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The ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (ASSIST) is a non-binding and consultative mechanism for the expedited and effective solution of operational problems encountered by ASEAN Enterprises on cross-border issues related to the implementation of ASEAN economic agreements and within the framework of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) launched in 2015. ASSIST is fully internet based and free of charge.

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Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN

Are you an ASEAN ENTERPRISE facing a problem with respect to Trade in Goods
or Trade in Services within the ASEAN region? 
If so, you may File a Complaint
in your own name, through an ASEAN-based Trade Association 

or anonymously by using an ASEAN-registered Lawyer or Law Firm


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Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN
Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN

The ASSIST mechanism was established to implement the ASEAN Consultations to Solve Trade and Investment Issues (ACT) mandated under the ASEAN Trade in Goods Agreement (ATIGA) and it is loosely based on the European Union’s SOLVIT system. ASSIST reaffirms the consultative and non-binding characteristics of the ACT, while modernising its structure and enabling the mechanism to operate in a more effective and efficient manner. It also extends beyond Trade in Goods and, when fully operationalized, it is intended to allow for the solutions of problems occurring in relation to Trade in Services and Trade-Related Investment Measures within the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).

What types of issues does ASSIST deal with? 

  • Various tariff and non-tariff-related measures affecting goods;
  • Issues in the area of cross-border services; and
  • Measures limiting investment in various sectors of ASEAN integration. 

ASSIST does not deal with any of these issues: 

  • Employee/employer disputes or discrimination claims;
  • Matters that are being or have been litigated/arbitrated in national jurisdictions;
  • Complaints against individuals or companies;
  • Matters not related to intra-ASEAN trade, services or investment;
  • Visa and residence rights; and
  • Cross-border movement of capital or payments.

The list above is merely indicative and non-exhaustive in nature. In case of doubt, before filing a complaint, please check whether your grievance falls within the scope of ASSIST by contacting ASSIST’s Central Administrator.

  • 13/04/2020 12:21:11

    On 1 May 2019, the ASEAN trade facilitation instrument known as ASSIST (ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade) has gone live for Trade in Services. 

Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN

The ASEAN Solutions for Investments, Services and Trade (ASSIST) is supported by the European Union (EU) through its flagship ARISE Plus Programme (ASEAN Regional Integration Support by the EU).

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Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN

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Apakah yang dititikberatkan pada program ASEAN help ASEAN


VOLUME                      : DINAMIKA GLOBAL VOL. 02 No.01 ISSN                              : 2548-9216 TANGGAL TERBIT      : 2017-12-01 JUMLAH DOKUMEN  : 5

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Peneliti : M. Dudi Hari Saputra

Kata kunci :

Abstract : This paper purpose is to predict Economic Relations of ASEAN (Indonesia) + China After AIIB (the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank), answering economic crisis questioned that hit the United States and the European Union in 2009 and is still in the recovery process until now, and has made many of Asian countries particularly East Asia such as China began a diversification of market and investment destination and increase economic cooperation to the other regions (ASEAN), particularly Indonesia. Therefore, at first, this paper tries to analyze China economic relations with Indonesia. Second, the effective rate of China trade and investment in Indonesia. Third, prediction of Indonesia and China economic situation after AIIB cooperation. Indonesia relate governance with national policy, which will be correlated with the level of supranational/regional intergovernmental (regionalism and integration) which aims, among others; financial sector to stimulate research and development, increase the spread of technology, reducing managerial differences in running the business and implementing a system to change for the better.

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Peneliti : Taufan Herdansyah Akbar, Suwarti Sari, Aliesa Amanita

Kata kunci : TKI, Ilegal, Indonesia, Malaysia, Bermasalah.

Abstrak : Pertumbuhan penduduk yang sangat tinggi dan tidak diimbangi dengan tersedianya lapangan pekerjaan, berimbas pada tidak terkendalinya jumlah pengangguran. Pengangguran sampai saat ini masih menjadi masalah krusial pemerintah Indonesia. Dengan tingkat pendidikan dan skill yang minim, para pencari kerja ini harus saling berkompetisi dengan yang lain. Kondisi ini akhirnya menjadi pemicu terjadinya mobilisasi tenaga kerja secara masal antar negara yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Untuk mengurangi angka pengangguran, pemerintah melaksanakan program penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) ke luar negeri. Peranan pemerintah dalam program ini dititikberatkan pada aspek pembinaan, perlindungan dan memberikan berbagai kemudahan kepada pihak-pihak yang terkait, khususnya TKI dan Perusahaan Jasa Penempatan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (PJTKI). Malaysia menjadi salah satu Negara yang banyak dipilih masyarakat Indonesia untuk mencari kesempatan kerja. berjalannya waktu berbagai tantangan dan hambatan telah dilalui bersama dalam mencapai tujuan dan kerjasama yang telah dilakukan antara Indonesia dengan Malaysia. Hambatan-hambatan yang dihadapi salah satunya adalah mengenai penanganan Tenaga Kerja Indonesia yang bermasalah, yang tadinya bestatus legal menjadi illegal. TKI yang berstatus legal dalam perjalanannya bekerja di Malaysia dapat juga menjadi TKI illegal dikarenakan melanggar ketentuan-ketentuan yang telah ditetapkan sebelumnya, diantaranya adalah:Menikah, selama TKI bekerja di Malaysia, berpindah majikan, serta melanggar peraturan dan hukum Malaysia

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Peneliti : Fiari Larasati Putri Irawan, Agus Subagyo, Jusmalia Oktaviani

Keywords : AICHR, Human Rights, Southeast Asia.

Abstract : ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights (AICHR) is an inter-governmental organization under the auspices of ASEAN, which focuses on human rights at the regional level. AICHR was established in 2009 and consists of 10 representatives from each ASEAN countries. Broadly speaking AICHR has two primary mandates which are function to promote and to perform protection against human rights. The general objective of this research is to describe AICHR as a regional human rights commission, and the specific objectives of this research are to describe and analyze the Inhibiting factors of AICHR In Enforcement of Human Rights in Southeast Asia. Researcher used qualitative research methods and descriptive analysis research type. The technique of collecting primary data was conducted through some interviews and secondary data collection techniques by literature study. Researcher applied the approach of Institutional Neoliberalism, the International Organization Theory, Regime Theory, and Concept of Human Rights as an analytical tool.

In this research it can be concluded that there are four inhibiting factors of the AICHR in Enforcement of Human Rights in Southeast Asia, including Principles of ASEAN Way which there are the principle of non-intervention and state sovereignty; Decision Making based on Consensus; Lack mandate of function to protection in the ToR of AICHR; and the last, there are Political Interests of Each Countries of ASEAN which includes Differing Views of Each ASEAN Countries against Human Rights and their Commitment to Human Rights.

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Kebijakan Luar Negeri Indonesia Terhadap Dukungan Republik Vanuatu Atas Kemerdekaan
Papua Barat Tahun 2015-2016

Peneliti : Bimbi Rianda, Yuswari O Djemat, Angga Nurdin Rahmat

Keywords : Foreign Policy, Indonesia, Republic of Vanuatu, The Independence of West Papua.

Abstract : Foreign policy stated by Indonesia related to the Republic of Vanuatu support for the Indenpendence of West Papua does not happen naturally. It is influenced by the facts and values that are had by the Indonesia that led to the perception and influences the decision of making process. Indonesia stated that West Papua is a part of the republic of Indonesia. Therefore, Indonesia states a foreign policy of Republic of Vanuatu regarding the support for the independence of West Papua. The result of this research indicates that there are some foreign policies of Indonesia against the Republic Vanuatu support for the Independence of West Papua based on set of orientation, set of commitments and a group of behavior action. This research uses realism approach, the concept of international politics, the concept of foreign policy, the concept of power, the concept of national interest, and the concept of sovereignty that can explain the foreign policy of Indonesia against the Republic Vanuatu support for the independence of West Papua 2015-2016.

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Peneliti : Jusmalia Oktaviani& Siti Muti’ah Setiawati

Keywords :

Abstract : This study explains about the policy of the Indian government in addressing the problem of ‘dowry deaths’ in India. Dowry deaths itself is a term for a murder or violence against wives in which performed by the husband or the husband’s family because of the inability of the wife to meet the demand of paying the dowry. The impact of the tradition of giving dowry is not only the death of the wives, but also the impact on the discrimination over the women and selective abortion of female fetuses. The number of victims of dowry death reached more than 8000 deaths per year.

The phenomenon of dowry deaths required the Indian government to intervene to resolve the issue. Indian government have managed to make some policies, it covers the application of the rules of prohibiting dowry in the marriage that began with the Dowry Prohibition Act of 1961, that punish the offender of dowry death with the threat of no less than seven years in prison; and also, some policies to provide financial incentives to daughter, to prohibit the sex-selective abortion to female fetuses. In addition, the Indian central government’s policy is also supported by the initiative of the state government to initiate several related policies such as banning ultrasound technology, forbidding abortion, as well as providing incentives to girls, and various other policies. Although the government has been implementing various policies, but the weakness of law enforcement caused by the strong patriarchal culture in society is one reason why these policies are less effective in preventing loss of life because of ‘dowry deaths’.

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