What is a good first text to send a girl?

In fact, whenever they manage to get a girl to give him her number, the average guy considers it a significant “victory” …and so it is deemed very important.

So you can see how it makes sense to take advantage of that “lucky” event and not waste that opportunity.

Now, if we look at the men who have lots of success texting women, they treat that first text VERY DIFFERENTLY.

In fact, let’s look at this situation from the point of view of one of these guys — let’s call him “Sir Textanova.”

If you look into Textanova’s phone, you will probably find multiple text conversations Textanova is having with several women, during that week alone…

And if you look deeply, you will also discover the texts that he sends to these girls to turn those text conversations into dates.

This thought experiment gets really insightful when you think of how this kind of success has shaped Textanova’s way of thinking about dating and texting women.

Whenever Textanova gets a number from a new girl, he has a very different attitude than most guys.

In fact…

He Would Act Like it’s Not a Big Deal to Be Texting This Girl!

You see, with all of these girls in his life, he’s got an ABUNDANCE of females mentality… and because he’s got so many options, there’s no need to worry about a girl saying no or flaking out on him.

Most likely, the women are probably the ones chasing Textanova and competing for HIS attention.

He does this because he knows the specific texts that create attraction in women… and he knows the texts that PERSUADE women to go out with him.

Here’s What This Means For You and Me

It’s the texts Sir Textanova is sending that create attraction
in women… and that means ANY GUY can learn to send them too!

Would Textanova sit around nervously wondering what first text to send
a girl? No, he would already have an automatic text in his mind that he sends
to girls.

A text that he has used before that has been PROVEN to work, again
and again. (I mean this text is SMOOTH)

Now I know a lot of Textanovas in my life, and I’ve learned these
specific texts and texting techniques from them…

And now… I’m going to share these texting secrets with you.

Let’s start with the first lesson on crafting your first text.

The 2 Elements Your First Text Must Contain

Here are the 2 elements your first text must have…

1. It Gives Her Your Name

The first is easy. Sign off or include your name somewhere in your text. That way she doesn’t store you in her mind as the “random dude she met.”

You don’t want to be a stranger to her, you want to be an actual human she can connect with. The first step to making that connection is to give her your name.

2. It Sparks An Emotion in Her

You want to stand out from all the other guys,don’t you?

Then don’t send her the same boring emotionless texts all the other chumps send her.

This is why you need to add bit of emotion to your text– and I don’t mean a text that sounds emotional, but a text that makes her FEEL an emotion.

Here’s One of the Best First Texts to Send a Girl After Getting Her Number

“Hey [her name], [your name] here… save this number… it’s the most important one you’re going to get. :)”       (Credit: Gareth Jones — one of the “Textanovas” of the world)

In case you are nuts, let me remind you to actually replace [her name] with her actual name, and [your name] with your actual name.

This is a text I send out automatically right after I meet a girl. This especially works wonders with the girls you meet off online dating sites such as OkCupid or Plenty of Fish.

It’s awesome for two reasons: One, you connect by giving her your name, while confidently telling her to save it into her phone… and two, you spark her emotions by being cocky-funny and telling her that it’s the most important number she’s going to get.

It is the ultimate good first text to a girl you like.

I Sent Her the First Text And She Responded, Now What?

A lot of guys have trouble coming up with a good first text to a girl they like, but what they REALLY have trouble with, is coming up with what to say AFTER that first text.

In other words, how do we “spin” that first text into a text conversation that allows you to get a girl out?

What I’ve learned from the Textanovas is that we want a text conversation that…

  1. IGNITES her emotions
  2. Creates a connection with the girl
  3. Transitions into a date via a “let’s meet up” text

Now if you’re reading this, you probably want word-for-word example ways to execute these types of text conversation.

Because after all, the best way to learn the art of attractive texting, is to learn the texting formulas created by the “Textanovas” who have already figured it out.

You don’t want to waste time reinventing the wheel while the girl you’re texting slips away, do you?

If you want access to the texting formulas tested and PROVEN by the Textanovas, then this is the ideal first step:

3 Hook Texts “Cheat Sheet”

It’s a “cheat sheet” I created that shows you 3 texts that start fun conversations.

It’s actually called the “Girl Doesn’t Text Back Cheat Sheet” because you can use the intense curiosity generated by these 3 “Hook” Texts to get a girl to text you back (Page 4).

Similarly, you can also use these texts to re-establish contact with a girl you haven’t texted in MONTHS.

What is the best first message to send a girl?

Ways to Just Say Hi:.
Hi, how was your weekend?.
Hey, how's your week going so far?.
Hi. What have you been up to lately?.
Hey, how are things with you today?.
Hi, any fun plans for the weekend?.
Hi, I hope your week is going well..
Hi, how are you? 🙂.
Hi there. How's life treating you today?.

What should I text a girl in first text?

How to Text a Girl for the First Time.
Reintroduce yourself..
Revisit your previous conversation..
Keep your messages short..
Ask her questions about herself..
Give her a compliment..
Talk about your common interests..
Ask for a recommendation..
Share things about yourself..

What should I send as a first text?

9 Things To Say In An Opening Text Instead Of 'Hey'.
Point Out A Shared Interest. ... .
Ask Open-Ended Questions. ... .
Get Their Opinion. ... .
Send A Meme. ... .
Talk About Pets. ... .
Ask What They're Looking For On The App. ... .
Give A Simple Introduction. ... .
Get Flirty..

How can I start my first conversation with a girl?

25 Ways to Masterfully Make Conversations With Girls.
#1 Build up your confidence with these tricks..
#2. Read her body language to see if she's interested..
#3 Make intentional eye contact..
#4 Ask her name, then repeat it..
#5 Give her a unique compliment..
#6 Be chivalrous..
#7 Ask how she's doing..
#8 Introduce yourself..

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