Why is America houses cheaper than UK?

Why is America houses cheaper than UK?
UK is way cheaper than the USA

We have been back home in the UK now for 6 weeks and I find it is lots cheaper than America. Though I read many posts here with people saying the UK is so expensive. I tend to disagree. I live in the city and it is way cheaper than the rural Minnesota we lived in. Let me expand on my perceptions of this.

Utilities costs where near $380 a month in a small apartment in the winter in MN, due to the place having terrible insulation etc. The towns gas was very expensive and water was not cheap either.

Wife and I with health insurance was around $330 per month. Towards the end we had no insurance and I was charged $219 per doctor visit and near $1,600 per month for the medication i need for my spinal disease. All of which i now get for free.

Rent, car insurane, house insurance, petrol ( way cheaper than UK ) etc all added up to a damn expensive living expenditure.

We now live in a Victorian town house with 3 floors and spend only costs around 80 pounds a month in gas in winter, thanks to proper building codes.
We use the city metro system and can talk a ten minute walk into town. Free health care / medication. Internet / TV is cheaper in the UK. 38 pounds a month for Virgin media versus $130 for comcast with less channels etc.

Food has less preservatives and tastes better and is cheaper / around same price for some items. In general cheaper.

We really find cost of living here way cheaper. Though jobs are less paid. IT sector is terrible. I am a programmer and jobs that would be $75k a year minimum are 25K a year here. So that sucks.

This was with us living in rural MN, We did look at living in Seattle / New York etc and cost of living there is just insane.

Britain is the best country in the world. Even if we feel over taxed at times, we do have it good here and our we do have many benefits that americans get screwed over.