What is the success rate of Google ads?

A conversion is what happens every time your ad achieves its purpose that is, valuable customer activity. With Google Ads conversion tracking, you can see how effectively your ad clicks lead to an action, which can be different for every business. Valuable activity can be anything from website purchases, phone calls, app downloads or newsletter sign-ups. The set-up process is different depending on the type of conversion that youre tracking, so the first step in setting up conversion tracking would be choosing a conversion source, or where your conversions come from.

How you create your ads will influence the conversions you want your potential customers to complete.For example, whether its on your website, app or phone. Here is how they differ:

If you want to track multiple conversions from this list, just set up a different conversion action for each type of conversion that you want to track. For example, you can set up one conversion action to track purchases on your website, and another to track calls from your ads.

Monitoring Conversions

Monitoring your conversion data couldnt be easier. The "Conversions" column shows you the number of conversions that you've received, across your conversion actions. You can use this column to see how often your ads led customers to actions that youve defined as valuable to your business. You can customise how the data in your "Conversions" column is tracked with the following settings: Include in Conversions and Attribution model.

Besides these settings, there are several related columns that use your Conversions data to give you more information, such as cost per conversion, conversion rate, total conversion value, conversion value per cost, conversion value per click and value per conversion. A lot to take in? Get a full run down on your conversion tracking data.


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