How to align tables in Google Docs

Google Docs allows you to create and customize tables. You can conveniently insert a table in your document by going to the Insert tab. You can also format the table in different ways, such as by changing the width and color of its borders, and its alignment.

In this article, we will focus on changing the alignment of a table. We will specifically be talking about how to center align a table in Google Docs.

Changing the alignment of the table does not change the alignment of text inside the table. We will cover it in the second part of this article.

2 methods to center align a table in Google Docs.

  • Right clicking and using table properties
  • Using table properties from the Format tab

Method 1: Right clicking and using table properties

The first method involves using table properties from the drop-down menu. It lets you change the alignment of the table.

Step 1: Open your Google Docs document.

How to align tables in Google Docs

(Optional) Step 2: Insert a table in the document.

This step is optional. If you already have a table in your document, you can skip this step. However, if you dont have a table in your document, you should follow this step.

First, click on the Insert tab at the top left corner of the screen. This will open the Insert drop down menu. The second option in the drop down menu is the Table option. Hover over this option to open up another drop down menu that allows you to create the table. Select the number of rows and columns you would like to have and the table will be inserted in your document.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 3: Right click on the table.

Right click on the table in your document to open up a drop down menu.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 4: Click on the Table properties option in the drop down menu.

In the drop down menu, you should see the Table properties option. Click on this option to open the Table properties window, where you will find different options for formatting your table.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 5: Change Table alignment to Center.

In the Table properties window, you should see the Table alignment option. This allows you to change the alignment of your table.

The default alignment is Left. Click on the option and change it to Center.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 6: Click on OK to close the window.

At the bottom right corner of the window, you should see the OK option. Click on this to close the Table properties window.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Method 2: Using table properties from the Format tab

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that instead of right clicking on the table, you use the Format tab to open the Table properties window. However, this method takes more time and effort than the previous one.

Below are the steps for this method.

Step 1: Make sure that your cursor is in your table.

Click on a cell in your table to make sure that your cursor is inside the table.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 2: Click on the Format tab at the top left corner of the screen.

The Format tab is located in the top left corner of the screen. Click on it to open the Format menu.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 2: Click on or hover over the Table option.

In the Format drop down menu, you should see the Table option. Click on or hover over this option to open another drop down menu.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 3: Click on Table properties.

The last option in the Table drop down menu is Table properties. Click on this option to open the Table properties window.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 4: Change the Table alignment to Center.

One of the options in the Table properties window is Table alignment. This allows you to change the alignment of your table.

The default alignment is Left. Click on the option and change the alignment to Center.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 5: Click on OK to close the window.

You should find the OK option at the bottom right corner of the screen (it is blue). Click on it to close the Table properties window.

How to change the alignment of text inside the table.

There are 2 ways to change text alignment in a google doc table

  • Using the alignment options in the toolbar
  • Using the alignment options in the Format tab

Method 1: Using the alignment options in the toolbar

This method is used for changing the alignment of the text inside the table. One way to do this is using the toolbar at the top of the screen. You can use this toolbar to change other things about your text as well, such as their font style, size and color.

Step 1: Select the text that you would like to center align.

The first step is to select the cells with the text that you would like to center align. You can do this by dragging your cursor across the cells. Select the entire table if you would like to center align all the text in your table.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 2: Click on the center alignment option in the toolbar.

You should see 4 alignment options in the toolbar: left, right, center and justify. These are the icons for alignment:

How to align tables in Google Docs

Click on the icon for center alignment, which is the second icon in the list.

This will center align the text in your table.

Method 4: Using the alignment options in the Format tab

This method is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that instead of using the toolbar, you will use the Format tab.

Step 1: Select the cells with the text that you would like to center align.

First, identify the cells with the text that you would like to center align. Then, select these cells by dragging the cursor across the screen.

If you want all the text in your table to be center aligned, select the entire table.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 2: Click on the Format tab at the top left corner of the screen.

You can find the Format tab at the top left corner of the screen. Click on it to open the Format menu.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 3: Click on or hover over the Align & indent option.

From the Format drop down menu, click on or hover over the Align & indent option. This will open a smaller drop down menu with various alignment options.

How to align tables in Google Docs

Step 4: Choose the Center option.

The second option in the drop down menu is Center. Click on it to center align the text.


This brings us to the end of the article!

Thank you for reading!