Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods apex

Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods?


One reason why it is useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods is because "c. similar events and trend often take place on different places during the same periods," since this can take place due to "cultural diffusion". Hope this helps!!-K

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Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods apex

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Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods apex
Expert Verified

The correct answer is: Similar events and trends often take place in different places during the same periods. Question: Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of geographic regions? *A. The correct answer is: Societies located in the same region can affect each other’s development.

Why is it useful for historians to craft historical narratives?

Narratives make historical information more engaging. O. Narratives allow historians to ignore inconvenient evidence.

Why is it important for historians to base certain studies?

Answer Expert Verified Historians study periods of time because it organizes history based on major events or themes of the period. Each period in history creates a snapshot of the world or a region during that time.

Why is it important to read critically the works of early historians?

It is important to read critically the works of early historians such as Herodotus or Thucydides because early historians often used the information of unverifiable sources. Early historians probably witnessed the situations or incidents they wrote about. That is the piece of information they wrote.

Why is it important to apply chronological thinking?

Chronological thinking is important when reading a historical narrative because it enables the reader to examine the relationships among the historical events and to explain the historical causality. Historical narrative is event driven and tends to center on individuals, their actions, and their intentions.

A theme can apply in many different times, but a period applies to. one specific time span.

Why should historians avoid oversimplifications when analyzing sources?

Oversimplifications often ignore complex or contradictory evidence. Explanation: Historians should avoid over simplification as such because it often ignores complex or contradictory evidence. Historians are saddled with the responsibility of trying to understand and decipher the past in order to predict the future.

Which approach would a military historian take to study the Cuban Missile Crisis apex?

A microhistorical approach to the Cuban Missile Crisis might study: a single day of the crisis that fits into a pattern of bigger problems between the Soviet Union and the United States. The study of the exchange of goods and services.

Why is it useful for historians to base certain studies on the analysis of historical periods apex?

In which respect is a secondary source?

In which respect is a secondary source more helpful than a primary source? A.A secondary source is typically published more recently. B.A secondary source gives a more personal account of events. C.A secondary source summarizes large amounts of evidence.

How should historians determine which argument is superior?

Historians determine which argument is superior in that they search for additional evidence to see which argument it supports. Historians are professionals that have the huge responsibility of transmitting the most accurate representation of history.

What is a chronological thinking?

Chronological thinking is when you view events in the order in which they occurred.

What do historians do when using the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking?

Historians use the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking to determine which events could have influenced others later in history. So, in order to determine which events could have influenced others later in history, Historians use the historical thinking skill of chronological thinking.