Remove spam from Google Drive

The emergence of cloud computing systems like google drive has brought a revolution in document keeping and sharing and has made it a hassle-free process. But with it comes the risk of being spammed and hacked and the loss of your data. Hackers can even ask for a bounty for unlocking your files or sell them to data companies. But there are ways in which google drive helps you report spam or malware and remove it from your system.

With an increasing number of hacks and spam reported around the world, it is of vital importance to make your google drive virus-free. Here we are going to show you how to stop spam in google drive from PC/MACBOOK, Android phone, or an iOS device.

How to Stop Spam in Google Drive by using a Microsoft PC?

  • For a Microsoft PC or MacBook you can easily download the Google Drive app or open google drive in a chrome browser and sign in to your account. The procedure is similar for a MacBook device too.
  • Use the cursor to go to the Share with me option on google drive and right-click on it. This folder shows the files shared with you by other google drive users which may be a source of spam.
  • Next, move the cursor to the file which you think is spam and right-click on it. A pop-up menu will appear, now click on the report abuse option. It will allow you to report your file to google security which will examine the file according to their policy.
Remove spam from Google Drive
  • Now another tab will open. You have to select the type of spam-like malware, violence, hate speech, etc., and then click on submit report. Google will act as fast as it can to detect them.
Remove spam from Google Drive

Now google drive will show a page with successful submission of spam report and if it is found that it violates their policy then the file will be removed automatically from your drive. You can also manually delete the file after this process.

Read- How to Stop Google Drive Upload for PC and Smartphones

How to stop spam in Google Drive by using an Android Device?

Android devices are the most readily available devices over the globe, they are easy to use

And requires quite less expertise than other devices. Removing spam from google drive file is quite easy using an android device as follows:

  • Open Google drive application on your android device and by navigating on the shared option, tap on it to view files shared with you. This folder shows the files shared with you by other google drive users which may be a source of spam.
  • Now, tap on the three dots in front of the file which you think is spam and a pop-up menu will open.
  • Click on the report abuse option to report the spam file. It will allow you to report your file to google security which will examine the file according to their policy.
Remove spam from Google Drive
  • Tap on the type of spam you want to report for example nudity or spam or malware or violence etc.
  • Click on the submit option in the bottom right corner of the menu.
Remove spam from Google Drive
  • Now a message showing the successful submission of your spam report will be displayed and if the file violates google drives policy, it will be removed automatically from your google drive.
  • Finish by tapping on the done option in the bottom right corner. The file has successfully been reported as spam to google authorities.
Remove spam from Google Drive

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How to stop spam in Google Drive by using an iOS device?

It is a common misconception that iOS devices like iPhone or iPad are difficult to use especially for using google applications. But on the contrary, it is quite easy to remove spam from google drive using an iOS device from google drive. It may involve a few extra steps but still, it is not hectic.

  • Open Google drive application on your iPhone/iPad device and by navigating on the shared option, tap on it to view files shared with you. This folder shows the files shared with you by other google drive users which may be a source of spam
  • Now, tap on the three dots in front of the file which you think is spam and a pop-up menu will open.
  • Click on the report abuse option to report the spam file. It will allow you to report your file to google security which will examine the file according to their policy.
  • Click on the type of spam you want to report for example nudity or spam or malware. Google will act as fast as it can to detect spam.
  • A message showing the successful submission of your spam report will be displayed and if the file violates Google Drive policy, it will be removed automatically from your google drive. You can also manually delete the file containing the spam but if it keeps coming back then google will remove it by examining the file after you report it.
  • Tap on the ok option to complete the spam removal process.

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How to stop spam in Google Drive by using a MacBook?

MacBooks are one of the fastest and reliable devices available in the market. The process for removing spam from google drive files is almost similar to those of Microsoft devices. A separate process has been shown below:

  • For a MacBook, you can easily download the Google Drive app or open google drive in a chrome browser and sign in to your account. The procedure is almost similar to Microsoft devices.
  • Use the cursor to go to the share with me option on google drive and right-click on it. This folder shows the files shared with you by other google drive users which may be a source of spam.
  • Move the cursor to the file which you think is spam and right-click on it. A menu will appear, now click on the report abuse option. It will allow you to report your file to google security which will examine the file according to their policy.
  • Now, another tab will open. You have to select the type of spam-like malware, violence, hate speech, etc., and then click on submit report. Google will act as fast as it can to detect e-spam.

Also read:

  • How To See Folder Size In Google Drive?
  • How do you add a Password to Google Drive?
  • Store passwords in Google Drive- Is it Safe?
Remove spam from Google Drive

I have a small business in Florida, USA and for my business, I use popular Google products like Google Drive, Google Docs, Google Spreadsheet, etc. So, I thought of sharing my expertise on Google Drive through these Google Drive tutorials. Enjoy the Google Drive Tips and Tricks.