Perhatikan gambar gelombang berjalan yang merambat di sepanjang sumbu x berikut

model simulasi tipe tipe antrian berserta 2 contoh

ka tolong bantu jawab nama alat ukurny​

diketahui resitor 500, lampu 60/220v, hitunglah a,b,c,d,e​

-b. The rocket was then used to control the velocity of descent so that the Millenium Falcon descended vertically with a constant velocity, as shown i … n FIGURE 8. Due to the use of fuel during the previous deceleration, the mass of the Millenium Falcon had fallen by 53%. (acceleration due to gravity near the Alderaan's surface = 1.61 ms2) i.Draw force vectors on FIGURE 8 to show the forces acting on the Millenium Falcon at this time. Label the vectors.

bantuin yaaa, poinnya banyak loh, yg ngasal ga berkah poinnya​

tolongin dongg mau dikumpul​

Ali berjalan dgn kecepatan 3km per Jam Selama 4 jam tentukan a.Jarak yg ditempuh b.gambar grafik S terhadap Tc. gambar pula grafik v terhadap t​

21,25. a solid sphere of radius r has an electrisc charge density p=par. determine the electric field inside and outside the sphere​

A 200-μF parallel plate capacitor has a plate separation of 0.60 mm. A sheet of paper (κ = 3.7) 0.15 mm thick is slid between the plates. What then is … the capacitance?​

Sebuah tali dengan massa μ = 0,4 kg/m diletakkan di atas lantai licin. Salah satu ujungnya Anda pegang dan digoyangkan ke kanan dan kiri dua kali perd … etik dengan amplitudo 0,15 m. Anda melihat bahwa jarak antara dua perut dari gelombang adalah 0,85 m​

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