How to reverse list in python using loop

This tutorial describes four elegant ways to reverse a list in Python. It includes methods like list.reverse(), built-in reversed() method, slice operator, and by using for loop.

All methods explained here provide ready-to-use code samples. Let’s go over each of them one by one.

List reverse() method

Python list class comes with the default reverse() function that inverts the order of items in the given list. It doesn’t create a new list object instead straightway modifies the original copy.

It is the most recommended way to transpose the list both from speed and performance perspective.

 Desc: Reverse list using list class built-in reverse() method
 Param: Input list
 Return: Modified list object
def invertList(input_list): 
   return input_list
# Unit test 1
input_list = [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3] 
print("Input list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

input_list = invertList(input_list)
print("Output list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

After you run the above code, it outputs the following in the console:

Input list[id=140126896653384] items: [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3]
Output list[id=140126896653384] items: [3, 4, -5, -1, 27, 11]

In the above example, you can see that we’ve called the id() function to print the memory address of the list. And you can assert that id values for input and output lists are the same. Hence, we can say that the list. Reverse () method reversed the list in-place and didn’t create a new copy.

Reversed() method

It is Python’s built-in method that reverses all types of sequences such a list, string, tuple, etc. Unlike the first method, neither it performs an in-place reverse operation, nor does it makes a new copy of the list object.

Besides, it returns an iterator pointing to the last element of the list. You can iterate over it and get the items in the reverse order.

 Desc: Reverse list using Python's built-in reversed() method
 Param: Input list
 Return: Reverse iterator
def invertList(input_list): 
    return reversed(input_list)

# Unit test 1
input_list = [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3] 
print("Input list[type={}] items: {}".format(type(input_list), input_list))

result = invertList(input_list)
out_list = [item for item in reversed(input_list)]
print("Output list[type={}] items: {}".format(type(result), out_list))

After you run the above code, it outputs the following in the console:

Input list[type=<class 'list'>] items: [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3]
Output list[type=<class 'list_reverseiterator'>] items: [3, 4, -5, -1, 27, 11]

From the result, you can assess that the type of our input list is a List whereas the one reversed() function returned is of Reverse iterator type.

You may like to use such a method when the list size is big. It would save you some time and memory.

Slice operator to reverse a list

It is an entirely different way to invert the list. No in-place modification occurs, and it makes a new copy of the List. Such a method demands more space to hold a duplicate object and hence, consumes a lot of memory.

 Desc: Reverse list using Python slice operator
 Param: Input list
 Return: New list
def invertList(input_list): 
   out_list = input_list[::-1]
   return out_list
# Unit test 1
input_list = [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3] 
print("Input list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

out_list = invertList(input_list)
print("Output list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(out_list), out_list))

After you run the above code, it outputs the following in the console:

Input list[id=139774228206664] items: [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3]
Output list[id=139774228208840] items: [3, 4, -5, -1, 27, 11]

The result shows that the slice operator created a new copy as the id values of both input and out lists are different.

Using for loop to reverse

It is a custom approach to reverse the List using a for loop statement. This approach modifies the original list and also returns a list.

 Desc: Reverse list using for loop
 Param: Input list
 Return: Modified input list
def invertList(input_list): 
   for item in range(len(input_list)//2): 
      input_list[item], input_list[len(input_list)-1-item] = input_list[len(input_list)-1-item], input_list[item]
   return input_list
# Unit test 1
input_list = [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3] 
print("Input list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

input_list = invertList(input_list)
print("Output list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

After you run the above code, it outputs the following in the console:

Input list[id=140703238378568] items: [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3]
Output list[id=140703238378568] items: [3, 4, -5, -1, 27, 11]

Using list comprehension

Another customized approach is to use the list comprehension technique to reserve the list. See the below code to understand this method.

 Desc: Reverse list using list comprehension method
 Param: Input list
 Return: Modified list object
def invertList(input_list): 
   input_list = [input_list[n] for n in range(len(input_list)-1,-1,-1)]
   return input_list
# Unit test 1
input_list = [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3] 
print("Input list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

input_list = invertList(input_list)
print("Output list[id={}] items: {}".format(id(input_list), input_list))

After you run the above code, it outputs the following in the console:

Input list[id=140044877149256] items: [11, 27, -1, -5, 4, 3]
Output list[id=140044877151560] items: [3, 4, -5, -1, 27, 11]

How do I reverse a list order in Python?

In Python, there is a built-in function called reverse() that is used to revers the list. This is a simple and quick way to reverse a list that requires little memory. Syntax- list_name. reverse() Here, list_name means you have to write the name of the list which have to be reversed.

How do you reverse a list in Python without function?

In order to reverse a list without using the built-in reverse() function, we use the Slicing Operator. The slicing operator is another method used for reversing the data elements.

What is reverse loop in Python?

To reverse for loop in Python just need to read the last element first and then the last but one and so on till the element is at index 0. You can do it with the range function, List Comprehension, or reversed() function.

Which command is used to reverse a list Python?

Python List reverse() is an inbuilt method in the Python programming language that reverses objects of the List in place i.e. it doesn't use any extra space but it just modifies the original list.