Excel to Google Sheets connector


With our Google Spreadsheet Connector, you can utilize FormAssembly's sophisticated features and have your data readily available in Google Spreadsheets (also known as Google Sheets).


This means no more manual exporting, let the connector do it for you!

To get this up and running, you need a Google account and either the FormAssembly Professional, Premier, or Enterprise Plan.

Grant Access and Select Spreadsheet

Begin by going to the connectors page for the form you are working with. This can be reached by hovering your mouse over the form's Configure button and then choosing Connectors.

Excel to Google Sheets connector

Once there, add in the Google Spreadsheet Connector to the Form Submitted section of the timeline and click on Configure.

Excel to Google Sheets connector

Once you are in the connector, click the link that reads "Click here to begin" in Step 1.

Excel to Google Sheets connector

You'll be asked to sign into your Google account. Then you can choose whether to let FormAssembly create a new spreadsheet for the web form's responses, or add the responses to an existing spreadsheet. Click Apply to save your changes.

Excel to Google Sheets connector

Note: If you've installed FormAssembly for Google Apps, you won't need to grant access again, as access will have been granted at installation.

Test Form

To see the connector in action, submit a test response.

Then, log into your Google account and either open the existing spreadsheet where you told the connector to place your data, or take a look at the newly-created spreadsheet.

Responses are automatically added to the spreadsheet upon submission.

Note: Once a form is revised and saved, the next submission will start a new tab at the bottom of your spreadsheet.

Additionally, renaming the most current tab in your Google Sheet will cause a new tab to be created the next time a response is submitted to the form.