What is the most significant lesson you have learned from this topic brainly

five valuable lessons you learned from your teacher brainly

These ‘Teachable moments’ expand on various topics and discuss the various aspects of life. YOUR TEACHER: Your teacher is the guide and facilitator of this course. This will help your students see the connections between what they’re learning inside and outside the classroom. Whether it’s a first test or a final exam coming up, creating a study guide helps you figure out what you already know and what you still need to study, focusing your efforts on the material you still haven’t learned. Do whatever it takes! Wide reading is the main pathway for word acquisition. 4. Be a conscientious worker. Here are five points to help you infuse meaning to your lessons: Before your next big exam, be sure to check out some of these tried and tested techniques for improving memory. So if you were wondering, “why is social studies important?” Now you have countless answers! Implementing two-sided notebooks in the classroom requires some setup and modeling by the teacher. “It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop” We tend to put pressure on ourselves when we strive for something or have a particular goal in mind. The activity is developed in three tiers: 1) Tier 1: Beginning and/or Developing Learners would complete activity 1. Academic text is not only about writing but you can also present it orally by means of explaining it to your class or telling them story about the text you wrote in this way students will not be just be student they can be teachers too because you teach or share the valuable information you shared. Here, 20 people share the main thing they've learned about themselves while self-isolating. 12/11/2013 9:43 AM The sooner you do, the longer you’ll keep your career on an upward climb! I hope you see that your story doesn't stop at … When you structure diagnostic assessments around your lesson, you’ll get the information you need to understand student … Get a mentor. I hope you see that your story doesn't stop just because one guy couldn't choose you or one employer decided to go a different direction. Mental energy is required for decoding meaning therefore very little mental energy may be left for comprehension. Despite this abstract and concrete knowledge, however, new managers often find that they don’t understand basic, important dynamics of the new company they will work for. We hope this study guide is particularly useful for teachers and students to appreciate the nuances of the story. After you have figured this out, then you need to explain your objective to the students so they know why they need to learn what you are about to teach them. How are your actions guiding your children in living up to your highest values? Here’s what you can learn from his life and implement in your own work sphere: Against all odds Rizal manifested the highest virtues being a Filipino. It doesn't matter if you're an atheist, devout follower of your faith, an agnostic, or anywhere in between—there's wisdom to be learned from the world's religions. 2. Another way to assess your students’ speaking abilities is by having them perform role-plays in front of the class. Re-writing your notes daily is another strategy. When you apologize to your children, you instill a desire in them to do the same when they make mistakes. My fear was a fear of failure. (Read how one new teacher learned this valuable lesson in this excerpt from Teaching Everyone.) The woman said, "Please turn in the key to your room before you leave." The spectrum of Christian thought in Christian history is wider than what is preached from church pulpits in modern, Western, mainstream Christianity - I started with this one because, in some sense, it encapsulates the entire list and evinces why there is a crisis of faith. Mistakes Provide Valuable Learning Opportunities . If you give everything your best shot and learn the lessons along the way, you will come out a winner. 7 Ability to reflect on work, as it makes you think about things you learned in the course. What have you learned about your family and your role in it? Here are 10 key life lessons that can be learned in a math class. What you need to know about your teaching style Although it is not the teacher’s job to entertain students, it is vital to engage them in the learning process. Fears can hold us back from experiencing everything that life has to offer. 3. ASCD Customer Service. In essence, critical thinking requires you to use your ability to reason. You spend time copying and grading papers. 1. Reasons why learning English is so important and useful, English is widely spoken globally and has become the number 1 business language making it vital for many people to learn if they are to join a global workforce, it is vitally important for international business and commerce Students will also use the modified version of the Emancipation Proclamation attached. The following five lessons from the Wright brothers’ experiences provide valuable strategies for entrepreneurs looking to create change today: 1. History can inspire us to learn more. There has never been a better time to get to know yourself — intentionally or not, you'll see how you evolve day-to-day and week-to-week. Assessment is a critical piece of the learning process. … Sharing your expertise means inviting a new conversation. Here are five vocabulary instruction strategies to use with elementary students. It was once commonly thought that infants lack the ability to form complex ideas. The advice in Chapter 2 to start small and revise your teaching gradually can help you gain confidence that the changes you are making are “effective, doable, and rewarding,” notes Cynthia Brame, 3 assistant director of Vanderbilt University’s Center for Teaching. In closing, I know that teaching was the right career for me. Brainly is the place to learn. If you are into anime, for instance, take steps to know more about anime. By knowing the shortcomings that can knock your career off track, and conducting an honest self-assessment of your own strengths and weaknesses, you can start making adjustments right now. Social studies helps students and societies be the best they can be. Without self-awareness, we can’t fully understand our emotions, values, goals, or strengths. EQUAL CARE, EQUAL BENEFITS. How can you tweet your lessons little by little? If you and your students are feeling confident, you could even stream your performance live. If your cross-cultural experience involved work, study or a volunteering, include it on your resume. Start your 48-hour free trial and unlock all the summaries, Q&A, and analyses you need to get better grades now. Here are some of the life lessons that you may learn in the workplace: Not since the introduction of the blackboard have we seen a piece of … Making a Study Guide. I love to hear your … You are more defined by what comes out of your mouth than what goes in it. Plato’s dialogues eloquently provide us with theories and ideas about ultimately how to improve society and ourselves so we can become fulfilled beings.They demonstrate the need for reason and analysis in our lives; only then can we truly reach the good life. If you wish to get an investment that can help you with your daily needs, you can try day trading. Resources Tappen, R. Weiss, S. Sally Weiss, Whitehead, D. (1998). different areas of your life. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing, and Sharing Valuable Information When your teacher asks you to research a topic that you want, think of topics that you find interesting. … Our editors update and regularly refine this enormous body of information to bring you reliable information. I’ve recently switched jobs. Implementing two-sided notebooks in the classroom requires some setup and modeling by the teacher.  For example, if you want to become a business manager, understanding human behavior can improve your ability to manage and interact with your employees. More importantly, I hope you see your growth. For much of this century, most psychologists accepted the traditional thesis that a newborn’s mind is a blank slate (tabula rasa) on which the record of experience is gradually impressed. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you succeed. 7 Life Lessons Learned from Basketball. Message “The message The stimulus or meaning produced by the source for the receiver or audience. The Best and Most Talked-About Shows of 2021 So Far. She grades the speeches in class using a rubric and the day after all speeches have been delivered she returns the graded rubrics with notes to students. Rhythm and intonation: this is also referred to as prosody and concerns the ability to read with some sort of inflection. But here are some funny lessons the pandemic has brought so far. And to celebrate their 60th birthday, I thought I would use this public forum to give them the praise they deserve and to share with you some of my lessons learned in life thanks to my parents. Help the community by sharing what you know. My health is important. When we give into fear we limit ourselves. Teacher B has listened to student speeches in her class. What do you want to … When you have enough sense of the conversation to argue persuasively that the target for your proposed study is sound, and that the methods of inquiry are correct, you know enough for the purpose of the proposal. To help you get started with thought leadership, we share below 4 of the most productive ways to quickly and efficiently improve your communication skills: Think about everything you learned about yourself in the first exercise and repeat these statements: I accept the good, the bad and the ugly; I fully accept every part of myself including my flaws, fears, behaviors, and qualities I might not be too proud of; This is how I am, and I am at peace with that . Accountants also do this—analyze weak spots and look for ways to improve the numbers. See how your school can earn an award for expanding young women’s access to AP computer science courses. If such equipment is unavailable, a smartphone can be used to make a reasonable quality video that can be a record of your students’ achievements. While your words are important, it will be your actions that will teach them the most. Finally, history is important because it is a long, nearly endless collection of stories, lessons, and philosophies to learn. Please return your room key before leaving. • gain a clearer idea of what has been learned and achieved • share responsibility for the organisation of their work • keep records of activities undertaken • make sound decisions about future actions and targets. Most of us had the best Home Ec teacher at home – our moms! Infoplease is a reference and learning site, combining the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas and several almanacs loaded with facts. Asking students to demonstrate their understanding of the subject matter is critical to the learning process; it is essential to evaluate whether the educational goals and standards of the lessons are being met. As a critical reader you should reflect on: What the text says: after critically reading a piece you should be able to take notes, paraphrasing - in your own words - the key points. 2. There are other aspects you need to learn and experience to be an effective teacher. Any time wasted means that a person loses the chance to make more money. Entertainment. I've learned that to be a successful distance learner, you have to be self-disciplined and able to work well on your own. Learn About Human Development Understanding how people change and grow throughout the lifespan can make it easier to understand the children in your life, as well as your aging parents. Meditation can help you focus on your self-development and goals in a healthy, positive and calm way. My philosophy skills has made me more valuable to prospective employers and graduate schools.” Top Five Reasons to Study Philosophy 1. On other days you are busy planning and developing lessons to meet the needs of EACH of your 100 plus students. 2. The scale and extent of the problem, and the amount of scaffolding provided by you, the teacher, will need careful consideration and reference to the learning outcomes of the unit, module and/or session. b. Perhaps one thing that I hope you learned from this article is that for the most effective outcomes of using positive reinforcement in the classroom is to avoid empty, excessive praise (e.g. You can also give your students the option of revising and rewriting one assignment during the semester for a higher grade. If you are into anime, for instance, take steps to know more about anime. A degree, license and mastery in a certain subject will not guarantee that you will be an effective teacher. We think we can do only this—go only that far—but no more. If you are a respectful teacher, you will most likely be treated with respect from your company, co-workers, and, most importantly, your students. Almost every day something happens that can provide you with an opportunity to teach your children about values. The Brainly community is constantly buzzing with the excitement of endless collaboration, proving that learning is more fun — and more effective — when we put our heads together. What is the most important concept you have learned in this course? Yup, this one is pretty straightforward and I’m sure somewhat stupid to re-consider, however, I’m certainly realizing that my age is (somewhat) starting to speak to me. Education is an influential step in staying competitive and enhancing your skills. 3. Whether you’re working your first job or you’re years into a career, each life lesson learned along the way is an immensely important one. Here Are the Most Valuable VHS Tapes You've Stashed in Your Basement. Brainly.ph - For students. This lesson gives an overview of assessment, why it benefits both teachers and students, and the three most common forms of … This can be done on chart paper, a whiteboard, or screen that can be seen by the whole class. 1. You stay over late, you come in early, or you take it home. Focusing on student well-being in the classroom is beneficial for instructors as well: Increased awareness. Plato’s Allegory of the Cave is a reminder that not everyone will understand or be happy for you, when you decide to change your habits and outlook on life. From Edutopia.org's Assessment Professional Development Guide. Bringing self-care strategies to students can make professors more self-aware in the classroom—they’ll more keenly understand the ebbs and flows of discussion each day and throughout the semester, and they’ll get better at working with those patterns. If you are interested in teaching students how to create sketchnotes, you should check out Sylvia Duckworth’s book titled How to Sketchnote: A Step-by-Step Manual for Teachers and Students.. 2. There will be both losses and wins. Phone Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. 1-800-933-ASCD (2723) Address 1703 North Beauregard St. Alexandria, VA 22311-1714 Since you won't be physically going to class each week, you can take part in class from the comfort of your own home. This version is denoted with an Critical thinkers rigorously question ideas and assumptions rather than accepting them at face value. While the nervousness that comes with speaking in front of a crowd won’t entirely disappear, it will teach you … The tips from teachers focus on five strategies teachers can employ to improve their questioning skills: 1. It establishes your … If you’re on your own self-improvement journey, you need to know both where you’re going and where you are right now. Other examples of metaphors include: The warrior has a heart of stone. Model Your Expectations. Some teachers give out study guides, but if your teacher hasn’t it’s a good idea to create your own. To be honest all of the topics covered in the lectures were very informative and therefore the information itself is very valuable due to its practicality. So, I hope you learned a lot of things today and if this blog has blessed you in any way, please share its message with your friends and family. A Seed to Love Reading, Writing, Analyzing, and Sharing Valuable Information When your teacher asks you to research a topic that you want, think of topics that you find interesting. They supply five ways for teachers to … The exit ticket is a classic strategy that teachers can use to assess what students learned in a … Here are six valuable lessons I think we will learn from this. John Milton Cage Jr. (September 5, 1912 – August 12, 1992) was an American composer, music theorist, artist, and philosopher.A pioneer of indeterminacy in music, electroacoustic music, and non-standard use of musical instruments, Cage was one of the leading figures of the post-war avant-garde.Critics have lauded him as one of the most influential composers of the 20th century. This section is designed to provide you with some suggestions about sources for dialogue and methods of feedback. Learning Opportunities for AP Coordinators. Don’t forget that, after all, you really are a role model for your students. (Locke, Spirduso, & Silverman, 1993, p. 68) J. M. Morse (1994) recommends reading in the general area of the inquiry Most of the time, you can’t predict where you’ll end up. Enhance your self-love We learned so much in these classes, from basics to what might be considered advanced cooking by today’s standards. Please lock your room when you leave. If your school has good video or recording equipment, make use of it to produce a better quality video. In many cases, sharing these life lessons can have a far greater impact than teaching standard based content. They were all about people—social skills, respect, self-worth, empathy, and realizing your own potential. Leave a reply. If you understand the chemical reactions involved in making baked goods rise or neutralizing acidity or thickening sauces, chances are you'll be a better cook. Ans if you don’t, chances are that your life will look at 40 the same way it did when you were 20. What the text describes: you should be confident that you have understood the text sufficiently to be able to use your own examples and compare and contrast with other writing on the subject in hand. If you have one you like, send me a tweet or put it in a comment below, and if I get enough, I’ll include it in a new blog post! Word Detective. He struggled and won in the face of the most arduous situations, and inspired the Katipunaneros to revolt, and thereby helped found the first independent Republic of Asia. The Necklace - Study Guide. A study by North Carolina Cooperative Extension of people aged 9 to 18 who participated in a public speaking program found that public speaking increased confidence. Work hard for what you want. Your work is your “signature” to the world. 10 Things You Should Know … “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.”~ Woody Allen. If you really have a problem with note-taking, you might ask your teacher if you can tape-record daily lessons. It begins with a heading 3 called "Create Account". Just like how the people in the cave responded to the escaped prisoner who returned—you can expect friends and family to laugh at your … You also know that those grades affect your future, so you may take action based on the assessment. What have you noticed about yourself as a student now that the usual structures of school life are gone? He/she shall lead the activities by giving instructions and supervising the procedures. If you learn from everything that happens to you, you will discover that there is no such thing as mistakes, only powerful lessons to be learned. Better success in life: Good social skills also can help kids have a brighter future. The power of stillness. Here, we share five reasons why pursuing education can advance your career at any level. While your children will have many influences on their moral development, you play the biggest role. Becoming an effective teacher involves seeking out multiple sites of input that can enable you to reflect on and improve the teaching and learning that takes place in your class. July 17, 2017 Thomas Schreiner shares 10 important things you should know about the biblical covenants—the backbone of the biblical story. Lessons Learned Working In Customer Service. But some extremely valuable lessons can be learned from wise thinkers and experts as well as from friends and family. Even if one of your top skills has been learning to deal with difficult or inefficient managers or coworkers- saying this outright is likely to cause you to lose favor with your interviewer. Chemistry is at the heart of cooking. It is about being an active learner rather than a passive recipient of information. 5 Positive Life Lessons That You Can Learn From the Coronavirus Pandemic ... some positivity is precisely what we need — so let me take your hand and show you what life … Teachers teach this life lesson on a daily basis. There is much that has been said throughout the centuries in praise of critical thinking. Driving them to make healthy food choices may not only help promote their well-being but can also guarantee them a life free of diseases and health issues. Turn the key to the left to enter your room. However, when asked the question, “what are your personal values, beliefs, and principles” the first responses are often a laundry list of characteristics with the assumption that the three words are synonymous. Lesson One - Face Your Fear. Throughout my time in Honors English, I have learned many valuable things. 6. By developing these critical personal values, we believe that anybody can become a successful leader. Get answers in as little as 15 minutes. There are some investments that you can keep longer and there are some you can keep for a shorter time. While your children will have many influences on their moral development, you play the biggest role. A command of chemistry can help keep you safe! You must leave your room by four o'clock. And I do it. Sentence C, "Please return your room key before leaving," is closest in meaning to what the woman said. But, regardless, we still had to take Home Ec in school. The most valuable thing that you can do to increase your students’ vocabulary is to encourage them to read. And the lessons you take with you can put you on an important new path. They look to you to learn how to act in the world. Teacher C has asked his history students to write a research paper during the … Even better, our degrees are complete online and tuition-free – meaning you can study wherever and whenever, without any worries. If you put your mind to it, you can accomplish whatever you want. Please remember that I work at a low level senior high school and, for the most part and have found these lessons to be n+1 or 2 for my students. Get Just-in-Time Teacher Support . Chaos is a friend of the legislator. If not, find a way to naturally weave these leadership experiences into your interview conversation to highlight skills you learned or barriers you overcame. I’ve taught for 14 years and each summer. “It was in philosophy where I learned rigorous critical thinking, a skill that is invaluable when creating art.” - Donald Daedalus, BA ‘05, Visual Artist “Philosophy taught me to think critically and was the perfect major for law school, giving me an excellent start to law school and my career.” - Rod Nelson, BA ‘75, Lawyer TEN SPECIFIC THINGS I’VE LEARNED ABOUT MYSELF *This page contains a few affiliate links. Throughout your life, you've learned many lessons that have changed the way you think, act and live. Your thoughts are like boomerangs. I know I cannot make every subject amazing the 1st year. Do You Find Yourself Forgetting Where Y Do you find yourself forgetting where you left your keys or blanking out information on important tests Fortunately, there are plenty of things that you can do to help improve your memory. Our lives were put on pause, many were forced to work from home, and we can longer travel unless necessary. Here are 10 life lessons you can learn from teachers: 1. Critical thinkers rigorously question ideas and assumptions rather than accepting them at face value. Baby, you are my sunshine. Some say these learning pains are unavoidable and necessary for the learning to stick. It helps one plan the education process or procedure for a given period of time (a term, session, lesson period etc). 10 Things You Should Know about the Biblical Covenants Thomas R. Schreiner. As a member, you get immediate access to: The largest (and best) collection of online learning resources—guaranteed. (Weeden, P., Winter, J & Broadfoot, P. 2002, p. 73) Love is a battlefield. Role Play. Do not feel anxious, however, if you still have trouble seeing the big picture. Along with mentioning some of the professional skill words during your interview, you also want to demonstrate your professionalism in the way you dress, speak, and act. The process of writing informally helped you see how you might begin to pull together what you have learned from your research. Assessment is a critical piece of the learning process. 1. Planning your questions a. 3. Throughout your life, you've learned many lessons that have changed the way you think, act and live. This can be done on chart paper, a whiteboard, or screen that can be seen by the whole class. You are their first teacher. On the sports field, I learned about winning and losing graciously. What sounds better to you? Parents may foster the importance of eating right and living a healthy lifestyle with their children. It is hard to learn new concepts in an English class, because it is a class that everyone has since starting school.

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60 Life Lessons I Learned From My Parents

  1. Admit mistakes. It would be foolish for me to claim my parents have been perfect. They aren’t. But when they make a mistake, they humbly admit it. And work to fix it.
  2. Appreciate teachers. My mom worked a number of jobs while I was growing up ― including being a teacher. Fromher, I learned to appreciate the time, energy, commitment, and care that teachers show every day.
  3. Assist your neighbor whenever possible. Everywhere I’ve lived, my parents knew our neighbors. More importantly, they recognized their needs and assisted when possible.
  4. Attend church. Worship has always been important to my family. Then and now.
  5. Be a good friend to find a good friend. Healthy friends cultivate healthy friendships. And my parents taught and modeled what it means to be a good friend to others.
  6. Be content with little. There were numerous times growing up when money was tight. Nevertheless, my parents were content in it.
  7. Be content with much. There were also times when the bank accounts were healthy. Even more impressive, my parents were content then as well.
  8. Be humble. We have nothing to prove. But we have everything to offer.
  9. Be open to criticism. We never stop learning, growing, and changing. My mother and father were always open to being challenged in new ways.
  10. Be quick to help.If a need in the community was articulated, my parents were among the first to be there. They set a healthy example from the very beginning that life is not all about getting… it’s about giving.
  11. Care about the right things. Our lives and resources are finite. And you just can’t care about everything. Seek to care about the right things.
  12. Care for the fatherless. My parents provide, protect, and care for the orphan and the fatherless. And if there is a greater compliment to be given, I’m not sure what it is.
  13. Celebrate holidays with family. Even when we lived far away from extended family, I always remember making it home for the holidays as a kid. And as an adult, I still do.
  14. Choose the narrow path. Many will choose the broad, well-trodden path. My parents never did. Their values always dictated their decisions even when they were unpopular.
  15. Come home for lunch.I distinctly remember my dad coming home from work each day for lunch―usually for a hot dog on bread with chips. Let me repeat that, I always remember my dad coming home from work for lunch.
  16. Commit to your spouse. My parents have remained faithful to each other in every possible way for 40 years. I can’t thank them enough.
  17. Compete but remain fair.Competitionruns deep in our family. But so does fairness. And I’d hate to have the first without the second.
  18. Concern your life with more than money. My mother and father always concerned themselves with greater pursuits than money.
  19. Disagree humbly. Nobody gets it right every time. I’m glad I learned from them the importance of being able to disagree with genuine humility… sometimes I wish I learned this even more.
  20. Discipline is a virtue. Self-discipline oughtnotbefeared,but nurtured.
  21. Don’t fear change. My family moved a number of times while I was growing up (5-6 times before graduating high school). Through the experience and their example, my parents taught me never to fear it.
  22. Don’t look for wealth in money.True wealth is never measured on a bank statement. And they never evaluated theirs by the number of zeros printed on it.
  23. Eat cereal for dinner.Not sure why we had cereal every Sunday night for dinner… but surely, that’s where I learned it.
  24. Education is worth pursuing. My mom and dad had twin sons while still in college. They both graduated. Well done.
  25. Express gratitude. Gratitude is a discipline best experienced in both the good times and the bad. My parents displayed it regardless of external factors.
  26. Forgive quickly. Wrongs happen and mistakes are made. Sometimes, those decisions hurt. But not granting forgiveness only harms yourself.
  27. Get on the floor with your kids. My dad worked hard. But when he would come home, he would get on the floor and play with his kids. If I haven’t said it yet, “Thank you.”
  28. Have an opinion. You can always count on my mom to have an opinion. And thankfully so. She taught me the value of forming one.
  29. Invite others. My family always sought to include othersintoour plans and lives. From them, I’ve learned the value of this simple question, “Would you like to come with us?” Our world needs more people like that.
  30. Laugh often.
  31. And then laugh some more. Needless to say, I love the culture of joy my parents established in our home.
  32. Learn from others. My parents never considered themselves so above someone else that they couldn’t learn something new from them. And I’ve always appreciated that trait.
  33. Live in Aberdeen, SD. We moved a number of times growing up. But somehow, my parents always returned to Aberdeen, SD… and that’s where they continue to live today. Know that I look forward to visiting home again soon.
  34. Live within your income. My parents always made adjustments in their spending based on their income. They taught me the value of frugality when necessary. But more importantly, they taught me the joy of living within my means.
  35. Love conversation.Both my mom and dad excel in the gift of conversation. They use both their ears and their mouth during communication. And evenings spent in the living room talking about life pass too quickly.
  36. Love isbestspoken and shown. Words are important. But so are actions. My parents express love using both.
  37. Loveyour work. Both my mom and my dad love their work. It’s no coincidence that I do too.
  38. Overcome difficulties.This world isn’t easy. And our lives are defined by how we respond in adversity. The greatest among us overcome trials and seek to learn from them.
  39. Pack an afternoon snack.My dad also taught me the value of a fun-size Snickers bar in the afternoon.
  40. Parenting matters. Stephanie Martson once said, “Everything our children hear, see, and feel is recorded onto a cassette. Guess who is the big star in their movie? You are.” The lives we live and the decisions we make absolutely matter in the worldview of our children.
  41. Play athletics. I learned to love sports from my dad.
  42. Play board games. But I learned to love board games from my mom.
  43. Practice generosity. Give your life and resources to others as much and as often as you can. They need your help. Your kids needthe example. And you need the practice even more than them.
  44. Remain honest. It’s no great accomplishment to be honest when it is easy. But our true appreciation of honesty is displayed when it is difficult. And a truly honest man or woman is hard to find these days. I’m so glad to have two in my life.
  45. Respect character. Your character is of far more value than anything you can sell it for. Don’t trade it for something foolish like money, fame, power, sex, or the entire world.
  46. Rise early. I have vivid memories of playing basketball with my father at6ambefore school would start. Great memories. But an even greater example.
  47. Schedule rest. As long as I can remember, my mother and father have taken naps on Sunday afternoons. They were probably just tired. But for me, it became a healthy model of appreciating both hard work and scheduled rest.
  48. Seek God. Some people choose to reject God. Others choose to ignore Him. My parents taught me to seek Him. And as the old saying goes, “If you seek, you will find.”
  49. Serve others.As I learned from them in both word and deed, life is bigger than yourself. And truest life, fulfillment, meaning, and joy is found in the service of others.
  50. Study words. My mother loves games that value words: Scrabble, Boggle, even Words with Friends. And even to this day, unless I cheat, I am unable to beat her.
  51. Take care of the elderly. The sunset is no less beautiful than the sunrise. I’m grateful for parents who see the beauty in young children, but I am also grateful for parents who have stood by those at the end of their life as well.
  52. Track spending. My dad is a banker with a mind for numbers. As a result, I can’t possibly remember the complicated system that he used to track our family’s budget… nobody else could either. But what I did learn is the importance of tracking dollars and developing budgets. And I’ll take that any day.
  53. Trust others. I learned optimism from my parents. They live their lives seeing the good in others and trusting them because of it. They taught me it is better to trust and get burnt once inawhilethan to live your entire life suspicious of everyone around you.
  54. Use your talents. As I mentioned, my dad is a financial guy and my mom is a gifted teacher and trainer. Apart from their careers, they often use their talents in various community-based organizations to better the lives of others. They recognize their gifts and utilize them whenever possible.
  55. Vacations don’t have to be expensive. We went on summer vacations almost every summer growing up. And while a few of them required a significant financial investment, most of them didn’t. But we enjoyed all of them regardless of the destination (except for maybe the drive through the Colorado mountains without an air conditioner…).
  56. Value children. Both my mother and father love children and continue to invest their lives into kids. As a matter of act, even at age 60, you can still find my dad on the floor playing with his grand-kids.
  57. Value education. The ability to learn is a gift and a responsibility. My parents taught us early not to take it for granted.
  58. Value family. I’m so thankful to have grown up in a family that was filled with love, care, and joy. If you did not, seek to develop those attributes in your own life/family today. I can attest that your kids will forever thank you for it.
  59. Volunteer. Give freely to your community. Your gift is needed. And it makes the world a better place for everyone.
  60. Work hard. My parents have not wasted their lives. Their example has taught me the value of working hard and pursuing lasting significance over worldly success.

Mom and Dad, I can’t possibly express how thankful I am for each of you. Thank you for so many valuable life lessons.

Happy 60th birthday. Here’s to 60 more.

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