Feet are pointing forward (not flared out)

v. Dowel is aligned over feet

2) Arms Crossed Full Deep Squat:

If the client performs the deep squat test and struggles in anyway, we need to examine a bit further into the movement. At this point we will ask them to repeat the test, however this time we will remove the golf club above their head and ask them to simply cross their arms over their chest and shoulders and then perform the deep squat test. If by doing this, the test yields a full deep squat, then we will select the “Arms Crossed Full Deep Squat” box.  This tells us that thoracic extension and shoulder mobility are most likely the issues we are dealing with.

3) Arms Crossed Limited Deep Squat:

If the client is asked to perform the squat without the club overhead, and they still can’t seem to go fully into a squat, then we would select the “Arms Crossed Limited” box.  This tells us that further examination is needed to understand what the major limiting factor in this test might be – either core instability or ankle mobility.

4) Right or Left Calf Limited:

Oftentimes a client will present with one or both heels lifting off the ground prior to obtaining the full deep squat. This can indicate a mobility issue with the calf and ankle. We will usually rule this out by performing a half-kneeling calf flexibility test. Having the client kneel on one knee with the other foot out in front, simply lean forward on the forward foot as far as you can go without that heel coming off the ground. We are looking to see whether or not the knee can move forward out past the toe. If the knee cannot move past the toes, then there is a significant calf/ankle mobility issue. Repeat on the other side as their can are bilateral differences.

5) Bilateral Calf Limitation:

This describes the client that has limitations in both ankles – they can’t get their knee past their toes on either leg.

6) Good Dorsiflexion Bilateral w/ Arms Crossed Limited Deep Squat:

If the client possesses good calf flexibility and ankle dorsiflexion bilaterally but still cannot perform the “Full Overhead” or even the “Arms Crossed Full Squat”, then we are going to be looking at the core as the main issue. Usually this will show the examiner that there is insufficient core coordination or stabilization to perform this test.  

7) Unilateral Loading on during the squat:

If the client tends to favor one side during the squat please note this as well.  This can help us determine which side of the body there may be a limitation on, or if they are going to avoid a certain side during the golf swing.


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What is the Overhead Squat Assessment (and how will you ever memorize the muscles and compensations if you are taking the NASM CPT exam)?!

The Overhead Squat Assessment is a dynamic postural assessment that helps you identify muscular imbalances.

To perform the Overhead Squat Assessment, you or your subject will:

  • stand with the feet hip-width apart, and
  • feet pointing straight ahead
  • both arms raised straight above your head, then
  • squat to the depth level of chair height
  • while maintaining the same alignment

There are common compensations that you will likely experience or see during this movement, for example:

  • excessive forward lean of the upper body
  • lower back arch
  • arms falling forward
  • feet turning outwards, or
  • knees caving inward

Your Brain and the Overhead Squat Assessment

The Overhead Squat Assessment (OSA) will tell you how well your brain controls your muscles.

You are not only looking at the mechanical system of the muscles, but you are also observing how well the neuromuscular system is functioning.

Through the OSA, you can see which muscles are in an overactive state, and which are in a weakened underactive state.

Keep this fascinating idea in mind, and you will have a much better understanding of the OHS assessment.

An accurate Overhead Squat Assessment will reveal how you can make your muscles work better through mechanical principles, to get stronger and function more efficiently.

  • Overactive (tight) muscles work too much, and
  • Underactive (weak) muscles work too little.

Classic Hip Flexor Imbalance

For example, a classic imbalance of excessive forward lean arises from chronic sitting.

Try it out yourself.

Do a few repetitions of an overhead bodyweight squat as described above.

There is a good chance that you might experience an excessive forward lean.

In this compensation, your hip flexors are one of the overactive muscle groups as the hip flexors are comprised of your rectus femoris (quadriceps), psoas, and TFL (Tensor Fasciae Latae).

And if your hip flexors are tight and overactive, you know that your glutes are underactive because you sit too many hours in the day.

When you sit, your hips are flexed, which causes overactivation of your hip flexors and a corresponding underactivation of your glutes.

The solution will be to stretch and relax your overactive hip flexors and strengthen your underactive glutes and thereby improve your functional fitness and ability to squat.

Whether you are a personal trainer or not, the overhead squat assessment will help you understand how you can help yourself or a client improve functional fitness.

For this reason, the Overhead Squat Assessment (OHS) plays a pivotal role in passing your NASM certification exam.

The NASM (National Academy of Sports Medicine) exam for certification as a personal trainer devotes up to 20 percent of its test questions to the Overhead Squat Assessment.

How Do You Remember the Overhead Squat Assessment Solutions Table?

But, a big challenge is, though, how can you ever remember the overhead squat solutions table which includes:

  • Two views, lateral and anterior
  • Four checkpoints that are part of the kinetic chain
  • LPHC – lumbar pelvic hip complex
  • Upper body
  • Feet
  • Knees
  • Five common movement compensations
  • Excessive forward lean
  • Lower back arch
  • Arms fall forward
  • Feet turn out
  • Knees move inward
  • plus 34 overactive and underactive muscles
  • and the corrective exercise strategies to relax the overactive muscles and strengthen the underactive muscles

That is a lot of information to remember, but if you do, not only do you have a better chance of passing the NASM exam but in addition, you will remember valuable information that helps yourself and others immediately.

What depth is suggested for the overhead squat assessment?
Overhead squat assessment solutions table P. 196 – NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness Training 6th edition

Overhead Squat Assessment Mnemonic Device

If you are facing this significant obstacle of how to remember the OSA solutions table, here is my mnemonic device which will help you memorize all of the overactive and underactive muscles.

You can create your own imaginary story of course, or feel free to use my fable of overworked elves at the North Pole!

It is tried and tested, so I know it works!

What depth is suggested for the overhead squat assessment?

Overhead squat assessment Elf Mnemonic – Image Credit Elf Movie (New Line Cinema)

Lateral View

You get an invitation to visit Santa’s workshop at the North Pole. As you enter the workshop…

Excessive Forward Lean Compensation

Looking from the side (Lateral View), you see an ELF (Excessive Forward lean compensation) with a GASH (Gastrocnemius, Abdominal Complex [ rectus abdominis

and external oblique ], Soleus, Hip Flexors – overactive muscles) across his hips; he is at least the AGE (Anterior Tibialis, Gluteus Maximus, Erector Spinae (underactive muscles) of 1000,

Imagine an Elf who is 1000 years old with a Gash from Santa across his hips for not working fast enough.

Lower Back Arch Compensation

This ELF’s name is Larry B. Archy (Lower Back Arch compensation), and he is just sick and tired of working for Santa, to the point that he feels like he is living in HELL (Hip Flexors, Erector Spinae, Latissimus Dorsi (tight muscles).

Larry B. Archy is holding a large bottle of Ghee, but think GHI (Gluteus Maximus, Hamstring Complex, Intrinsic Core Stabilizers such as; transverse abdominis, multifidus, transversospinalis, internal obliques, pelvic floor muscles (weak muscles).

Arms Fall Forward Compensation

So, out of tremendous frustration, Larry screams out, AFF (Arms Fall Forward compensation)!

I cannot take this anymore!

I am so tired of my lazy boss Santa telling me what to do, and asking always, is it done yet?

Are the other elves that I am responsible to manage finished?

Did you feed the reindeer?


And Larry makes both arms fall forward in exasperation.

Larry exclaims to all of the other elves, let’s start a revolution!

It is time for a work stoppage!

So, Let’s sTop Production LTP (Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major, Pectoralis Major/Minor (overactive muscles)) in Santas factory, we have had enough!

And instead of working for Santa, We immediately need some R and R – MRR (Middle and Lower Trapezius, Rhomboids, Rotator Cuff (underactive muscles).

Anterior View

So Larry B. Archy quits Santa’s workshop and takes a vacation to Antigua beach, (Anterior View).

Feet Turn Out Compensation

At the beach, while he is sitting under the umbrella, Larry sees his own feet turn out (External Rotation compensation) to the sides.

And as an Elf, he knows that means he is hungry and has to order his favorite Sandwich of Bacon and lettuce SBL (Soleus, Biceps Femoris Short Head, Lateral Gastrocnemius (overactive muscles).

I am sure you know that Elves do not eat tomatoes or eggplant, nothing from the nightshade family, only SBL.

Larry is so happy with his SBL, that he made the right choice to bolt from Santa’s workshop to the beach, what a sandwich and he shouts out:

“Mmm Good, So tart and popular! MMGSP (Medial Gastrocnemius, Medial Hamstring Complex, Gracilis, Sartorius, Popliteus (underactive muscles).”

Knees Move Inward Compensation

After his delicious sandwich for lunch, Larry lies down on the beach, still in his Elf clothes, but he sees that his knees are exposed because the patches came off, and his knees move inward (compensation) towards each other.

Larry’s knees flap inwards and out like a Virtual Bat VBAT (Vastus Lateralis, Biceps Femoris Short Head, Adductor Complex, TFL (overactive tight muscles).

And finally, he sighs in happiness, Very More Only Good VMOG, which is how elves say very good, I made the right decision to revolt and flee Santa’s workshop, how Very More Only Good! VMOG (Vastus Medialis Oblique, Gluteus Medius and Maximus (underactive muscles).

Corrective Strategies for Excessive Forward Lean

Self-Myofascial Release (SMR) for Calves and Quads

Since the gastrocnemius, soleus, and hip flexor muscles are tight, do self-myofascial release (SMR) foam roll of the calves and quads.

How to foam roll your calves (soleus, lateral and medial gastrocnemius)

The reason that you foam roll the quads is that the hip flexor complex includes the rectus femoris, one of the quadriceps heads, as well as the psoas and TFL (Tensor Fasciae Latae).

How and why you should use a foam roller

Static Stretching for calves and quads

Static stretching your calf muscles – lateral, medial gastrocnemius, and soleus

Kneeling Hip Flexor StretchThe kneeling hip flexor stretch is an excellent tool in your arsenal because more likely than not, you have tight hip flexors.

If you spend many hours a day sitting either for work, commuting, or watching TV, your hip flexors are constantly engaged.

As a result, your hip flexors become tight, shortened, and overactive.

The hip flexor stretch will help help to lengthen your tight hip flexors.

Never underestimate the power of simple stretches to help resolve back pain or any other type of muscular joint pain you have in your body.

Even better, do SMR and static stretches to prevent you from ever suffering from joint or muscular pain!

Strengthening Exercises for EFL

Here are the sample strengthening exercises for the excessive forward lean compensation which indicates weak, lengthened, and underactive anterior tibialis, gluteus maximus, and erector spinae muscles.

Quadruped Arm Opposite Leg Raise

How to do the quadruped arm opposite leg raise

Ball Wall Squat

Stability ball wall squat

Solutions Table

Short, tight, overactive muscles mean that there is too much stimulation of these muscles by your central nervous system.

Overstimulation of these muscles results in altered reciprocal inhibition of the antagonist’s muscles.

For example, overactive hip flexors, a common postural pattern distortion caused by excessive sitting, results in a weak, lengthened, and underactive gluteus maximus.

A weak gluteus maximus will reduce your ability to produce the muscular force in any exercises that require hip extension, such as the squat and deadlift, two of the greatest compound exercises.

These weak muscles must be strengthened while the overactive muscles need to relax, to calm down.

Here are several examples:

For a tight soleus and gastrocnemius, as in the excessive forward lean and feet turning out compensations, use:

  • Self-myofascial release for the calves and
  • static gastrocnemius stretch

Or, for tight hip flexors, as in the excessive forward lean, low back arches compensations, use:

  • SMR (self-myofascial release) for the quadriceps
  • static kneeling hip flexor stretch

In the anterior view of the OSA, overactive biceps femoris short head as in the feet turn out and knees move inward compensations can use:

  • SMR for the biceps femoris short head, and
  • static supine biceps femoris short head stretch

Note: See recommended Fitness Gear for muscle imbalance correction & flexibility training.

Overhead Squat Assessment – Final Thoughts

Why is the overhead squat assessment one of the most important movement assessments for you to know?

For fitness professionals, the OHS assessment puts you in a position of credibility.

And it is a valuable tool to enable any fitness enthusiast to improve coordination, function, and core strength.

Because when there are muscle imbalances, they affect the neural communication between your brain and your muscles and hinder your ability to generate maximum force.

Therefore, there are many benefits to knowing and remembering the Overhead Squat Assessment solutions table.

Here are a few:

  • You will immediately understand any outstanding postural dysfunctions
  • Identify the overactive (tight) and underactive (weak) muscles through the overhead squat assessment
  • As a result, you will know how to design a program to correct muscle imbalances and prevent injury
  • This program design will help your muscles work more efficiently, and get stronger
  • Make greater progress in your fitness goals, for example, as a result of tight hip flexors, you might not be making the gains in the squat you want.
  • Or because of weak hamstrings, you might be experiencing the same lack of progress in your deadlift.
  • Establish your authority and competence as a personal trainer and fitness professional.
  • You have a better chance of passing your NASM exam if you memorize the OHS assessment solutions table

What’s Next

The squat is a foundational movement to improve your health.

Learn How to Do Squats Properly With Or Without Weights and use this Beginner Squat Workout Routine to increase your functional strength and mobility.

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