Penggunaan fungsi OBJECTS.HASH pada PHP

Penggunaan fungsi OBJECTS.HASH pada PHP

Fungsi hash di php digunakan untuk mengubah sebuah text menjadi angka dan huruf acak (hash format). hash dikenal sebagai salah satu metode untuk mengenkripsi informasi. Dengan menerapkan hashing maka informasi diubah dari format biasa menjadi format hash dengan tujuan keamanan.

Bagi pembaca sekalian yang sedang memilih bentuk penyimpanan password di database maka salah satu fungsi php yang dapat digunakan adalah hash.

Bagaimanana Menggunakan Hash ?

Hash memiliki algoritma. setiap algoritma memiliki karakteristik tersendiri. Algoritma md5, sha1 merupakan bentuk dari sekian banyak algoritma hash yang ada. algoritma ini biasa disebut dengan hash algos.

Saat ini beberapa hash algos yang terdapat pada php (versi php =>5.1.2) adalah :

No Nama Algoritma Hash 
1       md2
2       md4
3       md5
4       sha1
5       sha224
6       sha256
7       sha384
8       sha512/224
9       sha512/256
10       sha512
11       sha3-224
12       sha3-256
13       sha3-384
14       sha3-512
15       ripemd128
16       ripemd160
17       ripemd256

Kita menggunakan hash dengan menerapkan salah satu algoritma yang telah teregistrasi tersebut.

Penulisan fungsi Hash PHP

Hashing di php bisa dilakukan dengan menuliskan fungsinya seperti di bawah ini:

hash($algo, $data);


  • $algo adalah salah satu algoritma yang digunakan untuk melakukan hashing seperti sha1, md5.
  • $data adalah text atau string yang akan diubah menjadi hash.
  • Output dari hash ini adalah string

Contoh Penggunaan hash

1. sha1

sha1 adalah salah satu algoritma hash yang sering digunakan. contoh cara menggunakannya adalah sebagai berikut:

$hashing = hash('sha1', 'tes');
echo $hashing; 



sha1 merupakan salah satu algoritma yang popular. Salah satu penerapan menggunakan sha1 adalah untuk menyimpan password.

sha1 memiliki output 40 karakter lebih banyak dari md5. dengan menggunakan sha1 maka kita membutuhkan sedikitnya 40 length field password di database yang kita rancang.

2. md5

algoritma hash md5 menghasilkan output 32 digit kombinasi angka dan huruf(hash format).

contoh md5 hash

$hashing = hash('md5', 'ini adalah test hasing menggunakan md5');
echo $hashing;                                          



Jumlah karakter kombinasi huruf dan angka yang di hasilkan oleh algoritma hash md5 adalah 32.

3. sha256

$hashing = hash('sha256', 'tes');
echo $hashing;                                          



Ketika menggunakan algoritma sha256 string atau karakter yang dihasilkan memiliki length 64.


Hash digunakan untuk hashing string. Proses hashing sebenarnya memiliki perbedaan dengan enkripsi, pada artikel selanjutnya akan kita bahas perbedaan hashing dan enkripsi. Selanjutnya berdasarakan uraian di atas dapat kita lihat bahwa ada Banyak algoritma yang dapat digunakan untuk melakukan hashing. Meskipun yang sering digunakan saat ini adalah sha1 dan md5 namun teman-teman dapat mencoba algoritma lain yang telah disediakan oleh php.

(PHP 5 >= 5.2.0, PHP 7, PHP 8)

spl_object_hash Return hash id for given object


spl_object_hash(object $object): string



Any object.

Return Values

A string that is unique for each currently existing object and is always the same for each object.


Example #1 A spl_object_hash() example

$storage[$id] = $object;



When an object is destroyed, its hash may be reused for other objects.

See Also

  • spl_object_id() - Return the integer object handle for given object


15 years ago

Note that the contents (properties) of the object are NOT hashed by the function, merely its internal handle and handler table pointer. This is sufficient to guarantee that any two objects simultaneously co-residing in memory will have different hashes. Uniqueness is not guaranteed between objects that did not reside in memory simultaneously, for example:

var_dump(spl_object_hash(new stdClass()), spl_object_hash(new stdClass()));

Running this alone will usually generate the same hashes, since PHP reuses the internal handle for the first stdClass after it has been dereferenced and destroyed when it creates the second stdClass.

mjs at beebo dot org

9 years ago

Note that given two different objects spl_object_hash() can return values that look very similar, and in fact both the most significant *and* least significant digits are likely to be identical!  e.g. "000000003cc56d770000000007fa48c5" and "000000003cc56d0d0000000007fa48c5".

Therefore (especially if using this function for debugging), you may wish to pass the hash into a cryptographic hash function like md5() to get to facilitate visual comparisons, and make it more likely that the first few or last few digits are unique.

md5("000000003cc56d770000000007fa48c5") -> "619a799747d348fa1caf181a72b65d9f"

md5("000000003cc56d0d0000000007fa48c5") -> "ae964bc912281e7804fe5a88b4546cb2"


4 years ago

For those who believe this function is misnamed, I would like to direct you to . Also, for those who think it's misnamed and supply a comparison to Python, I would like to direct you to which does the same thing as this function. (From Python's data-model docs: "User-defined classes have __cmp__() and __hash__() methods by default; ... x.__hash__() returns a result derived from id(x)." - id(x) returns the memory address of the object.)

The cryptographic hash functions you are familiar with, like MD5 or SHA1, are named hash functions because they have a similar design goal: low chance of collisions.

Hayleu Watson

5 years ago

The "hash" mentioned in the name of this function refers to the storage structure known as a "hash table", not to any sort of "message digest". The string returned by this function is little more than the object's address in the (hash) table PHP maintains of all existing objects.

Ulrich Eckhardt

5 years ago

Calling this a hash is very misleading:

1. This function gives an object identifier (ID), which uniquely identifies the object for its whole lifetime. This is similar to the address of an object in C or the id() function in Python. I'm sure other languages have similar constructs.
2. This is not a hash and has nothing to do with it. A hash takes data and algorithmically reduces that data to some kind of scalar value. The only guarantee is that two equal inputs provide the same output, but not that two different inputs provide different outputs (hint: hash collisions). spl_object_hash() guarantees different outputs for non-identical objects though.
3. As someone mentioned already, this does not look at the content of the object. If you consider the difference between equality and identity, it only allows determining identity. If you serialize and unserialize an object, it will not be identical to its former self, but it will be equal, just to give an example. If you want a key to use in a response cache, using this function on the request is not only useless, because equal requests have different IDs, but possibly even harmful, because when a request object is garbage collected, its ID can be reused.

Hayley Watson

5 years ago

The "hash" mentioned in this function is used in the sense of the storage structure known as a "hash table", not in the sense of "message digest".

Hayley Watson

5 years ago

The "hash" mentioned in this function is used in the sense of the storage structure known as a "hash table", not in the sense of "message digest".