Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban-Soal Ujian Sekolah Inggris AS SMP MTs K13. 2021 Berikut adalah latihan Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Sekolah AS 2013 untuk Kurikulum MTs SMP tahun 2021.Aplikasi belajar ofline untuk SD/MI

Kurikulum SMP MTs 2013 Pertanyaan Ujian Sekolah Inggris AS adalah untuk membantu siswa kelas 9 SMP / MTs dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah tahun ajaran 2020/2021.

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 dan Kunci Jawaban

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

Ujian yang diselenggarakan oleh satuan pendidikan dilakukan dalam bentuk berikut. Portofolio, berupa evaluasi nilai rapor, nilai sikap / perilaku, dan prestasi sebelumnya (penghargaan, hasil kompetisi, dll).

1. Tugas.

2. Uji online atau offline

3. Bentuk kegiatan asesmen lainnya ditentukan oleh satuan pendidikan.

Sehubungan dengan hal tersebut, siswa diharapkan mampu mempersiapkan sejak awal untuk belajar mengerjakan soal Ujian Sekolah 2021, apabila satuan pendidikan menyelenggarakan ujian dalam bentuk ujian.

Dengan persiapan yang lebih awal, siswa akan bisa mendapatkan hasil yang maksimal dalam mengerjakan soal-soal ujian.

Kisi soal Ujian Sekolah SMP / MTs dibuat dengan mempertimbangkan ruang lingkup materi yang sama dalam Kurikulum 2013.

Baca juga : Aplikasi AKM berbasis Android I Soal SD/MI Ujian ANBK-NASIONAL

Soal Ujian Sekolah US Bahasa Inggris  SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 Tahun 2021

Penyusunan soal Ujian SMP MTs untuk mengukur pencapaian kompetensi lulusan pada semua mata pelajaran harus tetap mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) di masing-masing satuan pendidikan.

Ruang lingkup materi Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris SMP MTs 2021 adalah sebagai berikut.

1. Fungsi sosial

2. Struktur teks

3. Unsur bahasa

Baca juga : Soal ujain tentag aplikasi CANVA

Berikut adalah contoh soal-soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris AS Kurikulum 2013 MTs tahun 2021.

link menuju soal silahkan akses 

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download soal bahasa inggris kelas 9 – Kumpulan soal ujian sekolah(US) untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP tahun 2022.

Sahabat pendidikan, ujian sekolah merupakan sebuah kegiatan sekolah yang sangat penting untuk di lakukan oleh guru dan juga oleh siswa. Dalam menghadapi ujian sekolah maka guru harus bias menyiapkan soal-soal ujian sekolah sedangkan siswa harus bias menjawab soal ujian sekolah dengan baik dan benar agar bias mendapatkan nilai yang baik dan tentunya nilai yang di peroleh bias di atas KKM yang telah di tentukan oleh sekolah masing-masing agar bias lulus.

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

Saat ini ujian nasional telah di hapus atau dihilangkan namun khusus untuk ujian sekolah masih tetap harus ada dan harus di lalkukan oleh setiap satuan pendidikan mulai dari sekolah jenjang SD, SMP hingga SMA/SMK. Ujian sekolah menjadi salah satu yang bias menentukan kelulusan siswa di samping nilai lainnya yakni nilai dari rata-rata rapor selama 6 semester serta tentunya nilai sikap yang meliput sikap spiritual dan sikap social yang juga harus baik.

Berbicara mengenai ujian sekolah maka pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan membagikan kumpulan soal-soal ujian sekolah untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP lengkap dengan kunci jawabannya. Soal US bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP yang akan saya bagikan disini meliputi soal yang termuat mulai dari materi bahasa inggris kelas 7 SMP, kelas 8 SMP hingga kelas 9 SMP.

Bapak dan ibu guru yang sedang mengajar mata pelajaran bahasa inggris dan sedang mencari referensi soal untuk ujian sekolah maka kiranya bias terbantu dengan adanya postingan ini. Selain itu khusus untuk para peserta didik yang akan menghadapi ujian sekolah khususnya untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris serta membutuhkan sebuah referensi pembelajaran maka kirnaya bias memanfaatkan soal-soal ujian sekolah bahasa inggris kelas 9 ini sebagai bahan pembelajaran untuk mengasah kemampuan anda dalam memahami pelajaran bahasa inggris pada jenjang SMP.

Adapun jenis soal ujian sekolah bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP yang akan saya sajikan pada postingan ini yaitu berupa soal pilihan ganda dan di setiap soal yang di berikan juga semuanya telah di lengkapi dengan kunci jawaban serta soal yang disajikan berjumlah 60 nomor yang terdiri dari soal materi bahasa inggris kelas 7, soal materi bahasa inggris kelas 8, soal materi bahasa inggris kelas 9.

Baiklah untuk anda yang ingin mengetahui dan melihat serta mempelajari soal ujian sekolah mata pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP, maka silahkan anda simak selagkapnya di bawah ini:


The text is for question no. 1 and 2 !


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

1. What has Hendra won?

A. Race.

B. Tour.

C. Success.

D. Big win.

Kunci jawaban : A

2. What is Yulia’s purpose for writing the text?

A. To celebrate the win.

B. To congratulate Wawan.

C. To wish for success.

D. To look forward to winning.

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 3


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

3. ……..

A. To tell her how to congratulate.

B. To explain why she congratulates.

C. To congratulate and show her pride.

D. To congratulate the former chairperson

Kunci jawaban : C

The text is for question no. 4


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

4. What does the text mean?

A. It tells us about the cliffs, children, and trails.

B. It asks us to stay in our car with our children.

C. It forbids us to do bring pets and money.

D. It reminds us about safety in the cliffs.

Kunci jawaban : D

The dialog is for question no. 5 to 6.

Indah : Look, I am making a pretty doll from used clothes and paper.

Norma : Good job. It looks like a Barbie doll. I really like it.

Indah : Thank you, it is very nice of you to say so.

Norma : I hope it would be the best creation in the school craft festival next week.

5. “Good job”

The expression in the conversation above refers to

A. Norma’s pride on Indah’s succes in making the pretty doll.

B. Indah’s pride on Norma’s succes in making the pretty doll.

C. The Barbie doll which Norma really likes to make.

D. The Barbie doll which Indah looks like very much.

Kunci jawaban : A

6. What would Indah do?

A. Make a barbie doll from used clothes and paper.

B. Take part in the school craft festifal next week.

C. Use clothes and paper to make a barbie doll.

D. Make clothes and paper for the pretty doll.

Kunci jawaban : B

Read Text to answer questions 7 and 8


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

7. What does Yudha mean in his statement “…need somebody who is strong enough”?

A. Agus is weak.

B. Scout leader is a hard job.

C. Agus is too smart.

D. Scout doesn’t want Agus.

Kunci jawaban : A

8. What is the application about?

A. Science club.

B. Scout leader.

C. Science competition.

D. Our program manager.

Kunci jawaban : B

The dialog is for question no. 9 to 10.

Yuli : Look, some students park their bike everywhere in the school back yard.

Alda : Yes, I am afraid it will attract the thief to come.

Yuli : What if we ask them to put their bike in the parking lot

Alda : I agree with you. But why don’t we put a notice that says “No Parking” there.

Yulil : That’s a great idea.

Alda : Let’s do it now.

9. “Yes, I am afraid it will attract the thief to come”

The underlined word in the sentence above is close in meaning to...

A. give.

B. take.

C. drive.

D. tempt.

Kunci jawaban : C

10. Yuli says “ What if we ask them to put their bike in the parking lot?” because she wants to ask for Alda’s...

A. compliment

B. agreement.

C. argument.

D. opinion.

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 11 to 12.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

11. What does Abbas hope on Fahrul’s birth day?

A. Fahrul will always have a happy life.

B. Fahrul will also explain his happiness.

C. Fahrul will see him at his seventeenth.

D. Fahrul will always happy and return the day.

Kunci jawaban : A

12. Abbas write the card becuse he intends to ...

A. make his friend smile on his birth day.

B. congratulate on his friend’s happy life.

C. tell his friend know that it is his birth day.

D. give his friend a warm wishes on his birth day.

Kunci jawaban : D

The text is for question no. 13 to 14.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

13. Why is the text written?

A. To promote Lady Evelyn Falls Campground.

B. To close Lady Evelyn Falls Campground.

C. To announce closure of Lady Evelyn Falls Campground.

D. To thank the individuals with reservations at Lady Evelyn Falls Campground.

Kunci jawaban : C

14. What will happen to the booking of the reservations?

A. It will be closed.

B. It will be refunded.

C. It will be announced.

D. It will be contacted.

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 15 to 16


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

15. “...I am in the middle of teacher meeting in Purwokerto now.”

The sentence means that...

A. the teacher is still attending a meeting in Purwokerto.

B. the teacher meets the someone in Purwokerto center.

C. the teacher is meeting in the middle of Purwokerto.

D. the teacher goes to Purwokerto for a meeting.

Kunci jawaban : A

 16. The writer sends the message to...

A. tell the students about the activity they have to do while he is away.

B. show the students how to do the experiment in the school laboratory.

C. inform the students to do the experiment about the magnetic field effect.

D. let the students make groups of four and discuss the materials in Chapter 2.

Kunci jawaban : A

The text is for question no. 17 to 18


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

17. What does “Them” in “who will be in-charge-of them” refer to?

A. Purposes.

B. Students.

C. You and other students.

D. Programs.

Kunci jawaban : D

18. Where can Jamilah meet Siti Aminah?

A. In Student center.

B. In 9D classroom.

C. In the meeting.

D. In the anniversary.

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 19 to 20


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

19. Who will camp at Philip Island?

A. Grade 7.

B. Grade 8.

C. Grade 9.

D. Grades 7-8.

Kunci jawaban : A

20. Who is the busiest class?

A. Grade 7.

B. Grade 8.

C. Grade 9.

D. Grades 7-8.

Kunci jawaban : A

The text is for question no. 21 to 23


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

21. What will people receive if they buy a furniture product in Kuna Jaya in August?

A. A cellular phone and A 16 inch TV.

B. The largest antique furniture.

C. A discount of 50% free charge.

D. Rp 2 Million and Rp 10 Million.

Kunci jawaban : C

22. People will get a cellular phone if they spend ... Rp10 million to buy furniture product in Kuna Jaya

A. less than

B. more than

C. under

D. below

Kunci jawaban : B

23. What will people likely do after reading the text?

A. Go to take the 50% free charge from Kuna jaya.

B. Go to buy some furniture products at Kuna Jaya.

C. Go to buy a TV set and cellular phone in Kuna Jaya.

D. Go to see the TV set and cellular phone for Kuna Jaya.

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 24 to 26


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

24. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To greet Ismawati.

B. To send a photograph.

C. To introduce the writer.

D. To describe a country.

Kunci jawaban : C

25. Who is Habibah’s sister?

A. Ismawati.

B. Yousef.

C. Maryam.

D. Raysa.

Kunci jawaban : D

26. What does “attached” mean in “Attached are photographs of the..”?

A. Enclosed.

B. Glued.

C. ent.

D. Seen.

Kunci jawaban : A

The text is for question no. 27 to 28


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

27. The event announced above is held by?

A. Rita Supermarket.

B. HoreeeTV Station

C. Talent contest.

D. Music concert.

Kunci jawaban : B

28. The announcement is about the...

A. entertainment Show from HoreeeTV.

B. exhibition by talent search on TV.

C. concert held at Rita supermarket.

D. audition for talented TV star.

Kunci jawaban : D

29. People who want to join the event should the provided form.

A. some unimportant personal information .

B. as many personal information as possible.

C. a little information they want to expose.

D. all personal information required.

Kunci jawaban : D

The text is for question no. 30 to 32


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

30. Where is the text possibly printed?

A. Longreach.

B. Katherine.

C. Darwin.

D. Melbourne.

Kunci jawaban : B

31. What is the text written for?

A. To describe aircruise.

B. To offer an aircruise tour.

C. To inform the beauty of outback.

D. To charter an aircraft.

Kunci jawaban : B

32. Where will be ground touring held?

A. Uluru and Kakadu.

B. Darwin and the Kimberly.

C. The Mitchel falls and the Bunge Bungle Range.

D. Longreach and Katherine.

Kunci jawaban : C

The text is for question no. 33 to 35.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

33. The label is written to make the customers know...

A. the serving size per container is enough

B. the product are affordable or not

C. the detailed information about the product

D. the calories needed by our bodies

Kunci jawaban : C

34. Which information is not described in the label above?

A. Expiration Date.

B. Amount or Weight

C. The Composition

D. Direction for storing

Kunci jawaban : A

35. Which does the product contain least?

A. Cholesterol

B. Carbohydrate.

C. Protein

D. Sodium

Kunci jawaban : B

36. Where should the customers keep the product?

A. In medicine box.

B. In the refrigerator.

C. In the drawer.

D. On the table.

Kunci jawaban : A

The text is for question no. 37 to 39.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

37. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To explain what hay fever is.

B. To describe the cure of hay fever.

C. To give ways to reduce hay fever symptoms.

D. To cure hay fever by medicines.

Kunci jawaban : C

38. What does “this” in “you need to discuss this with your doctor or pharmacist” refer to?

A. Taking anti-histamine.

B. Using nasal sprays.

C. Applying eye drops.

D. Alleviating symptoms.

Kunci jawaban : A

39. What does “air-borne pollen” mean?

A. Pollen from flowers.

B. Pollen taken by air.

C. Pollen produced by air.

D. Pollen in the air.

Kunci jawaban : D

The text is for question no. 40 to 43

Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

40. What is the text about?

A. A girl named Matilda.

B. Matilda, a favourite book.

C. The story of Matilda.

D. A book titled Matilda.

Kunci jawaban : B

41. What does paragraph 2 tell?

A. Name of the book and why it’s favourite.

B. The professor in Matilda’s school.

C. Matilda’s school experience.

D. Hard life of Matilda.

Kunci jawaban : C

42. Why did the family leave Matilda?

A. They disliked her.

B. She hated them.

C. The professor asked them.

D. They had law problem.

Kunci jawaban : D

43. What does “they” in “they let her in custody of the teacher” refer to?

A. A foster family.

B. Matilda and Professor.

C. A teacher and children.

D. Matilda’s parents.

Kunci jawaban : D

Read Text to complete the blanks of questions 44 to 46.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

44. ……     

A. telephone

B. car

C. airplane

D. helicopter

Kunci jawaban : C

45. …..      

A. drive

B. fly

C. direct

D. steer

Kunci jawaban : B

46. …….

A. great

B. spectacular

C. new

D. amazing

Kunci jawaban : C

This text is for question number 47 to 50


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

47. What is the text about?

A. The musicians of Covent Garden.

B. The performers in Covent Garden.

C. Getting some money in Covent Garden.

D. Covent Garden as a place for street performers.

Kunci jawaban : D

48. What do the performers have to do before they can perform there?

A. Pass the test.

B. Show their performance.

C. Collect some money.

D. Throw the money into the hat.

Kunci jawaban : A

49. What will the readers probably do when they visit the Covent Garden?

A. Find the exact location of Covent Garden    

B. Plan to be the street performers

C. Prepare to pass the test of being street performer

D. Enjoy the street performances of Covent Garden

Kunci jawaban : D

50. “and due to that they make a lot of money…”

The word “they “ refers to ....

A. people

B. audiences

C. tourists

D. performers

Kunci jawaban : D

The text is for question no. 51 to 54.

A landslide is a geological phenomenon which includes different types of ground movement, such as rock falls, deep failure of slopes and shallow debris flows. We usually also say that landslide is when a large amount of soil and rocks falls down the side of a hill, cliff, or mountain.

Landslide can occur naturally or because of human’ action. Natural cause of landslide includes erosion by river, heavy rain, or snowmelt, glacier melting, ocean waves which create over steepened slopes, earthquakes, volcanic eruption, and ground water pressure. Human cause of landslide includes vibrations from machinery or traffic, blasting, mining, and logging.

51. Based on the text, landslide can happen due to ....

A. Natureal phenomenon

B. Human activities

C. Nature and human action

D. Geological phenomenon

Kunci jawaban : C

52. Among the causes of landslide by nature is ....

A. Illegal logging.

B. Mining exploration.

C. Machinary vibration.

D. Ground water pressure.

Kunci jawaban : D

53. What does the text mostly tell us about?

A. Landslide phenomenon.

B. Human made landslide.

C. The natural causes of landslide.

D. A landslide natural phenomenon.

Kunci jawaban : B

54. The second paragraph describe the landslide in term of its ....

A. effect

B. cause

C. nature

D. human

Kunci jawaban : B

The text is for question no. 55 to 58.


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

55. How did the writer feel at first?

A. Happy.

B. Confused.

C. Afraid.

D. Amazed.

Kunci jawaban : A

56. What does paragraph 3 tell?

A. Their feeling in two minutes.

B. The beginning of the big wheel accident.

C. How the writer overcame her fear.

D. How the mechanic fixed the big wheel.

Kunci jawaban : B

57. What does “they” in “they shouted” refer to?

A. The writer and Sarah.

B. Everyone below us.

C. The big wheel passengers.

D. Two mechanics.

Kunci jawaban : D

58. What does the writer mean by “$1 for a two-minute ride ”?

A. It is very quick.

B. It is very fun.

C. It will not kill.

D. It is expensive.

Kunci jawaban : A

The text is for question no. 59 to 60


Soal Ujian Sekolah Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 PDF

59. What can we learn from the song?

A. A friend will always be with you in happy time.

B. A friend will never leave when you are in trouble.

C. People have to be good and friendly to others.

D. People need a friend when they are in trouble.

Kunci jawaban : B

60. I'll sail the world to find you

Based on the lyric, someone should be ... to his friend.

A. helpful

B. useful.

C. wonderful..

D. awful

Kunci jawaban : A



Demikianlah kumpulan soal-soal ujian sekolah untuk mata pelajaran bahasa inggris kelas 9 SMP yang bisa saya bagikan melalui postingan ini, semoga informasi mengenai soal-soal US bahasa inggris jenjang SMP ini bisa menjadi bahan pembelajaran bagi siswa yang akan mengikuti ujian sekolah serta pula dapat menjadi referensi bagi guru bahasa inggris yang akan membut soal ujian di sekolahnya masing-masing.

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