The difference (or similarity) between laws and ethics is

Learning Objectives

  • Differentiate between laws and ethics

Ethics are a set of moral values an individual establishes for one’s self and your own personal behavior. Laws are structured rules utilized to govern all of society. Not only do retail companies have an obligation to act ethically but so do the professional individuals working there. Within the hierarchy of retail companies, managers often interact with individual employees who are subject to “professional” codes of conduct. These codes of conduct may vary depending on the employee and their position within the company.

For example the American Bar Association has set forth Model Rules of Professional Conduct for licensed attorneys that were put into place in order to influence what behavior is to be expected when working in that particular profession. Therefore, an attorney working for a retail company might be held to a higher ethical standard than that of a clerk working in a stockroom. Nonetheless, both have to follow the laws as set forth by their state and local governments.

As times progress so do ethical and moral standards within the retail environment. Advancements with the internet have brought about websites where employees can report unethical behavior within a company.  Ethicspoint is one such internet reporting site where one can go online anonymously and report violations by entering the name of the organization, the violation category which best describes the unethical behavior and after agreeing to the websites terms and conditions, one can file a report.  These types of reporting methods are helpful with issues like health and safety violations, sexual harassment claims and discrimination which will be addressed further in the next few sections.

Some retailers pride themselves on their ethical practices and procedures and even promote them publicly to improve their corporate image.  For instance, a retailer’s number one concern might be an ethical obligation to the environment so they use and sell only environmental friendly products within their company and advertise as such to improve their image. “The economic crisis and its consequences represent an unparalleled opportunity for retailers to develop ethical practices and social policies for the good of society and their companies. Studies indicate a positive link between ethical perceptions and consumer responses, in terms of trust.”


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What are Ethics?

Ethics represent a set of moral values which guide how a person or a group of people will distinguish right from wrong and good from bad. Most people come across this term in the sense of work ethics, which is basically a codex that tells how someone approaches his/her work and deals with different situations and scenarios. The Hippocratic Oath, for example, is a type of work ethics, since it consists of several principles which every physician swears to follow – the most common topics addressed here are how a doctor should act in difficult moral dilemmas. Another term often used is the so-called “moral compass” – or how you orient your moral values depending on your culture, religion, and other local social determinants. This means that, ultimately, ethics depend on the location and profession, aren’t completely universal and there is no direct punishment for those that don’t follow the work ethics.

What is Law?

The law is something we’re all familiar with. It’s a set of rules that can apply either internationally, or locally, in a country. Depending on where and how they are applied, they can be categorized into:

This type of law concerns the relationships between sovereign nations, along with any possible disputes they might have, or incompatibility between the laws that are applied in those countries. International law is something that, for example, European Union applies.

  • Constitutional and administrative law

These laws combined govern the affairs of the state, meaning the relationships between individuals and institutions, institutions and institutions, or individuals and individuals. It’s the kind of law that everyone is most familiar with.

Another very famous type of law is criminal law, which defines what is legal and what is not, and states what the punishments are for breaking the law and performing criminal acts, depending on the background and further behavior in the court.

This is the law that “ensures promises are kept”. When a party signs a contract or a similar act with another party, contract law protects both sides and ensures that the contract is respected and the agreement is fulfilled in its entirety.

Whether it’s real estate or personal property, how you or another institution or individual is going to handle it is defined by the property law.

There are, of course, many other types of laws, but they all have the same fundamental aspects – they’re a set of rules that are designed so that the community it is applied in shows mutual respect and respects equality. It should such behavior that is beneficial for the individual, everyone else involved in his actions, and the country itself.

Similarities between Ethics and Law

Since the main difference between laws and ethics is the fact that nobody would be punished directly for violating ethics – it’s a subjective matter that varies from person to person. But violating laws is a criminal offense which will be immediately punished. Considering that, laws would just be a universal, widely accepted form of ethics that is enforced by the police or some similar security institution. Also, there are forms of law that are international, while ethics highly depend on the profession, region, culture or religion, making them a more local form of the law. Apart from that, fundamentally, both ethics and laws are sets of rules which define how a person should act in different situations.

Summary of Ethics and Law

Briefly explained, laws would represent minimal ethical behaviors that a person is required to follow, or otherwise be sanctioned in an appropriate manner. Ethics are a more flexible topic, as it depends on an individual or institution’s moral values – there are many different professional and personal ethics around the globe. As long as it’s not in conflict with the law, any system of moral values is legitimate. There are, of course, certain jobs and professions that require a certain work ethic to be respected and followed, but overall, you won’t be directly punished for not following a certain ethic. You will be, though, if you break the law.

Dr. Howard is a Clinical Psychologist and a Professional Writer and he has been partnering with patients to create positive change in their lives for over fifteen years. Dr. Howard integrates complementary methodologies and techniques to offer a highly personalized approach tailored to each patient.

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