What is the average life of a house cat

We all wish our pets could live with us forever, providing endless joy and affection. Unfortunately, the average lifespan of a cat is considerably shorter than the average person’s. That shouldn’t scare prospective pet parents away. With the appropriate care, four-legged friends can live perfectly long and happy lives.

The average kitten owner can expect healthy domestic cats to live for more than a decade with an appropriate diet and healthcare regimen. Some feline fanciers have seen their pets live even longer, offering more than two decades of unconditional love.

How Long Do Indoor Cats Live?

The American Veterinary Medical Association advises cat owners that it is generally safer to keep cats indoors and that indoor cats tend to live longer lives. Cats that stay inside have an average lifespan between 10 and 15 years on average with many living well into their teens and twenties.

How Long Do Outdoor Cats Live?

Outdoor cats tend to live far shorter lives than their more domesticated counterparts. The University of California, Davis’ Clinical Animal Behavior Service reports that the average life expectancy of an outdoor cat is just two to five years.

Why Do Outdoor Cats Live Shorter Lives?

Outdoor felines face a range of potentially life-threatening dangers, including:

  • Cars, trucks, and other vehicles
  • Cats, dogs, and wild animals
  • Parasites like fleas and ticks
  • Poisons, including pesticides and fertilizers
  • Toxic plants like lilies

Cats who wander outdoors also risk theft or capture by animal control authorities. The chances of returning home increase dramatically when pets are microchipped and registered in the appropriate database.

How Do Cat and Human Years Compare?

You’ve probably heard the “fact” that dogs age seven human years every 365 days, but what about cats? According to the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) and the American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA), here’s how your cat’s age in “cat years” compares to their age in human years:

  • A cat ages roughly 15 human years during their first year.
  • Then, they age another nine years during their second year.
  • Each additional year of age is equal to around four human years.

How Old Is Your Cat?

  • 0 to 1 month: 1 human year
  • 2 to 3 months: 2 to 4 human years
  • 4 months: 6 to 8 human years
  • 6 months: 10 human years
  • 7 months: 12 human years
  • 12 months: 15 human years
  • 18 months: 21 human years
  • 2 years: 24 human years
  • 3 years: 28 human years
  • 4 years: 32 human years
  • 5 years: 36 human years
  • 10 years: 56 human years
  • 15 years: 76 human years
  • 20 years: 96 human years

The average life expectancy of a cat suggests that many live the equivalent of a full human life. In 2019, the United Nations estimated that the average global life expectancy is 72.9 years. That’s a little more than 14 cat years.

Your Cat’s Life Stages

  • Kitten: Birth to six months
  • Junior: Seven months to two years
  • Prime: Three years to six years
  • Mature: Seven years to 10 years
  • Senior: 11 years to 14 years
  • Geriatric: 15+ years

A cat’s average lifespan depends on a number of factors. Among these are genetic ones, passed down by a cat’s ancestors. As the examples below make clear, some breeds live longer than others:

  • American Shorthair: 15 to 20 years
  • Bengal: 14 to 16 years
  • Burmese: 16 to 18 years
  • Maine Coon: 10 to 13 years
  • Manx: 8 to 14 years
  • Persian: 10 to 17 years
  • Ragdoll: 15 to 18 years
  • Russian Blue: 15 to 20 years
  • Savannah: 12 to 20 years
  • Siamese: 12 to 20 years
  • Sphynx: 10 to 15 years

Helping Your Cat Live a Long Life

Want to help your cat reach a ripe old age? Following a few simple guidelines can help your cat thrive well into adulthood and ensure you’ve got plenty of time together:

Veterinary Care

Even the savviest cat lover can’t do it all on their own. Your veterinarian is a partner in pet care, an expert who’ll offer hands-on guidance from the kitten days to the senior years. They’ll guide you on how to promote a happy, healthy life at home and help to recognize warning signs before they evolve into serious health concerns. Just like people, cats are susceptible to chronic health conditions that can shorten their lives and impact their standards of living. A good vet will ensure you’re doing everything you can to maximize your time with your pet without causing them undue stress or suffering.


Your vet will also prove essential in planning your cat’s diet. A feline’s nutritional needs will change as they age and a specialist can help ensure you’re always providing everything they require. If necessary, your vet may recommend supplementing commercial foods or even purchasing special prescription blends. Learn more about helping your cat maintain a healthy weight.


As discussed, indoor cats tend to live far longer than outdoor cats. While the average household includes its fair share of dangers, keeping cats indoors is generally considered a benefit to their longevity. Make sure to “cat-proof” your home, removing variables and hazards to create a safe environment. Remember to expect changes as your cat ages. You’ll probably need to make different adjustments for a senior cat than you’d make for a kitten.

Exercise and Engagement

Cats may look lazy, but that doesn’t mean they can do without physical and mental stimulation. Regular exercise isn’t just essential for keeping pets healthy, it’s crucial for their happiness too! Keeping pets engaged with toys and opportunities to explore can keep them from growing bored and listless while promoting mental sharpness into their geriatric period.

Pet Insurance

Insurance can’t stop pet health emergencies from taking place, but the financial safety net it provides can make a big difference when it comes time to administer care. Providers offer a range of options. The simplest policies offer coverage against accidents and illnesses alone, while more comprehensive ones cover everything from routine care to end-of-life expenses.

The Oldest Cat of All Time

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, an Austin, Texas cat named Creme Puff lived longer than any pet cat in history. Born in 1967, the American Shorthair was a devoted family companion for more than three decades, living to a whopping 38 years of age. The elderly cat’s doting family reported feeding him an unusual diet including such items as asparagus and heavy cream.

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Cats can live a long time. The average lifespan of a cat is about 15 years, so they often outlive most of our pet dogs. A teenage cat, or even one in their twenties, is not uncommon to see. Many factors can play a role in determining how long your cat might live.

Cats have been kept as pets for thousands of years. They originate from the Near East countries where they were domesticated from wild cats to help control rodent populations. These cats spread throughout the world as pets, and we eventually started selectively breeding them for specific traits, thus creating different breeds. The primary cat breeds were originally bred using cats from four major regions; the Arabian Sea, the Eastern Mediterranean, South Asia, and Western Europe. These four regions have produced cats that have different genetic markers based on what region, or race, they are from.

While it is impossible to know exactly how long a cat will live, some breeds of cats are known to often live longer than others. The Siamese and Manx cat breeds are two that often outlive their cat competition, but other breeds have been recorded as living into their 20s and even 30s. Both purebred and domestic mixed-breed cats have the potential to surpass the average lifespan of the species.

Cats primarily eat meat, so they are considered obligate carnivores, and this should be reflected in the food we feed them. A lot of research has been done to determine the dietary needs of a house cat, so the food options that are available to cat owners are plentiful.

But not all foods are created equal. Adult cats cannot digest large amounts of carbohydrates or lactose, so these are unnecessary ingredients in their food. Carbohydrates can even decrease how much protein is digested, so they are, in fact, harmful to a cat. Proteins, on the other hand, are very important to a cat. Cats require a large amount of protein when compared to a dog, due to their unique digestive system. Adult cats should receive at least 5.5 g/kg of protein a day. This means the average eight-pound cat needs to consume at least 20 grams of protein each day and often much more.

Essential amino acids are also very important to a cat. Taurine, methionine, and cystine are some of these essential amino acids, and without them, important vitamins, and the proper amount of protein, a cat’s health may suffer greatly.

Of course, a cat that doesn’t eat a healthy diet may develop health issues, but parasites and diseases can also affect their health. Some diseases have long term effects on cats and may also shorten their lifespan.

Poor genetics, immune-compromised cats, and cats that have compromised organ functions might not live as long as healthy cats.

Some cats are considered indoor pets, others are strictly outdoor pets, and others still will be indoor/outdoor pets that split their time between environments. The daily risks that outdoor cats take are much higher than those of an indoor cat, so the lifespan of an outdoor cat is often cut short. Avoiding getting hit by vehicles, hurt by wild animals and eating toxins, finding food, surviving the elements, and being exposed to various parasites and diseases may all be daily challenges for an outdoor or indoor/outdoor cat. The more time a cat spends outside, the greater the risk is of an injury or illness from that environment.

Indoor cats are not exposed to as many risks since they are sheltered inside a secure home. Wild animals and vehicles pose no threats to an indoor cat, their diet is typically controlled, and toxin, parasite, and disease exposures are lessened, especially if they are vaccinated and on preventative medications.

The same is true for big cats like lions, tigers, ocelots, and other wild cats. These cats that reside in zoos often outlive their wild counterparts.

Guinness World Records lists the oldest cat as having lived 38 years and three days. Crème Puff was a domestic shorthair cat that was sometimes fed odd things such as asparagus, eggs, and heavy cream. She was born in 1967 and died in 2005 in Austin, Texas. It is unknown exactly how Crème Puff was able to live to be such an old cat, but a combination of loving care, good genetics, and a safe environment were probably key factors.

While we never have complete control over our cat's lives, we can be sure to offer them a safe, healthy, and loving environment to increase the odds of them living a long life.

If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pet's health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.