How to call a list in a function python

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    In this article, we will learn how to apply a function to each element of a Python list. Let’s see what exactly is Applying a function to each element of a list means:

    Suppose we have a list of integers and a function that doubles each integer in this list. On applying the function to the list, the function should double all the integers in the list. We achieve this functionality in the following ways:

    1. map() method.
    2. Using list comprehensions.
    3. lambda function

    Using map() method

    map() methods take two arguments: iterables and functions and returns a map object. We use list() to convert the map object to a list.



    def double(integer):

        return integer*2

    integer_list = [1, 2, 3]

    output_list = list(map(double, integer_list))



    [2, 4, 6]

    Time Complexity: O(n)*(O complexity of function applied on list)

    Using list comprehensions

    We use a list comprehension to call a function on each element of the list and then double it for this case.



    def double(integer):

        return integer*2

    integer_list = [1, 2, 3]

    output_list = [double(i) for i in integer_list]



    [2, 4, 6]

    Time Complexity: O(n)*(O complexity of function applied on list)

    Using Lambda Function

    A lambda function can also be employed to produce the above functionality. Lambda is capable of creating an anonymous function that can be made enough to fit the given requirement.



    lst = [1, 2, 3]

    ans = []

    for x in lst:

        def res(x): return x*2




    [2, 4, 6]

    1. HowTo
    2. Python How-To's
    3. Pass a List to a Function in Python

    Created: March-05, 2022

    1. Pass a List to a Function in Python
    2. Pass a List to a Python Function Just Like Any Other Data Type
    3. Difference Between Passing and Unpacking a List in Python
    4. Conclusion

    In Python, sending a list to a function is just like passing any other form of data. Let’s explore a little more into this subject.

    Pass a List to a Function in Python

    We will define a function testing with a single parameter, flavor. Then, we pass an argument named Cherry while calling the function.

    This argument goes to the parameter variable flavor, which the function can then use. See the example below.


    def testing(flavor):
        print("You chose:", flavor)


    You chose: Cherry

    Pass a List to a Python Function Just Like Any Other Data Type

    Python lists are like any other Python object that we can pass into a function as a simple variable. We have a function enjoy with a hobbies parameter in the code sample below.

    Outside the function block, we define a list hobbies_list. While calling the function enjoy, we pass this variable, hobbies_list, as an argument.

    This list goes to the parameter variable hobbies, and thus, the function can use the value of this list.


    def enjoy(hobbies): #or def enjoy(hobbies=[]):
        for hobby in hobbies:
    hobbies_list = ['art', 'dance', 'sing']



    See how the enjoy function gets the value of the list, and the for loop inside it prints all the list items. Sometimes, you will also see the assignment of square brackets [] to the parameter variable while passing a list to a function.

    Difference Between Passing and Unpacking a List in Python

    In Python, we can use *args to pass a variable number of arguments to a function. Now, since a list has multiple values, people tend to use *args as the parameter variable for a list argument so that all the values of the list are taken care of.

    When we define *args as the parameter variable, we signal the function to wait for a variable number of arguments. Passing the elements of a list as multiple arguments is similar to unpacking a list.


    def subjects(*args):
        for subject in args:
            print("The subject name is ",subject)
    names = ['mathematics', 'science', 'history']


    The subject name is  ['mathematics', 'science', 'history']

    You will see the difference better if you compare this output with the below code.


    def subjects(args):
        for subject in args:
            print("The subject name is ", subject)
    names = ['mathematics', 'science', 'history']


    The subject name is  mathematics
    The subject name is  science
    The subject name is  history

    Notice how the output changes based on *args. If *args is used to pass a list to a Python function, we might not get the expected results.

    As a result, it’s important to select the appropriate syntax based on the requirements.


    In this article, we learned about passing a list to a function in Python. We saw how we could pass a list to a function in Python just like we pass any other data type.

    We further understood the difference between passing and unpacking lists as multiple arguments.

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