To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the

Python program to find largest number in a list

Given a list of numbers, the task is to write a Python program to find the largest number in given list.


Input : list1 = [10, 20, 4] Output : 20 Input : list2 = [20, 10, 20, 4, 100] Output : 100

Method 1 : Sort the list in ascending order and print the last element in the list.

# Python program to find largest
# number in a list
# list of numbers
list1 = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99]
# sorting the list
# printing the last element
print("Largest element is:", list1[-1])


Largest element is: 99

Method 2 : Using max() method

# Python program to find largest
# number in a list
# list of numbers
list1 = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99]
# printing the maximum element
print("Largest element is:", max(list1))


Largest element is: 99

Method 3 : Find max list element on inputs provided by user

# Python program to find largest
# number in a list
# creating empty list
list1 = []
# asking number of elements to put in list
num = int(input("Enter number of elements in list: "))
# iterating till num to append elements in list
for i in range(1, num + 1):
ele = int(input("Enter elements: "))
# print maximum element
print("Largest element is:", max(list1))


Enter number of elements in list: 4 Enter elements: 12 Enter elements: 19 Enter elements: 1 Enter elements: 99 Largest element is: 99

Method 4 : Without using built in functions in python:

# Python program to find largest
# number in a list
def myMax(list1):
# Assume first number in list is largest
# initially and assign it to variable "max"
max = list1[0]
# Now traverse through the list and compare
# each number with "max" value. Whichever is
# largest assign that value to "max'.
for x in list1:
if x > max :
max = x
# after complete traversing the list
# return the "max" value
return max
# Driver code
list1 = [10, 20, 4, 45, 99]
print("Largest element is:", myMax(list1))


Largest element is: 99

To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the

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Python Programs
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Python program to find the largest and smallest number in a list

Hello everybody, this is a Python program which finds out the smallest and largest number in the list.

To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the
Smallest and Largest number in list —

Here we use 2 predefined functions min() and max() which check for the smallest and largest number in a list respectively.

Example 1: Finding largest number in a list using sort() method

In the following program we are using the sort() function to find the largest number in the given list. A list of numbers is given in the program and we are sorting the given list using sort() function, which sorts the list in ascending order. We are then displaying the last element of the list, which is the largest number in the sorted list.

# Python program to find largest number in a list # A list of numbers is given lis = [1, 10, 40, 36, 16] # sorting the given list "lis" # sort() function sorts the list in ascending order lis.sort() # Displaying the last element of the list # which is the largest number in the sorted list print("Largest number in the list is:", lis[-1])


To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the

Python program to find largest number in a list

In this tutorial, you will learn how to find the largest number in a list. List is an ordered set of values enclosed in square brackets [ ]. List stores some values called elements in it, which can be accessed by their particular index. Previously, we learned how to find the smallest number in a list, we will be following similar approaches in this tutorial.

For a given list of numbers, the task is to find the largest number in the list.

Input: [10, 3, 20, 9, 11, 15, 23, 6]

Output: 23

Python How to Find the Largest Number in a List

To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the

Artturi Jalli

To find the largest number in a list of numbers use the

To find the largest number in a list in Python:

  1. Set the first element as the largest number candidate.
  2. Loop through the list of numbers.
  3. Update the largest number candidate if any number is greater than it.

Here is how it looks in code:

heights = [100, 2, 300, 10, 11, 1000] largest_number = heights[0] for number in heights: if number > largest_number: largest_number = number print(largest_number)



This is the naive implementation of finding the largest number. But there are also some useful built-in mechanisms you can use.

In this guide, you learn different ways to find the maximum value in a list in Python.

Table of Contents

  • The max() Function — Find the Largest Element of a List
  • Alternative Approaches to Finding the Largest Number in a List
    • Reduce() Function
      • Reduce() with the built-in max() Function
      • Reduce() with a Custom Max Function
      • Reduce() with a Lambda Function
    • Find The Largest Number Using a Heap Queue
  • Conclusion
  • Further Reading

Python: Get the largest number from a list

Last update on June 23 2021 06:16:38 (UTC/GMT +8 hours)