MP3 corrupt file Repair software

Find and Fix Damaged MP3 Files, MP3, like many other types of files, can be damaged for a variety of reasons. When these files are damaged, they will not play in any media players on your computer. You will need to recover these MP3 files first before they can be played again.

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Find and Fix Damaged MP3 Files

Damage to your MP3 files can be caused by various factors. There may be an internet connection problem while downloading MP3 files from the internet. Or maybe your files were infected with a virus and they turned out to be corrupted.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

However, there are several ways to recover MP3 files on your computer. Using these methods, you can fix corrupted MP3 files and make them playable on your computer again.

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Use iTunes to repair MP3 files

iTunes is actually a media manager that lets you store and play music files, but it can also be used to fix MP3 files. Basically, you can use the apps conversion function to convert the files to MP3 again.

This encoding process should remove the bad sectors and fix the files for you.

  • Launch iTunes on your computer and select the corrupted music file you want to fix.
  • While the file is highlighted, click the File menu at the top, choose Convert, and choose Create MP3 Version.
  • The creation of a new version of your MP3 file will start.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

The resulting file that you receive at the end of the process should be free of errors and should be playable in your media players without problems.

How to fix MP3 files online

If you only want to recover one or a few MP3 files, you can actually use one of the online recovery tools for this task. These tools dont require you to install anything on your computer, and you can recover your MP3s simply by uploading them to the Internet.

  • Open your browser and go to the mp3Repair website.
  • Click the download icon in the middle and download the corrupted MP3 file.
  • When its loaded, check the Recover audio length (playing time) checkbox and click Recover / edit MP3 file now! button. Your file will start to recover.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

  • For some reason, when the file is restored, the site switches to German as the language. However, you can press the orange button in the middle to download the corrected MP3 file.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

This is how you recover MP3 files online.

Repair MP3 files with MP3val

MP3val is a free open source utility that allows you to fix corrupted MP3 files with one click of a few buttons. You dont need to set up a lot and everything works right out of the box. Plus, its portable so you dont need to install it to use it.

  • Download MP3val to your computer, unpack the archive and run the executable file.
  • When it opens, click the File menu at the top and select Add Files. This will allow you to add corrupted MP3 files.
  • Add any corrupted MP3 files you want to fix to the application.
  • When the files are added, click the Actions menu at the top and select Scan All. It will scan all files in the list for errors.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

  • The Status column will show PROBLEM for all files that the application detects as damaged. To fix these MP3 files, click the Actions menu again and select Recover All Files.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

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Fix broken MP3 files with MP3 repair tool

MP3 Repair Tool is another free way to recover MP3 files on your computer. It fixes files by removing frames either at the beginning or at the end of the files. You can also manually specify the number of frames you want to remove until your file is fixed.

  • Download and run MP3 Repair Tool on your computer.
  • On the main screen, it will ask you to select the files you want to fix. Mark corrupted MP3 files and click Recover! button below.
  • It will tell you when your files are restored.
  • If your files are still not playable after fixing, you may have to restore them again with a tool. The tool recommends increasing the number of deleted frames by one until the file is repaired.Enter 1 in the Delete field and click Recover! Keep increasing this number until your file is playable.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

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Repair MP3 files with the MP3 Scan + Repair App

Mac users have a free app called MP3 Scan + Repair App to help you scan MP3 files for any problems and fix them on your computer.

  • Download and run the application on your Mac.
  • Drag the damaged MP3 files to the application interface.
  • Click the hammer icon in the application to start recovering MP3 files. Remember, your original files will be overwritten by the fixed files.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

Use MP3 animations to fix MP3 files

MP3 Diags is again a free and open source application to fix corrupted MP3 files on computers. It has a pretty quick procedure for fixing your files, and all it basically needs from you is just the folder your MP3s are in.

  • Download, install and run MP3 Diags on your computer.
  • Click the gear icon on the top menu bar and you can add your MP3 folders.
  • Select the folder where your files are saved.
  • It will scan and fix your broken MP3 files.

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

MP3 corrupt file Repair software
MP3 corrupt file Repair software

The result will be saved separately from the original file with the _repaired suffix in the filename.

Find and Fix Damaged MP3 Files

Find and Fix Damaged MP3 Files

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