How do you format a restaurant menu?

Writing a restaurant menu is not simply about making tasty dishes appear delectable. There is a rhyme and reason to what comes first, whether to show prices and putting loss leaders in the front. Understanding layout, whether to use pictures and creating descriptions that sell are all pieces of the puzzle that make a menu successful.


A restaurant's menu is an extension of its overall theme. Choose menu colors, layouts, pictures and fonts that will complement the theme and decor of the restaurant. Some restaurants get creative and use different items to display a menu, such as chalkboards, breadboards or scrolls.

The menu should be printed in a font that is easy on the eyes and large enough to be read by anyone. Use a background color that makes the font easy to read, such as white or cream.


Menus are typically broken into categories and flow in the same pattern as eating a meal. Begin with appetizers or drinks, followed by soups, salads, entrees and desserts. Use one or two columns for a clean look. If the restaurant offers daily specials, these can be inserted separately each day on a separate sheet of paper.

Designate house specialty dishes with a star, outline or bold print that will draw the reader's attention. If the restaurant specializes in signature drinks or made-from-scratch desserts, consider creating a separate menu for these categories.


The food descriptions are your chance to sell an item. Descriptions should be easy to read, not too wordy and free of technical chef jargon. Use easy-to-understand language that will make the average readers mouth water. Do not go into detail about how much food is in each dish, the weight or number of items. If one item comes with a choice of six different sauces, do not list the item six times; simply offer the choice of sauces under one description.

Menu items may be similar to those offered at competitor restaurants. Describe your item in a way that lets the customer know it is different and more appetizing. Using familiar names in food titles adds personality, such as Joe's Special Recipe Ribs or New York-style pizza.


Menu pricing determines profit or loss and should be calculated carefully. Your food costs should be approximately 30 to 35 percent of the menu price. Add the cost of all ingredients in each menu item to determine the food cost basis.

Menu pricing may fluctuate from this average, depending on the type of restaurant and the target customer. A high-end restaurant with unique features may garner a higher percentage for food. Survey competitor restaurants to determine average pricing for the area.

Be consistent with pricing throughout the menu. In other words, don't mix and match amount types like $6.95 and $7.49. Make everything a whole dollar amount, or have everything end in .99 or .50.


Be sure your menu is free of typographical errors and misspellings. These reflect poorly on the restaurant and convey a sloppy appearance.

The menu should be friendly and inviting for guests. Be careful about adding too many disclaimers that can make customers feel restricted.


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