Listening strategies for ESL students PDF

An Investigation into the Listening Strategies of ESL College Students.

@inproceedings{Murphy1985AnII, title={An Investigation into the Listening Strategies of ESL College Students.}, author={John M. Murphy}, year={1985} }
  • John M. Murphy
  • Published 1 April 1985
  • Education

Murphy, John Merton An Investigation into the Listening Strategies of ESL College Students. Apr 85 52p.; Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (19th, New York, NY, April 8-14, 1985). Reports Research/Technical (143) -Speeches/Conference Papers (150) MF01/PC03 Plus Postage. Behavior Patterns; *College Students; *English (Second Language); Higher Education; Learning Processes; *Learning Strategies; *Listening Comprehension; *Listening…Expand

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