How do I download Google Play on iOS?

How to download the Move to iOS app when you can't use Google Play

If youdon't have access to the Google Play Store, you can download the Move to iOS app directly.

Follow these steps on your Android device:1

  1. Download the Move to iOS installer:
    • Android 4.4 and later
    • Android 4.3 and earlier
  2. Use your device's file browser2to find the Move to iOS installer with filename ending in .apk.On many devices, you'll find this .apk file in a downloads folder.
  3. Tap the file to install it.
  4. If an alert says to change your security settings to let you install from unknown sources, follow the onscreen steps. After you change your settings, you might need to tap a back button to return to the file browser. Then you'll be able to install the .apk file.

Now you canuse the Move to iOS app.

download the Move to iOS app from the Tencent App Store.
2.If you don't have a file-system explorer, search for one in an app store for Android apps.

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Published Date:January 25, 2022


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