What boys name means gift from God?

These women all show up in the pages of the Bible.

Martha. She served Jesus dinner and was witness to him resurrecting her brother Lazarus. The name means "the lady."

Hannah. According to the Bible, the name Hannah is associated with "favor" and "grace." The biblical Hannah was initially thought to be unable to have children, but after praying, she was blessed by a high priest and had a son, Samuel.

Eve. This classic name is perfect for your lively baby girl it comes from a Hebrew word meaning "to live" or "to breathe."

Abigail. Abigail is for a daddy's girl. In Hebrew, the name means "father's joy" or "Father rejoiced." In the Bible, Abigail was King David's third wife, described as "good in discretion and beautiful in form."

Sarah. As Abraham's wife, she was also a prophetess. Her name stands for "princess."

Rachel. This name is lovely for your soft, cuddly daughter and means "ewe," which is a female sheep. In the Bible, Rachel was the favorite wife of Jacob, who eventually gave him two sons.

Naomi. This spunky name is full of personality and means "pleasantness" in Hebrew. In the Old Testament, Naomi is the mother-in-law of Ruth.

Priscilla. She was an early convert to Christianity. Her name means "ancient," which you can take to mean "old soul."

Claudia. She's mentioned briefly in the book of Timothy. The moniker translates literally to "lame," but children with this name shouldn't fret too much about the literal meaning. A name is what you make it.

Tabitha. She's known for being a charitable person in the Bible. Her moniker means "beauty" or "grace."