Can I download directly to Google Drive?

I haven't tried droplet, the service you mention in previous posts, but if I understand it, it asks permission dropbox to allow them upload files ala facebook style. (I mean, this application is requesting blah blah blah)

If that's right, it isn't asking you for your credentials... what this kind of sites and apps do is redirect you to your provider (in this case Dropbox) sending an app-id (droplet in this case must have registered as an app previously on dropbox), so you authenticate WITH THEM, and then return a "token" to the "host" app that gives them permission to do what they listed you in the provider's access page.

If this is the case, YOU AREN'T PROVIDING YOUR LOGIN DATA TO DROPLET, you're just giving them access to send files to your dropbox, but your auth data has never been in their hands since you logged in at the redirected page to dropbox.

Again, if this is the case, it's a safe way to do things... your personal data isn't at stake.
