Cara login YouTube di Google Chrome

It seems quite incredible but this little trick WORKS:

  1. Log out of both Gmail and YouTube.
  2. Open a browser tab with the Gmail login page.
  3. Open a browser tab with the YouTube login page.
  4. Fill in your user credentials in each login page, but DO NOT log in yet. Make sure the text cursor is in the password field on both login pages.
  5. Switch to the YouTube login page and press Enter to log in.
  6. Quickly switch to the Gmail login page and press Enter to log in.

Note: Experiment which first to login, Google or Youtube. The correct order changes.

[ All credit goes to Brother Lobster from a Google forum thread ]

I've tried it in Vivaldi and Firefox, stable situation of being logged in, with one Google account on YouTube and another on Google, for a few weeks now; does NOT seem to work in Chrome.