Listening to a text is easier to comprehend than reading the text true or false

Listening to a text is easier to comprehend than reading the text true or false

2 tháng trước

Since this blog post was written weve written an updated blog in 2019 on the research between listening and reading entitled: Understanding the ListeningReading Connection.

As humans, we have so many important ways we convey and understand information as we communicate. We are born with ears, and are never actually taught how to listenits understood how to do it, we just start. As kids, we grow up learning how to speak by listening to the people who are close to us and imitating others. Almost everyone enjoys listening to radio, watching videos, talking on the phone. All of these activities help to develop these skills, just by doing them repetitively, but how often do we focus on these skills that we take for granted? How often do we consciously think that we are learning to read when we listen?

Other language skills such as reading and writing need to be explicitly taught. Researchers have found that the four language skill areas: listening, speaking, reading, and writing are all integrated and contribute to peoples understanding of the world around them. Reading and listening are receptive skills; writing and speaking are productive skills. And according to research, there are substantial correlations among these four language processes. So when students are listening, they are also advancing their other language skills.

While listening and reading share many comprehension processes, there are differences in the way the information is processed. Readers often remember more details and can go back to the text. Listeners construct understanding as they listen and often come away with an overall understanding of ideas (Absalom and Rizzi, 2008). Students who are successful at reading comprehension understand at the sentence level as well as understanding the text as an integrated whole (Perfetti, 2007).

Reading vs. Listening – Which is More Effective for Learning and Remembering

Ben Walker | Nov 2, 2020

Would you prefer to read a book or listen to the audio version? Your answer may depend on several variables, such as convenience or availability. The debate about the differences between reading and listening comprehension has taken center stage once again.

Besides a preference for one over the other, the most crucial question is; which of the two helps us retain vital information, improve our comprehension, and make us more efficient?

Well, it depends.

There are numerous studies and articles on the topic, most of which evaluate both methods’ effectiveness. Individual preferences and even learning disabilities can play a role.

However, there are differences in comprehension, depending on how we consume information. One example is transcribers. They must develop excellent listening skills to transfer audio conversations into a text format. Poor listening habits won’t help someone transcribe a significant legal deposition or law enforcement interview efficiently.

It’s also important to point out that there are differences between reading or listening for pleasure versus learning. Below are some examples:

________1. Context is the people who listens to the speech. ________2. Summary covers the important points of the speech.

________3. Listening to a text is easier to comprehend than reading the text.

________4. CASTS method involves context, audience, speech, tone or mood, and summary.

________5. Inferences are derived from two things — details from the text and your prior knowledge.​


See answer

  • True or false po yan

  • True or false po yan

  • yes po

The Listening and Reading Comprehension Link

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I recently read a piece by Monica Brady-Myerov in Language Magazine in which she addresses the importance of teaching students listening skills. That same day I was reviewing the final proof for my updated training book, The Key Comprehension Routine: Primary Grades that includes an updated chapter about the foundational role of oral language and listening comprehension. The coincidence caused me to devote this blog post to listening comprehension!

After identifying the importance of listening comprehension in general, Brady-Myerov’s piece goes on to focus on how important teaching listening skills is for students with English as a second language. In particular, she talks about how TV and radio can be used as a valuable teaching tool to promote second-language acquisition. Some of you may recognize Monica’s name – she is an award-winning public radio reporter. I often listened to her on NPR when she was a senior reporter at WBUR here in Boston. Listening to her reporting certainly gave me an opportunity to improve my listening comprehension! In her piece, she provides excellent suggestions for how to use radio and video to develop listening comprehension and academic vocabulary knowledge for English language learning students.

Brady-Myerov references a paper by Tiffany Hogan published last year in the International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology in 2014 that reviews evidence showing that listening comprehension becomes the dominating influence for all students on reading comprehension starting in the elementary grades. It is great piece if you want to review the research related to this topic.

Here is what is included about the connection between listening and reading comprehension in the new Key Comprehension Routine book I referred to above:

Oral Language Leads to Literacy: Listening and Reading Comprehension

The simple view of reading comprehension (Gough & Tunmer, 1986; Hoover & Gough, 1990) is a widely accepted model of the reading process (Hoffman, 2009). According to the simple view, development in two basic areas makes reading comprehension possible: decoding 
skills and listening skills. Comprehension requires increased automaticity of decoding accompanied by an increase in the same general cognitive and language abilities that enable listening comprehension. The simple view has been represented in the following formula (Moats, 2009; Hoffman, 2009):

Reading = Decoding x Language Comprehension

According to the simple view, decoding and language (i.e., listening) comprehension ability are necessary for reading comprehension. If students lack decoding skills, they can still comprehend with strong listening comprehension ability – as long they can listen to text being read. However, if students have weak listening comprehension ability, they will also have difficulty with reading comprehension, even if they learn how to decode well.

Carlisle and Rice (2002) explain how the relationship between reading and listening comprehension changes as children learn to read:

In the first few years of learning to read, children with age-appropriate language development can understand much more challenging books through listening than they can read. As first graders, for example, they might listen to books like Seuss’s Horton Hatches the Egg with comprehension and enjoyment. However, they do not have the necessary word reading skills to read such a book on their own. They can read Seuss’s Green Eggs and Ham because the simple words in this story are in their reading vocabulary; however, this book, while it is enjoyed for its humor, presents few challenges to their language comprehension. (p. 22)

They go on to explain that the relationship between listening and reading comprehension becomes stronger over the elementary years, as children gain the word-reading skills they need to read text that matches the level of their language comprehension. By about fifth grade, reading comprehension and listening comprehension are more closely related than they are for younger students.

This does not mean teachers should wait to teach comprehension until decoding skills are in place! It is essential for teachers to teach comprehension strategies, such as identifying and stating main ideas, summarizing and retelling, generating and answering questions, and using graphic organizers or story maps to aid in the recall of stories or information from expository text. Discussion of text, development of vocabulary and background knowledge, and analytic thinking can all be done through oral language and discussion before students are able to read material that is challenging enough to teach comprehension.

Order a copy of our new book here.

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