Python file write next line

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  3. Append Data to a New Line in a File Using Python

Append Data to a New Line in a File Using Python

Python Python File

Created: November-18, 2021 | Updated: January-23, 2022

Python is a universal language when it comes to file reading and manipulation. Because of its easy-to-understand syntax and built-in features, performing complex tasks over files becomes a more straightforward task relatively with Python. This article will talk about how we can append new data to a new line while writing a file in Python.

Append Data to a New Line Using a New Line Character (\n) in Python

A new line is represented using a new line character or \n in programming languages such as Python or C++. While appending or adding new data to a file, we can add this character at the end of each line to add new data to a new line. Let us understand this with the help of an example.

data = ["Hello World", "Hello", "World", "Python is a Programming Language"] file = open("sample.txt", "w") for x in data: file.write(x) file.write("\n") file.close()

A file by the name of sample.txt will be created in the working directory, and the following will be the files content.

Hello World Hello World Python is a Programming Language
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