Google Analytics data feed

Google Analytics data feed

Learn how you can import cost data into Google Analytics manually, using an add-on for Google Sheets, with the API and Apps Script, and with out-of-the-box solutions

If you use multiple ad services and platforms to advertise your products, its a good idea to combine all ad data in a single interface. This brings some huge advantages:

  1. Saves time. You dont need to eternally switch between Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and other services to evaluate the efficiency of advertising efforts.
  2. 2. Lets you compare the performance of all services in one system.In addition to cost data, you can send additional information from ad services to Google Analytics to deeply analyze your campaigns, ads, and keywords. You can use this data to decide if your channels pay off and reallocate your budget by comparing views, ad costs, CTR, and ROAS for all traffic sources.

You can see this data in GA reports by going to Acquisition Campaigns Cost Analysis.

Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Google Analytics data feed
Image courtesy of the author

What if I need more parameters than the data import in GA allows?

If you need information that isnt included in the cost data schema, you can collect and combine data from ad services in Google BIgQuery. OWOX BI Pipeline lets you send complete data to BigQuery from Facebook Ads (see the data schema).

How can I import cost data to GA from sources that arent integrated with OWOX BI Pipeline?

BI Pipeline uses the official APIs of ad services. For services that dont provide an API or that arent integrated with OWOX BI, theres a manual upload option. Its different from the GA manual upload method as you dont have to form and upload CSV files you can do that in the OWOX BI interface.

How can I calculate ROAS and take into account refunds and completed orders that arent in GA?

Youll have to use BigQuery to merge data about completed orders from your CRM with data from ad services and GA. This will also allow you to set up a Funnel Based attribution model and evaluate your campaigns while accounting for offline orders.

To compare the performance of your ad channels, you need to collect data in a single system like Google Analytics. The best way to import your cost data depends on how many ad services you use and how often you need reports on them.

If you use two or three ad services and dont need reports often, you can upload cost data to GA manually. Otherwise, consider using special services like OWOX BI to automatically upload cost data.