Laravel excel export from query builder

In this example we will discuss about import excel file In laravel framework PHP.

Follow the below step to import :

  1. Download the dependecy using composer for Import and export excel file.

    composer require maatwebsite/excel

    You may visit for more details.

  2. Add providers and aliases in config/app.php

    'providers' => [
             * Laravel Framework Service Providers...
    'aliases' => [
        'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class,

  3. Now publish the changes using vendor:publish.

    php artisan vendor:publish

  4. Make migration and migrate it using command.
  5. Add routes

    /*Excel import export*/
    Route::get('export', 'ImportExportController@export')->name('export');
    Route::get('importExportView', 'ImportExportController@importExportView');
    Route::post('import', 'ImportExportController@import')->name('import');

  6. Create Import and Export class using import/export command

    Note: This command avaialble only if you download dependecy successfully using composer(step 1)

    php artisan make:export BulkExport --model=Bulk

  7. In app/Emports/BulkExport.php file

    namespace App\Exports;
    use App\Bulk;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\FromQuery;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Concerns\WithHeadings;
    class BulkExport implements FromQuery,WithHeadings
        * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection
        // use Exportable;
        public function headings(): array
            return [
        public function query()
            return Bulk::query();
            /*you can use condition in query to get required result
             return Bulk::query()->whereRaw('id > 5');*/
        public function map($bulk): array
            return [

  8. In Bulk.php Model

    namespace App;
    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
    class Bulk extends Model
        protected $table = 'bulk';
        protected $fillable = [
            'name', 'email',

  9. create ImportExportController

    php artisan make:controller ImportExportController

    namespace App\Http\Controllers;
    use Illuminate\Http\Request;
    use App\Exports\BulkExport;
    use App\Imports\BulkImport;
    use Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel;
    class ImportExportController extends Controller
        public function importExportView()
           return view('importexport');
        public function export() 
            return Excel::download(new BulkExport, 'bulkData.xlsx');

  10. Create view file importexport.blade.php

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Import Export Example</title>
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
    	<div class="container">
        <div class="card bg-light mt-3">
            <div class="card-header">
                Import Export Example
            <div class="card-body">
                <form action="{{ route('import') }}" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
                    {{ csrf_field() }}
                    <input type="file" name="file" class="form-control">
                    <button class="btn btn-success">Import Bulk Data</button>
                    <a class="btn btn-warning" href="{{ route('export') }}">Export Bulk Data</a>

Laravel excel export from query builder

Laravel excel export from query builder

Laravel Excel

Exporting and importing Excel, CSV and OpenOffice stylesheets using Eloquent Collections and Query Builders in Laravel (5.* and 4.*).
It's based on box/spout.

Author: Simone Todaro
Contributors: Clément Blanco
Made with ❤️ by Cyber-Duck Ltd

Export Excel
Import Excel
Different formats


Use composer to download the package:

composer require cyber-duck/laravel-excel

Laravel 4.x

Register the service provider in config/app.php by adding this line to providers array.

'providers' => [

Laravel < 5.5

Register the service provider in config/app.php by adding this line to providers array.

'providers' => [

Laravel > 5.5

No need to register anything, since it used package auto discovery feature in Laravel 5.5.

Export Excel

Generate and download an excel file


to your controller.

In your controler function, create a new excel file from an Eloquent collection.

$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream($yourFileName);

The exporter class is fluent, so you can also write

return Exporter::make('Excel')->load($yourCollection)->stream($yourFileName);

The exporter class supports Query builder objects as well

$query = DB:table('table')->select('col1','col2');
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream($yourFileName);

If you deal with big tables, you can set the chunk size to minimise the memory usage

$query = DB:table('table')->select('col1','col2');
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream($yourFileName);

Generate and save an excel file

To save the excel file on the server, use the save method.

return $excel->save($yourFileNameWithPath);

Advanced usage

By default, every element of the Collection becomes a row and every unprotected field of the Model becomes a cell.
No headers row is printed.

To change this behaviour, create a class extending Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface, implement the methods getHeaderRow() and getData(Model $data) and set this class on the excel object usint setSerialiser().

$serialiser = new CustomSerialiser();
$excel = Exporter::make('Excel');
return $excel->stream($yourFileName);

getHeaderRow() must return an array of string where every element is a cell of the first row. To not print the header row, simply return a void array [].
getData(Model $data) must return an array of string, and every elements is a cell.


namespace App\Serialisers;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\SerialiserInterface;

class ExampleSerialiser implements SerialiserInterface
    public function getData($data)
        $row = [];

        $row[] = $data->field1;
        $row[] = $data->relationship->field2;

        return $row;

    public function getHeaderRow()
        return [
            'Field 1',
            'Field 2 (from a relationship)'

then set the serialiser before saving the file the collection.

$collection = Exporter::make('Excel')->load($yourCollection)->setSerialiser(new ExampleSerialiser)->stream($yourFileName);

Import Excel


to your controller.

In your controler function, import an excel file.

$excel = Importer::make('Excel');
$collection = $excel->getCollection();

The importer class is fluent, then you can also write

return Importer::make('Excel')->load($filepath)->getCollection();

Advanced usage

By default, every row of the first sheet of the excel file becomes an array and the final result is wraped in a Collection (Illuminate\Support\Collection).

To import a different sheet, use setSheet($sheet)

$excel = Importer::make('Excel');
$collection = $excel->getCollection();

To import each row in an Eloquent model, create a class extending Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\ParserInterface and implement the methods transform($row).


namespace App\Parsers;

use App\Models\YourModel;
use Cyberduck\LaravelExcel\Contract\ParserInterface;

class ExampleParser implements ParserInterface
    public function transform($row, $header)
        $model = new YourModel();
        $model->field1 = $row[0];
        $model->field2 = $row[1];
        // We can manunipulate the data before returning the object
        $model->field3 = new \Carbon($row[2]);
        return $model;

then set the parser before creating the collection.

$collection = Importer::make('Excel')->load($filepath)->setParser(new ExampleParser)->getCollection();

Different formats

The package supports ODS and CSV files.


$exporter = Exporter::make('OpenOffice');
$importer = Importer::make('OpenOffice');


$exporter = Exporter::make('Csv');
$importer = Importer::make('Csv');