Google Input Tools not working in Windows 10

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If you want to use other languages aside from English to type on the web when searching on Google, you can enable and use Google Input Tools on PC. It gives you the option to select any language you want with over 90 languages to choose online from your Windows 10 computer. You will have a more personalized method of using Google Search while making the experience more comfortable for you.

How to Download & Install Google Input Tools on Windows 10 PC

Google Input Tools not working in Windows 10
Credit: Google

Unfortunately, Google Input Tools is no longer available and works as software you can easily download and install on your Windows 10 PC. If you want to add and access the feature on your computer, you can use it as a Google Chrome browser extension.

You may also use Google Input Tools on your Google Services such as Google Search, Gmail, Google Drive, Google Translate, and YouTube. Apart from your browser, Google Input Tools is also available for Android devices. You can get and install the app on your mobile device from the Google Play Store.

Add & Install Google Input Tools as Chrome Browser Extension

Google Input Tools not working in Windows 10
Screenshot: Windows Dispatch

When you install Google Input Tools as your Chrome extension, you can use it on any web pages on your Google Chrome.

  • First, open your Google Chrome browser.
  • Enter the following on the address bar:
  • Look for the Add to Chrome button and click it.
  • Select Add Extension. It will start installing Google Input Tools as your Chrome extension.

Start Using Google Input Tools on Windows 10

After installing Google Input Tools, you can start using it right away.

  • Click the Extension icon on your Chrome browser.
  • Select Google Input Tools.
  • Go to Extension Options.
  • To add languages that you can use on your Google Input Tools, you will need to put them under Selected Input Tools.
  • Select the language under Add Input Tools.
  • Click the arrow in the middle to transfer the language to Selected Input Tools.
  • Do the process until you have all the languages you need.
  • When you want to use the Input tools, click the Extension icon first to turn it on.
  • Select your preferred language.
  • Start writing your text in the new language.

Another feature of Google Input Tools is the Gesture mode. When you enable it, you can type your text using your keyboard. However, it is only available in selected languages. For the rest, you will use the virtual keyboard.

How often do you use the Google Input Tools? Where do you usually turn it on? We are curious to know how the feature works for you. It may also help other users. Write down your story in the comments below.

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