Google Japanese Input app

皆さんこんばんは、Hi, good evening learners, in this post, I am going to share and recommend an Android app to write Japanese letter in your Android Smartphone^^, Japanese charaters writing app is very important for me, I need it every day, when I chat, write a draft post, update social media and many others^^, So this is the first application I installed when I bought a new phone. Actually, there are many Japanese keyboard apps in play store that you can install, But in this post I only review one app I used untill right now. The Android Application I use to input Japanese letter is Google Japanese Input (^.^). It's very easy to use this app, just download, install, and then you can use that application.

There are two Keyboard settings that can be used, qwerty or non-qwerty, select what keyboard you familiar with, as for me, I am familiar and used to with qwerty keyboard so I selected qwerty setting.

If you want to switch to English (romaji input), just touch the button in the left bottom. And if you want to switch to Japanese characters again, just touch that button once again^^.

In addition, in Google Japanese Input application, you can also insert cool emoticons or Japanese moji like this,(^ム^), this (=^・^=) this ( ゚д゚) and this m(_ _;)m, kawaii desu ne^^.

Google Japanese Input is a really interesting Android app, isn't? if you interest in this App, you can search "Google Japanese Input" in play store. Or go to this link://

Now, you can write Japanese characters (Kanji, Hiragana and Katakana) in your Android device (^ム^)/. Ok I hope this article is useful for you. Till then you take care and have a great day^^ cheerio!.

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