List of trainings for oic nw

Are you going to take the leap to become one of the ship’s navigators? Well, you came to the right place. We will provide you valuable information on the complete OIC NW MARINA Exams requirements. This blog will provide a step by step process of acquiring your OIC NW license.

Most of the work now is being done in the MISMO platform. A complete guide starting from scratch up until the releasing of your COC is in the context. Through this guide, you will not be lost.

For a simple guide, I have provided a flowchart to accomplish your OIC NW COC. See this infographic:

Gathering the requirements…

Gather this requirement first:

While onboard, you can actually prepare for the OIC NW exam requirements. Scan available documents listed in the requirements.

So, probably the most time consuming of this gathering of requirements is TOR w/ S.O. (Special Order) Number. MARINA already removed the OIC updating training so the process gets a little bit faster.

As of this writing, an applicant shall schedule his or her theoretical examination via the MISMO platform. Just gather all OIC NW MARINA Exams requirements and your application will be smooth.

RELATED: How to file for MARINA Theoretical Exams

After some gruesome review, say, you have successfully passed the MARINA theoretical exams. Congratulations! Next up, practical assessment.

Practical Assessment

Now, you’ll be gearing up for your practical assessment. Let’s take a look at the requirements:

The process in taking up the practical assessment is relatively new. You can follow our blog post on how to get your practical assessment permit online.

It is a whole new system utilizing MISMO. MARINA’s flagship appointment and certification system for STCW related requirements.

After you secure your practical assessment permit, you can now go to accredited practical assessment centers. Once you passed the assessment, you can get your Practical Assessment Certificate of Passing in the assessment center you enrolled.

Hold up, there’s more…

GOC for GMDSS training is also a long process. The training itself is 19 days. However, once you finish that, you can apply for GOC Theoretical and Practical Assessment from MARINA. Here are the requirements for GOC Theoretical Exam:

For GOC Practical Exam:

After you pass this examinations, you can proceed to accomplish the remaining requirements for COC. Namely, COP for BT, MEFA, ATFF, PSCRB. If you have some of this items already and not yet COPied, you can process that together with your COC.

Additionally, prepare your company sea service and SIRB. The dates should match each other with SIRB being the basis of those dates.

Finally! We arrive in filing for your COC…

First thing first, make sure that you review all the OIC NW MARINA COC requirements. For your guidance, here it is:

Now, after you gather everything above, upload all necessary files in your MISMO account. Don’t forget to keep the file size reduced to 1MB and below.

Read our complete tutorial on how to file and process for your COC using the MISMO Platform here.

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