Which of the following tag is used to make a list that list the items with numbers a DL B UL C ol d none of these?

10 Lists


  1. Introduction to lists
  2. Unordered lists (UL), ordered lists (OL), and list items (LI)
  3. Definition lists: the DL, DT, and DD elements
    1. Visual rendering of lists
  4. The DIR and MENU elements

<ol>: The Ordered List element

The <ol> HTML element represents an ordered list of items — typically rendered as a numbered list.

Content categoriesFlow content, and if the <ol> element's children include at least one <li> element, palpable content.
Permitted contentZero or more <li>, <script> and <template> elements.
Tag omissionNone, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parentsAny element that accepts flow content.
Implicit ARIA rolelist
Permitted ARIA rolesdirectory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree
DOM interfaceHTMLOListElement

<ul>: The Unordered List element

The <ul> HTML element represents an unordered list of items, typically rendered as a bulleted list.

Content categoriesFlow content, and if the <ul> element's children include at least one <li> element, palpable content.
Permitted contentZero or more <li>, <script> and <template> elements.
Tag omissionNone, both the starting and ending tag are mandatory.
Permitted parentsAny element that accepts flow content.
Implicit ARIA rolelist
Permitted ARIA rolesdirectory, group, listbox, menu, menubar, none, presentation, radiogroup, tablist, toolbar, tree
DOM InterfaceHTMLUListElement