List down three learnings that you have gained from this lesson brainly

list down theee leanings that you have gained from this lesson the three learnings i got from this lesson are​


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Multimedia resources List down three learnings that you have gained from this lesson.
The three learnings I got from this lesson are:


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#1 Choose Water

Set a goal to drink water instead of sugar-sweetened drinks. To make this more measurable, write down how often you will make this choice e.g. 5 times a week.

#2 Eat Slowly and Mindfully

It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to send out signals that you are full. Eat slowly. Take the extra time to pay attention to what we are eating and how much. To make this more measurable, write down how often you will make an effort to take at least a half hour to finish your meal.

#3 Stick to One Serving

For those of us who love having seconds, eating one serving will help us keep our calorie intake in check. Challenge yourself to stick to one serving and also standard portion sizes.

#4 Eat Fruit and Vegetables

Set a goal to fill half your plate with fruit and vegetables at every meal. Fruit and vegetables are naturally low in saturated and trans fat, and rich in dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. Or simply set a goal to use My Healthy Plate for all meals.

#5 Swop to Wholegrains

Eating wholegrain foods such as brown rice, wholemeal bread and rolled oats can helpreduce the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. They can also help with weight management because they keep you feeling full longer and reduce the need for snacking.Set a goal to ask for brown rice and make it measurable e.g. ask for brown rice at least 3 times a week at lunch.

These 5 good eating habits take time to develop. Be patient. When we slip up, rather than give up, we should persevere. These changes, no matter how small, make a big difference to our health.

Other Habits to Achieve Health Goals

Aside from these 5 good eating habits, these are other habits you can develop to help you chip away at your health goals such as:

  • Eating breakfast every day
  • Sleeping seven to eight hours every night
  • Choosing healthier snacks such as a piece of fruit or a handful of unsalted nuts
  • Brisk walking at least 20 minutes every day or 150 minutes per week
  • Watching TV no more than three hours a day
  • (Write your own goal)

Use My Goal for this Month (PDF) to set your health goals. Print out the PDF and stick the list of goals on the fridge to remind yourself to do your best every day and keep going.

Download the HealthHub app on Google Play or Apple Store to access more health and wellness advice at your fingertips.

Read these next:

  • Lose the Baby Fat with Healthy Eating Habits
  • Make Snacking Smart a Healthy Eating Habit
  • Understanding Motivation



A 3-2-1 prompt helps students structure their responses to a text, film, or lesson by asking them to describe three takeaways, two questions, and one thing they enjoyed. It provides an easy way for teachers to check for understanding and to gauge students’ interest in a topic. Sharing 3-2-1 responses is also an effective way to prompt a class discussion or to review material from the previous lesson.


  1. Ask Students to Answer the 3-2-1 Prompt
    After students engage with a text or a lesson, ask them to list the following details in their journals or on separate paper:
    • Three things that they have learned from this lesson or from this text.
    • Two questions that they still have.
    • One aspect of class or the text that they enjoyed.
  2. Evaluate Students’ Responses
    Use students’ responses to guide teaching decisions. 3-2-1 responses can help you identify areas of the curriculum that you may need to review again or concepts or activities that hold special interest for students.


  • Content-Specific 3-2-1: You can modify the elements of the 3-2-1 strategy to focus on particular content questions. For example, if the class has just been studying the International Criminal Court, a teacher might have students write down three differences between the ICC and tribunals such as Nuremberg, two similarities between the ICC and these tribunals, and one question they still have.
  • Identifying Main Ideas 3-2-1: You could also use the 3-2-1 structure to help students identify main ideas from supporting information. For example, you could ask students to record three of the most important ideas from the lesson or text, two supporting details for each of these ideas, and one question they have about each of these ideas.

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