How would you implement deque using doubly linked list?

Problem Statement

The problem “Implementation of Deque using Doubly Linked List” states that you need to implement the following functions of Deque or Doubly Ended Queue using a doubly linked list,

  1. insertFront(x) : Add element x at the starting of Deque
  2. insertEnd(x) : Add element x at the end of Deque
  3. deleteFront() : Delete an element from the starting of Deque
  4. deleteEnd() : Delete an element from the end of Deque
  5. getFront() : Return the element at the starting of Deque
  6. getEnd() : Return the element at the end of Deque
  7. isEmpty() : Returns whether the Deque is empty
  8. size() : Return the size of Deque
  9. erase() : Delete all the elements of Deque


insertFront(5) insertEnd(10) insertEnd(11) insertFront(19) getFront() getEnd() deleteEnd() getEnd() deleteFront() getFront() size() isEmpty() erase() isEmpty()19 11 10 5 2 false true

List of operations performed on Deque

  • insertFront(): Inserts an element at the front.
  • insertBack(): Inserts an element at the back.
  • removeFront(): Removes an element from the front.
  • removeBack(): Removes an element from the back.
  • getFront(): Returns the element at the front.
  • getBack(): Returns the element at the back.
  • isEmpty(): Checks if the deque is empty or not.
  • size(): Returns the size of the deque.
  • clear(): Clears the deque.
  • toString(): Returns all the elements concatenated as a string from front to back.

Implementing deque with doubly linked list

We will create a function and use the double linked list to create the Deque data structure.

function dequeWithDLL() { //create a doubly linked list object let dll = new doubleLinkedList(); //other methods go here }

Adding an item on the front

To add a new item on the front we just need to append the data in the list.

//Add an item on the front this.insertFront = (elm) => { dll.append(elm); return true; }

Adding an item on the back

To add a new item on the back we just need to insert the data after the last index.

//Add an item on the back this.insertBack = (elm) => { let length = dll.size(); dll.insert(length, elm); return true; }

Remove an item from the front

To remove the item from front we just need to delete the head of the list.

//Remove item from the front this.removeFront = () => { return dll.deleteHead(); }

Remove an item from the back

To remove the item from back we just need to delete the tail of the list.

//Remove item from the back this.removeBack = () => { return dll.deleteTail(); }

Get the first element from the front

To peek the first element of the the front just get the head and return its element.

//Peek the front element this.getFront = () => { let head = dll.getHead(); return head && head.element; }

Get the first element from the back

To peek the first element of the the back just get the tail and return its element.

//Peek the back element this.getBack = () => { let tail = dll.getTail(); return tail && tail.element; }

Check if deque is empty

//Check if empty this.isEmpty = () => { return dll.isEmpty(); }

Get the size of the deque

//Get the size this.size = () => { return dll.size(); }

Clear the deque

//Clear the deque this.clear = () => { dll = new doubleLinkedList(); }

Get the deque element as a string

//Convert to the string //From front to back this.toString = () => { if (this.isEmpty()) { return ''; } let current = dll.getHead(); let objString = ''; while(current){ objString = current.element + ' ' + objString; current =; } return objString.trim(); }

Deque Queue

Double-ended queue is an abstract data type. A deque represents a linear collection of elements that support insertion, retrieval and removal of elements at both ends. Dequeue, often abbreviated to deque.


1.INSERT 2.DELETE 3.DISPLAY 4.EXIT Enter Your Choice:1 Enter the Element: 10 1.INSERT 2.DELETE 3.DISPLAY 4.EXIT Enter ur choice:1 Enter the Element: 15 Add element 1.FIRST 2.LAST Enter Your Choice:2 1.INSERT 2.DELETE 3.DISPLAY 4.EXIT Enter Your Choice:3 Display From 1.STARTING 2.ENDING Enter Your Choice:1 10 15 1.INSERT 2.DELETE 3.DISPLAY 4.EXIT Enter Your Choice:4

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