Can I download Gmail for PC?

Gmail from Google is one of the most popular webmail services in the world. Close to two billion people have chosen Gmail as their email provider, which clearly shows how popular Gmail is.

Is there an official Gmail app for Windows 10/11?

Millions of users access their Gmail accounts from Windows computers. Despite this, unfortunately, there is no dedicated Gmail app for Windows operating system.

Although computer users can use web browsers and desktop clients like Outlook and Mail to access Gmail, an official app would have enhanced the experience.

Google is yet to come up with an official Gmail app for Windows 10/11. That said, there is a way to install Gmail as an app using Chrome or Edge browser. Yes, Chrome and Edge browsers let you install websites as apps. So when you install Gmail as an app, it works just like a dedicated app.

Install Gmail as an app in Windows 10/11 using Edge

Step 1: Open the Edge browser and sign in to your Gmail account.

Step 2: When Gmail is open in Edge, click on the Settings and more icon (three dots as seen in the picture below), click Apps, and then click Install this site as an app option.

Step 3: Next, when you see the Install flyout, type Gmail in the name field and then click the Install button.

Step 4: In the resulting dialog, select Pin to the taskbar (if you prefer to add the Gmail app’s icon to the taskbar), Pin to Start (to add a shortcut to the Start menu), Create desktop shortcut (if you want one of desktop) and Auto-start on device login options.

Finally, click the Allow button. That’s it! You have successfully installed Gmail as an app in Windows 10/11.

Install Gmail as an app using Chrome in Windows 10/11

Step 1: In the Chrome browser, open Gmail and sign in to your account.

Step 2: Once in Gmail, click the three vertically stacked dots (refer to the picture below), click More tools, and then click Create shortcut option.

Step 3: When you see the following flyout, select the Open as window checkbox and then click the Create button.

Uninstall Gmail from Windows 10/11

Step 1: Go to Settings > Apps > Apps & features page.

Step 2: Look for the Gmail entry. On Windows 10, click on the Gmail entry to see the Uninstall button. Next, click on Uninstall and then click the Uninstall button again when you get the confirmation prompt.

If on Windows 11, click on the three dots next to the Gmail entry and then click the Uninstall option.

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Gmail is Google's Web-based e-mail service. It was one of the first e-mail services to offer users 1GB of storage space for their e-mails at a time when others were offering just a few megabytes. Google's philosophy with Gmail is to aim for the needs of power users. That might sound like foolishly overlooking the much larger mainstream market, but it's actually preparing them for the future: given the increasing importance of Internet communications, an ordinary user tomorrow will face the same challenges as a power user today.

In the strictest sense, Gmail brings the paper-pushing productivity style of yesterday into the computer age. Thanks to Gmail's handy labeling feature, which is a big reason the service became so popular, most messages you care about can be already organized with labels automatically as they arrive. You can read and reply if necessary, and after that, it's a simple task to just plop messages into a giant archive with no pesky manual filing. They can then be retrieved easily via search or labels.

Also worth mentioning are the filters, which are automated tasks Gmail performs before you even touch your e-mail. Instead of having to manually move mail from your partner to a particular folder, you can set Gmail to attach the appropriate label to any message from that person. You can also set up any message that contains a particular word (or words) to be automatically labeled in a given way. This means organizational drudgery is down and findability is up. Filters can also forward, delete, and archive mail automatically. And when you set them up, it applies them to the existing archive, which helps ensure e-mail stays organized even years after you received it. Add to this Gmail's fast and thorough search functionality, and you have a free Web-based client worth checking out.

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